Discounts and Offers

Cox High Speed Internet Discount

Cox Communications


Cox Discount Issues?

This discount is not valid with any other Cox bundle or promotional pricing. You must either cancel that pricing structure or wait until the promotion ends.

For any other billing questions or technical issues, call toll-free (866)206-9832. Use Option 2 then Option 1


New Cox Customers Click Here for Discount

Existing Cox Customers Click Here for Discount


  1. Click the link above that applies to you, and enter your LSUHSC credentials when prompted

  2. You will be redirected to a Cox website

    • Existing customers scroll down and sign in with your Cox credentials

  3. Choose the desired Internet service (the discounted price is shown) and click "order now"

  4. Select "Continue to Checkout"

  5. You may be prompted to call Cox after checkout to verify your pin and additional information.

  6. If you have issues please contact Cox using the customer service number at (866)206-9832. Use Option 2 then Option 1 to connect with a Cox representative familiar with the discount.


Discount Details: