20 Nov
1:00 PM Location

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin commodo nisl a fermentum...

21 Nov
12:00 PM Location

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin commodo nisl a fermentum...

22 Nov
5:00 PM Location

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin commodo nisl a fermentum...


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi fringilla eget tortor et bibendum. Curabitur porttitor consequat nisi et sagittis.

Caridopulmonary Science

Programs include Cardiovascular Sonography and respitory therapy.

Clinical Laboratory

Prepares students to perform analytical tests on blood and body fluids.

Clinical Rehabilitation & Counseling

Prepares counselors to assume the full range of professional responsibilities required in counseling.

Communication Disorders

Programs include audiiology and speech language pathology.

Human Development Center

Provides leadership and innovation to support and include individuals with disabilities and their families in all aspects of life in the community.

Occupational Therapy

Prepares therapists to help people regain, develop, and build skills that are important for independent functioning, well-being, security, and happiness.

Physical Therapy

Prepares therapists with clinical skills including diagnosis, clinical reasoning, program planning, and therapeutic intervention.

Since there are an odd number of departements after moving the human development center from clinics to departments, you will have a blank space. You could center the last box, or use this space for other types of content.

Centers & Clinics

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi fringilla eget tortor et bibendum. Curabitur porttitor consequat nisi et sagittis.