Rebecca Bealer

Library holiday schedule for Labor Day

August 30, 2024: The Isché Library downtown will be closed Saturday, August 31, 2024; Sunday, September 1, 2024; and Monday, September 2, 2024, for Labor Day. It will reopen Tuesday, September 3, 2024, at 7:30am.

The Dental Library will be closed Sunday, September 1, 2024, and Monday, September 2, 2024, for Labor Day. It will reopen on Tuesday, September 3, 2024, at 8am.

All online resources are available via the Library’s website during the holiday.

How to access Library resources on and off campus class, Wednesday, August 21, 2024

August 21, 2024: On Wednesday, August 21, 2024, at noon, we will be offering a class on how to access Library resources on and off campus. You will learn about where to look for books, journals, and databases, as well as how to log in.

The class will be held in person in Room 405 of the Resource Center (enter through the Library), or online via Zoom (registration required).

We offer two classes each month, and you can learn more about our previous and upcoming offerings here.

If you have any questions, please contact us.

Library catalog unavailable, Tuesday, August 20, 2024 at 11pm

August 20, 2024: On Tuesday, August 20, 2024, at 11pm, INNOPAC, the Library Catalog, will be unavailable for approximately 2-3 hours. The outage is necessary for a system update.

The majority of Library resources will still be available during this time.

We apologize for this additional outage.

Please contact us if you need any assistance.

Library catalog unavailable Tuesday, August 20, 2024, starting at 3am

August 19, 2024: On Tuesday, August 20, 2024, at 3am, INNOPAC, the Library Catalog, will be unavailable for approximately 4 hours. The outage is necessary for a server and system update.

The majority of Library resources will still be available during this time.

Please contact us if you need any assistance.

Library email list now available!

We are happy to introduce our new Library Announcements email list! We will send out information about Library news, classes, and resources, but with no more than five posts per month.

You can sign up by filling out this form with your LSUHSC-NO email address and first and last name:

If you have any questions about this or any other Library resources, please contact us!

Update: Downtown/Ische Library main phone now available

UPDATE: Monday, July 8, 2024: The phone is now working. Please feel free to call or chat if you need assistance.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024: Due to carpet replacement at the Circulation Desk, the main phone number for the Downtown/Ische Library (504-568-6100) is currently unavailable. We can be contacted via chat on the Library’s main homepage at

EZproxy system maintenance, Saturday June 1st

May 31, 2024: On Saturday, June 1, 2024, from 1:30am until 6am EZproxy will be undergoing maintenance. You may be unable to log into Library resources during this time.

If you have any questions or need any other assistance with Library resources, please contact us.

Library catalog unavailable starting 11pm, Tuesday, May 28th

May 28, 2024: On Tuesday, May 28, 2024, at 11pm, INNOPAC, the Library Catalog, will be unavailable for a couple of hours. The outage is necessary for a system update.

The majority of Library resources will still be available during this time.

Please contact us if you need any assistance.

Chat from LibKey Nomad!

A recent update to the fantabulous LibKey Nomad browser extension now lets you quickly access the Library’s chat service. Look for the chat bubble wherever you see the LibKey icons:

Screenshot of message
Screenshot of badge with link to article
Screenshot of onscreen message

When you click the icon, the chat box will open and you can ask Library staff for help:

Screenshot of chat box

Click the chat icon to close the box. The chat service is available during the Library’s open hours.

LibKey Nomad is available for Chrome, Edge, Safari, Firefox, Brave, and Vivaldi. You can download the extension by going to You can also find browser-specific download links and more information about LibKey Nomad on our LibGuide.

If you have any questions about this or any other Library resources, please contact us.

UPDATE: PubMed personal account login and Library’s link to PubMed

UPDATE May 22, 2024: There will be no fix for this issue, so if you wish to log into your personal PubMed account, use this link: Installing the LibKey Nomad browser extension will help you get to articles when using PubMed.

April 25, 2024: If you use the Library’s link to PubMed, please note that there is a problem that prevents you from logging into your personal account when in PubMed. This personal account is used to save searches, citations, and create alerts, but does not affect accessing articles. We are contacting the company that maintains our EZproxy to see if there is a fix to this issue.

Until we receive more information about a resolution to this problem, follow this link to PubMed: If you do not need to log into a personal account, or if you do not need to email citations from a PubMed search, you can use the Library’s link to PubMed with no added troubles.

This is also a good opportunity to check and see if you have the LibKey Nomad browser extension installed. When you have this add on, searching PubMed and getting to articles is super easy! If you use Chrome, Safari, Edge, Firefox, Brave, or Vivaldi browsers, you can install the LibKey Nomad extension and find articles effortlessly. It can also be installed in Chrome in your Citrix desktop. Check out our LibKey Nomad LibGuide for more information.

If you need help with this or any other Library resources, please contact us.

LWW Online journals maintenance April 18th

April 18, 2024: Journals available through LWW Online will be unavailable this evening starting at 8:30pm CDT for about an hour while the publisher performs maintenance on the site.

Any links we have to journals on LWW Online are in addition to our primary access through Ovid, or the LWW Total Access Collection, so hopefully the impact of this maintenance will be minimal.

If you have any questions about this or any other Library resources, please contact us.

Changing proxy settings in Zotero

April 16, 2024: If you use Zotero’s browser extension that aids in accessing Library resources, please note that you will need to change the proxy settings to work with the Library’s new service.

When changing the Zotero settings or preferences, look for the Proxies area, where you will need to change anything that has to

Screenshot of extension settings

If you need assistance with this or any other Library resources, please contact us.

Imminent deactivation of old EZproxy service and links

April 15, 2024: Our old EZproxy server will be shut down in the next few days, and any links that point to it will no longer work. Here are some tips on making sure you will be able to access Library resources:

How can I tell if I have an old link? If you have a bookmarked link or come across a page on a website with a link that starts with…, it will no longer work when the old service is deactivated.

What should the new links look like? The new links will need to start with in order to work correctly going forward.

What do I need to do? Contact us! We can help you change your links. You can also fill out this form to let us know and get assistance changing your links.

Library’s link to PubMed and emailing citations

April 4, 2024: If you follow the Library’s link to PubMed and then want to e-mail citations, you will see an error message that will not allow you to proceed:

Screenshot of PubMed e-mail error

This is caused by the reCAPTCHA that is required to send emails from PubMed not working nicely with our EZproxy system. Since we now require logins on and off campus when following Library links, this will affect more people.

If you want to email citations from PubMed, follow this link:

This is also a good opportunity to check and see if you have the LibKey Nomad browser extension installed. When you have this add on, searching PubMed and getting to articles is super easy! If you use Chrome, Safari, Edge, Firefox, Brave, or Vivaldi browsers, you can install the LibKey Nomad extension and find articles effortlessly. It can also be installed in Chrome in your Citrix desktop. Check out our LibKey Nomad LibGuide for more information.

If you need help with this or any other Library resources, please contact us.

Changes to on campus access to Library resources

March 27, 2024: We’ve recently made a change to what you will need to do when accessing Library resources on campus. If you click a link to a resource in our online catalog, INNOPAC, the E-Books & E-Journals A to Z List, go to one of our Databases, or any LibKey link via our link resolver, you will be asked to log in even if you are on campus.

If you are using a Mac workstation, or click a link to a Library resource on a Windows machine in Firefox, you will see this box asking for your username and password:

Screenshot of login screen

Enter your username (the part before the in your email address) and your current password.

You should not need to login again during the same session as long as you do not clear the history of your browser.

For those on Windows workstations who were used to not logging in to access Library resources, if you click one of our links from Chrome you will not see the above login screen as the credentials you entered to use your workstation will automatically get you into Library resources.

You will also notice a change to the URLs for Library resources. Since we’re now requiring all users to log in regardless of whether they are on or off campus, you can see the addition of our new EZproxy service in the address bar of your browser:

When you see the hyphens and the “” that means you’re going through our EZproxy server. One thing to be careful of, though, is that you cannot copy that link and send it to someone else.

If you have any questions or need any assistance with this or any Library resources, please contact us.