Rebecca Bealer

Link resolver not available in Google Scholar

The Library’s WebBridge Link Resolver is currently not available when searching Google Scholar. This problem is affecting all libraries that use WebBridge. When on campus you will not see the “Full-text at LSUHSC-NO” link next to citations nor are you able to add us when configuring off-campus settings through the “Library Links” list.

Until this problem is solved, there are a few options to check whether we have full-text access to a journal, book, or other work referenced in a citation:

We will update as soon as we have more information about this problem, but please do not hesitate to contact us if you need any assistance.

Web of Knowledge/Science and EndNote Off-Campus Issues

If you have created a personal account to save references, searches, or to use EndNote through Web of Knowledge or Web of Science, we have discovered that you cannot successfully log in to your account when using a link for off-campus access. When on campus use?áthis link and be sure to not click the link labeled “Off Campus Access.”

If you are off campus, the only way to log in to your Web of Knowledge/Web of Science account is to go through Citrix. Once you’ve opened the web browser from the Desktop, use the on campus link and you will be able to sign in to the account you have set up for Web of Knowledge, Web of Science, and EndNote.

We will update when we have more information about this problem, but please do not hesitate to contact us if you need any assistance.

Link Resolver changes for Web of Knowledge/Science

The recent redesign of Web of Knowledge and Web of Science has also changed where the Library’s WebBridge Link Resolver is found in these databases.

When you first perform a search, to find out whether the Library has access to the full-text of an article click on the “Full Text” button found below the citation:

WoS Citation Summary 1

You will then see a smaller window with the WebBridge Link Resolver icon:

WoS Citation Summary 2

If you are viewing the abstract of a citation, look for the turquoise “Full Text” button above the citation:

WoS Abstract View 1

When you click this button a small box will once again appear with the WebBridge Link Resolver icon:

WoS Abstract View 2

Additionally, the “Holdings” link searches INNOPAC, the Library’s Catalog.

If you need more information, please check the Library’s WebBridge Link Resolver LibGuide or contact us if you need any help.






Clinics no longer available through MD Consult

As of January 1, 2014, the various Clinics of North America will no longer be available through MD Consult. Please check INNOPAC, the Library’s Catalog for updated holdings for all of the Clinics journals.

Electronic Journals List Renamed

To more accurately reflect the myriad sources available, the Electronic Journals List is now the E-Journals & E-Books A to Z List. When it was introduced as a Library resource in 2008, the majority of titles included were journals, but as more and more types of resources other than journals have made their way onto the list, a new moniker became necessary.

The E-Journals & E-Books A to Z List provides links to many of the journals and books available electronically through Library subscriptions, titles that come via full-text databases like Academic Search Complete, and numerous free journals and books from sites such as Project Gutenberg.

Even though there are tens of thousands of resources available on the list, we are unable to include everything on it so the Library’s Catalog is still a good place to start your search when you need a book or journal.

Scirus shutting down

Scirus, Elsevier’s free search engine, will be shutting down in January 2014. In a message to users, they stated no more content will be added starting immediately.

We will keep the links active for the WebBridge Link Resolver until Scirus is completely discontinued.

Springer LINK resources now working

Update: All Springer LINK journals and books are now working. If you encounter any problems, please contact us.

September 9: We are unable to access any of the journals or books published by Springer that are available through Springer LINK. We are working to have this problem resolved and will update as soon as possible. For a list of affected journals, check this link.

The Springer Protocols, which are hosted on a different platform, are working fine.

LibX now available for your browser!

We’re pleased to offer yet another way to help you get to Library resources in the form of the LibX browser extension. Available for Chrome and Firefox, this add-on has a number of features, including quick ways to search databases and re-load pages for more seamless off-campus access. Download the LSU Health Sciences Center New Orleans Library Edition of LibX at

More information about this browser extension, its features, and other tips can be found on the Library’s LibX LibGuide.

Update: Electronic Journals List “Begins with” search troubles

UPDATE: We have been informed by those who manage the list that this is the expected behavior. You will most likely see titles that do and do not begin with the desired term when you search the list and choose the “Begins with” option.

The “Begins with” search option for the Electronic Journals List is currently not functioning correctly. We have been in contact with those who manage the list, and they are presently working to solve the problem. We will update as soon as we hear more regarding this issue.

If you need assistance with this or any other Library resources, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Link resolver now back for Scirus

Update: As of June 27th, the link resolver is once again available for use with Scirus.

June 11th: The WebBridge Link Resolver is currently not available through Scirus. The problem is being investigated and will hopefully be fixed soon.

Library printing and school-issued laptops

If you have a laptop issued by your school and you’re having troubles sending jobs to the Library printers on the 3rd and 4th floors, you may need to change the driver on your laptop. To do this, locate the printer properties and then change the selected printer driver to?áHP Universal Printing PS (v5.4). You can also contact the academic supporter for your school for more assistance, including receiving updated downloads with the proper drivers for the printers located in the Library.

Link resolver tips: Scirus

The latest addition to our lineup of databases and sites configured to work with the WebBridge Link Resolver is Scirus. However, you must set up the preferences in Scirus to show the link resolver icon whether you are searching the site on- or off-campus.

First, select “Preferences” from the Scirus main page:

Next, under the “Library Partner Links” change the radio button to “Enable,” select “L” from the alphanumeric list, and then select the entry for “LSU Health Sciences Center New Orleans Libraries” :

Once you’ve made these changes, click the “Save Preferences” button:

The WebBridge Link Resolver icon will display only for journal articles as long as you do not clear the cookies from your browser:

If you need any more information about the link resolver, please check out the WebBridge Link Resolver LibGuide or our newly-updated link resolver handout.

LibGuide for Apple devices now available

We’ve recently added an Apple Computers and Devices LibGuide with tips about using your Mac or iOS device. Included is information about how to get on to the LSUHSC networks as well as how to use your Mac with the LSUHSC Citrix Web Interface.

Be sure to check out all of our other LibGuides that cover a variety of topics ranging from course-specific resources to how to cite that paper using the APA Style.

How to access Citrix with a Mac

The Library has put together a walk through of the steps you will need to go through in order to use the LSUHSC Citrix Web Interface from your Mac computer.

Link resolver tips: Google Scholar

If you use Google Scholar, you’ll be happy to know that it now works with the Library’s WebBridge Link Resolver!

When on campus, you will automatically see a link for “Full text at LSUHSC-NO” next to the citations it has determined we can access:

However, unlike other databases and sites where the WebBridge Link Resolver is available, when you click on the “Full text at LSUHSC-NO” link you will see the following offering you two choices to link to the full-text of the citation:

As a result of the different information that Google Scholar sends, the first link searches PubMed and will use the link resolver to get to the article, whereas the second link will search for a DOI and link through CrossRef. In either case, if you do not find a match you will still have the opportunity to search INNOPAC, the Library’s online catalog, for the journal or book.

To configure Google Scholar to display the “Full text at LSUHSC-NO” links when searching off-campus, you will need to start with going to the Settings:

Then choose “Library Links” in the left column and perform a search for LSU, LSUHSC, Louisiana, or New Orleans to find the library under the name “LSU Health Sciences Center New Orleans Libraries” and check the corresponding box to select it:

Then click “Save” and the “Full text at LSUHSC-NO” links will appear on Google Scholar as long as you don’t clear the history or cookies from your browser. Additionally, off-campus access will require your barcode and PIN to access articles.

If you need more information about the WebBridge Link Resolver, a handout is available as well as a LibGuide highlighting tips and tricks for using the service.