Environmental Health and Safety

Remote Monitoring Program

To assist in the protection of research, the Facility Services Department can remotely monitor the internal temperatures of numerous pieces of equipment (portable incubators, coolers and freezers; and built in coolers and freezers) for researchers who request this service.

The program works as follows:

  • Researcher completes and electronically submits the Freezer/Cooler Alarm Notification Contact Info” form.pdficon_small
  • This data is then entered into the Building Management System (BMS) program, and the equipment is now electronically monitored for temperature.
  • If the temperature exceeds the parameters set by the Researcher, BMS notifies the Facility Services Watch Engineer who is on duty 24/7.
  • The Watch Engineer then contacts the Researcher via phone.  Some equipment is shared by more than one researcher, and we can notify each one of them only if we have their contact information.
  • Facilities Services will only respond to repair equipment that is built in (e.g., walk in coolers and freezers).  Repair of portable equipment is the responsibility of the Researcher.

If you wish to enter a piece of equipment into the program, click on"Freezer/Cooler Alarm Notification Contact Info" form pdficon_small  and submit the equipment  and point of contact information electronically. You will then receive an email notification from Mike Muscarello, Facility Services Building Systems Manager, within five working days notifying you that your equipment has been entered into the program.  If you do not receive this email, contact Mike Muscarello at mmusc1@lsuhsc.edu or 568-2862.

Note that to be remotely monitored, the equipment must be capable of providing a dedicated remote alarm status connection.   Please contact Mike Muscarello at mmusc1@lsuhsc.edu  prior to any new equipment purchase and he will validate that the equipment is capable of being remotely monitored.