An image including the words stand up next to an arrow pointing up and a figure of a head with three lines to illustrate talking with the words speak out

LSUHSC aims to create a safe, respectful, and supportive environment for all faculty, staff, students, and guests.
We value your voice and encourage you to report any concerns you may have so we can respond appropriately and connect you to resources. 

Please review the forms below and select the one that most accurately describes your concern. 
Each dropdown provides the purpose of the form, the office that will receive the form, and a link to submit the report. 

In the event of an Emergency, please do not use these forms. Call LSUHSC Police by dialing (504) 568-8999 (Downtown Campus), (504) 941-8100 (Dental Campus), or Dial 911. 

If you are unsure which form applies to your experience, you can submit a General Concern Report or you can contact the Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs Office at (504) 568-2211 or

This report form is to be used for incidents related to academic tasks such as cheating, plagiarism, falsification, etc. 
Academic Misconduct definitions can be found here: Academic Misconduct Definitions

This form will be sent to the Associate Dean of the applicable School. 

Submit an Academic Misconduct or Complaint Report.

This report form is to be used If you witness or experience conduct that discriminates, stereotypes, marginalizes, excludes, harasses or harms anyone in our community based on their identity (such as race, color, ethnicity, national origin, disability, age or religion). 

This form will be sent to the Office of Diversity and Inclusion. 

Submit a Bias or Discrimination Incident. 

To report all issues of suspected Fraud, Waste or Abuse of Assets, Misappropriation, Ethics Violations, Conflicts of Interest, and violations of LSU policies. 

This will be sent through the  LSU Ethics, Integrity and Misconduct Helpline. 

Submit an Ethics Violation Report

This form is to be used when reporting concerns about any offices or individuals outside of the academic setting.  It may also be used if any of the other forms do not appear applicable to your concern. 

This form will be sent to the Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs Office. 

Submit a General Concern Report. 

The form is used to notify LSUHSC-NO of any individual who may be struggling or who is exhibiting concerning or threatening behavior. 

This form will be sent to the Behavior Intervention Team (BIT). 

Submit an Individual of Concern Report. 

This reporting form is to be used for any behavioral misconduct that would include but is not limited to violations such as physical violence/assault, drugs/alcohol, weapons, theft, etc.  
Nonacademic misconduct definitions can be found here: Nonacademic Misconduct Definitions

This form will be sent to the Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs Office. 

Submit a Nonacademic/Behavioral Misconduct Report. 

This form should be used to report specific information related to an alleged incident(s) of sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, or pregnant/parenting harassment and discrimination, including sexual misconduct, as well as power-based violence. 

This form will be sent to the Title IX Coordinator. 

Submit a Title IX or Power-Based Violence Incident Report. 

This form should only be completed by the individual who experienced the unwanted Title IX/power-based violence behavior. This individual is considered the Complainant under Title IX and is the only person who can file a Formal Complaint with LSUHSC-NO.

This form will be sent to the Title IX Coordinator. 

Submit a Title IX or Power-Based Violence Formal Complaint.