Rebecca Bealer

Coffee for a Cause Thursday, November 21st

The next Coffee for a Cause will be held on Thursday, November 21, 2019, from 7:30am until 9:00am. It is sponsored by the School of Public Health and will benefit The Cook Book Project and Second Harvest Food Bank.

Coffee for a Cause November 2019 advertisement

New off-campus tool: EZproxy Redirect

There is another tool now available for use when off-campus to help you access Library resources easily. The EZproxy Redirect, an extension for Chrome and Firefox, available thanks to the efforts of Tom Wambold, lets you re-load a web page with our EZproxy/authentication information so that you can get what you need.

Once installed, you will see a new icon by your browser’s address bar:

EZproxy Redirect icon in toolbar

If you go a web site such as ScienceDirect or Wiley Online Library, just click the icon and you’ll be able to re-load that page and then you will be directed to log in using either your LSUHSC-NO e-mail and password or Library barcode and PIN. After that, you will be able to access any Library-subscribed resources with no troubles!

You can download the EZproxy Redirect Chrome extension here, or if you prefer to use Firefox, you can download that add-on here. We also have videos that walk you through the setup.

This one will help you install and set up the Chrome extension:

This video will walk you through installing the Firefox add-on:

We hope this new tool will help you to get to resources more easily, but if you need any help please contact us.

If you need more information about off-campus access, we have a LibGuide that covers that as well.

We also have more videos covering many topics; those can all be accessed either from our Video Tutorials page or on our YouTube channel.

Issues accessing Thieme journals and some ebooks

UPDATE December 2nd: All Thieme books and journals are available both on- and off-campus. If you have any trouble accessing the content, though, please let us know.

UPDATE: Even though we thought the problem was fixed, we are still experiencing this issue as of Monday, November 25th.

We are currently experiencing troubles when accessing all Thieme journal and some ebooks when on campus or off-campus using a Library link. The publisher is working to correct the problem, but we do not know when it will be fixed.

If you are attempting to get an article from a Thieme journal or any book in the Thieme Clinical Collections when on campus or using a Library’s link that requires you to log in, you will be unable to access the content. (Any books in the MedOne Education package are not affected.)

If you are off-campus, you can access the affected Thieme titles by logging in directly through OpenAthens. Go to and choose Login, then select OpenAthens as the federation.

We will update as soon as we have more information about this, but if you need assistance, please contact us.

LibX no longer available

If you were a user of the LibX extension, most recently available only for Chrome, it is not being updated and is no longer available for download.

Be sure to check out the LibKey Nomad extension for Chrome as it is a great complement to your research needs and helps you get to Library resources much easier!

Citation Resolver added to Discovery

Do you have a DOI but can’t figure out how to get the article? Looking for a new way to find the article for a citation? We have some good news for you! A new tool has been added to the Discovery Service/EDS Health that will help you get those articles!

The new Citation Resolver is now available from our Discovery Service/EDS Health. Look for it on the top toolbar or under the search box:

Image showing Citation Resolver in Discovery service.

To start looking up a citation, click Citation Resolver and the search box will change:

Citation Resolver for EBSCO Discovery Service

Now you can enter a DOI, article title, an author’s last name with words from the title, and even PMIDs. Here’s an example of a search using a DOI:

Citation Resolver search for a DOI

Once Resolve Citation was clicked, the results displayed, and the first one was the article that was needed along with a link to get the PDF:

Citation Resolver DOI search results with link to article highlighted

In the above, you may have noticed the DOI search was actually changed to a search for the author and title of the article, so the Citation Resolver does all of that hard work for you!

Although the Citation Resolver is extremely powerful, you may encounter some instances where you may not see the results you want. If you run into any problems or need any other assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.

LibKey Nomad goes mobile (with Citrix!)

LibKey Nomad logo

Hopefully you’ve experienced the wonderment that is the LibKey Nomad browser extension. Although it is currently only available for the desktop version of Chrome, you can use it on the go with your mobile device by using the LSUHSC-NO Citrix Desktop.

In an earlier post, we covered how to install the LibKey Nomad extension in Chrome on your Citrix Desktop. The good news is that you can also access your Citrix Desktop on a mobile device, so you can take LibKey Nomad wherever you want to go!

If you’re using an iOS device, we have a walkthrough on how to install the Citrix Storefront app and use it to access your LSUHSC-NO Citrix Desktop. We’ve also created a short video showing how to log into Citrix on your mobile device in order to use Chrome and the LibKey Nomad extension.

Need more help? Please contact us!

LibKey Nomad and Citrix

We hope you’ve been using and enjoying the LibKey Nomad extension for the Chrome desktop browser. You’ll be happy to know that you are able to install it for the Chrome browser that is available through Citrix.

First, log into Citrix as usual. (More information about installing and logging into Citrix can be found at Information Technology’s site.) Then, open up Chrome in your Citrix Desktop. Once there, you can search Google for LibKey Nomad and install it from the Chrome Web Store, or you can go directly to

Then, click Add to Chrome followed by Add extension:

Dialog box to confirm adding Chrome extension.

Then you will be asked to choose your institution. Search for lsu and choose LSU Health Sciences Center:

Choose institution for LibKey Nomad.

Now when you open Chrome in Citrix, you should see this icon next to the address bar:

Icon indicating LibKey Nomad is installed.

You can find more information about LibKey Nomad on our LibGuide or contact us for any additional help!

LibKey Nomad now available!

We are happy to announce LibKey Nomad is now available! This Chrome extension (for the desktop version only) brings the Library’s journal holdings to you, guiding you to get the full-text of articles. It works both on- and off-campus, and hopefully it will become your go-to tool for getting articles.

First, start by downloading the extension from the Chrome Web Store. Then, when asked to select your institution, search for LSU and choose LSU Health Sciences Center:

Although we would prefer you follow links from the Library’s web site as it helps with making sure you are able to access the resources to which we subscribe, with LibKey Nomad you will now be able to go pretty much anywhere and get access to articles or see options for retrieving them on each page.

For example, if you go directly to ScienceDirect and locate an article you would like to read, you will see an icon on the lower right of the screen providing you with access options:

In this case, clicking on the Download PDF icon will bring you directly to the article. You will be asked to authenticate using either your LSUHSC-NO e-mail and password or Library barcode and PIN if you had not done so already if off-campus, but you will not be asked to do so again for the rest of your session.

LibKey Nomad also brings increased and easier functionality to PubMed. Not only will you see journal covers bringing a bit more color to the results summary screen, you can now get to the article directly from the search results list! Look for the icons next to the citations:

Now you no longer have to go into the abstract view of each article to see the options you have to get the full-text!

These are just a few of the highlights of what LibKey Nomad can do. More information can be found on the LibKey Nomad page of our BrowZine LibGuide, or you can contact us for more help. We hope you will find this new tool helpful for your research needs, so please download it and give it a try!

Karger journals unavailable Aug. 31st

If you’re planning on doing some early morning research, please be advised that all Karger journals will be unavailable on Saturday, August 31, 2019, from 2am until 4am. The publisher is performing maintenance on their site during this time.

If you have any problems accessing these or any other Library resources, please contact us.

Campus and Library now closed, July 10th

Due to flooding in the area, the Library and campus is now closed.

Unless notified to the contrary, we will resume normal hours on Thursday, July 11th at 7:30am.

Chrome available in Citrix

An update to the Citrix has added Chrome as an alternate browser. You will see a shortcut to it on your Citrix desktop as well as in the Windows start menu:

Instructions about installing and using Citrix can be found from the IT Help Desk. One thing to remember, though, is that if you’re using an Apple computer, Citrix works best through Chrome.

Fixed: Link Resolver working in PubMed

UPDATE: The Link Resolver has been restored in PubMed and is working both on- and off-campus.

Now that it’s back up and running, be sure to check out our new one-click PDF feature described here.


The WebBridge Link Resolver is currently unavailable in PubMed. We will update as soon as the problem is fixed.

The link resolver is available in all other enabled databases, and you can find that list here.

If you need any assistance, please contact us.

PubMed: now with one-click PDFs!

Thanks to our subscription to BrowZine and their new tool LibKey Link, we are happy to announce that starting today for many articles in PubMed you can get to the PDF with just one click!

You will need to follow the link to PubMed with a special code that turns on our link resolver. When viewing the abstract of a particular citation, click our “Check Full Text” icon:

When available, you will be taken directly to the PDF of the article. If that is not possible, you will be brought instead to our WebBridge Link Resolver results page with the available options to retrieve that article.

If you are off-campus, you will be asked to authenticate either through OpenAthens or with your Library barcode and PIN.

For more information about BrowZine, see our LibGuide. We also have LibGuides available for Off Campus access, the link resolver, and OpenAthens.

JAMA Oncology now available

The Libraries are happy to report that we’ve added a subscription to JAMA Oncology that became active with the new month.

We know this is a title many of you have been trying to use, and we are glad to finally be able to offer it.

If you have any questions about this or any other Library resource, please contact us.