Committee on Gender and Equity in the Workplace
Mission Statement
“The committee will strive to ensure that the work environment is family friendly and equitable with respect to gender.”
Committee Roster
Angela Amedee (Graduate School)
Zee Ali (School of Medicine)
Sandra Andrieu (School of Dentistry)
Mark Blanchard (School of Allied Health)
Carmen Canavier (School of Medicine)
Toby Cheramie (School of Dentistry)
Jane Eason (School of Allied Health)
Andrew Hollenbach (Graduate School)
Paula Kensler (School of Nursing)
Edward Peters (School of Public Health)
Todd Tartavoulle (School of Nursing)
Donna Williams (School of Public Health)
Tenure Clock Extension
There is a process at LSUHSC for extending the tenure clock when a faculty member's personal obligations or situation can reasonably be anticipated to impede progress towards tenure. The approval of the department head and Dean is required, and then request should then be forwarded to the office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs. If the request is approved, the department head is notified in writing.
The committee proposed the following resolution passed by the Faculty Senate on leave
policies, including parental leave, and tenure clock extension:
Faculty Senate Resolution on Leave and Tenure Clock Extension