Campus Directory

General Phone Numbers "R"


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Radiation Safety (Environmental Health & Safety)

Radiation Safety 568-6585



Radiology 568-4647

Receiving Room

Medical Education Building 568-8177
School of Dentistry 941-8450
School of Medicine 568-4696


Registrar 568-4829

Rehabilitation Counseling

Rehabilitation Counseling 568-4315

Research Office

School of Dentistry 941-8321
School of Medicine (Resource Ctr.) 568-4970

Residency Programs

Residency Programs 568-8686
Anesthesiology 568-2319
Dermatology 568-7110
General Dentistry 941-8257
Medicine 568-4600
Ophthalmology 568-6700 ext. 349
Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery 941-8212
Orthopaedics 568-4680
Otorhinolaryngology & Biocommunication 568-4785
Pathology 568-3441
Pediatrics 568-2569
Medicine/Pediatrics 568-4600
Psychiatry 568-6004
Radiology 568-4647
Surgery 568-4756
Urology 568-2207

Residence Hall

Residence Hall 568-6260


Rheumatology 568-4630
Pediatric Rheumatology 568-5884