Environmental Health and Safety

Radiation Dosimeter Badges

Radiation dosimeter badges are provided to monitor occupational radiation exposure for those workers who use radiation sources and devices under certain conditions.  Assigned LSUHSC-NO badges should not be used to measure occupational doses received at non-LSUHSC facilities.

If you are issued a dosimeter badge due to potential exposure at a non-LSUHSC facility, notify the LSUHSC Radiation Safety Officer.  The LSUHSC Radiation Safety Officer will contact the Radiation Safety Officer at the non-LSUHSC facility.  The Radiation Safety Officer at the non-LSUHSC facility will then notify the LSUHSC Radiation Safety Officer if the LSUHSC employee exceeds 20% of the applicable regulatory exposure limit.  The LSUHSC Radiation Safety Officer will then notify the LSUHSC employee of their total exposure.

Radiation dosimeter badge use conditions:

  • Individuals handling only Carbon 14 or Tritium (H3) are not required to be on the badge program.
  • Anyone handling Beta emitters; P-32, P-33, or S-35 are required to wear a badge.
  • Anyone handling Gamma emitters; I-125, I-131 or Rb-86  are required to wear a badge.
  • All X-Ray device and approved Gamma Irradiator users are required to wear a badge.

Questions related to dosimeter badges and their use should be directed to the Radiation Safety Office @ safety@lsuhsc.edu. 

To order a badge click on badge image below.

rad badge