Rebecca Bealer

2021 JoVE changes

As a result of changes in subscription options and lack of funding, we will be losing all access to the following three sections of JoVE as of January 1, 2021:

  • JoVE Biochemistry
  • JoVE Developmental Biology
  • JoVE Genetics

We will still keep access to JoVE Biology, Immunology & Infection, Medicine, and Neuroscience.

If you need any assistance with this or other Library resources please contact us.

EZproxy login issues

If you are attempting to log into EZproxy by entering your LSUHSC-NO username and password in the barcode and PIN field, we are currently experiencing issues with that system.

You can log in using your LSUHSC-NO full e-mail address and password by clicking the first link on the EZproxy login page:

Screenshot of a login link

If you need help with this or any other Library resources, please contact us.

Let LibKey Nomad help you get articles!

LibKey Nomad logo

Are you finding it difficult to get the full text or PDF of articles? Frustrated by having to log in over and over? LibKey Nomad is here to help!

With so many activities happening off campus, it’s sometimes a bit more difficult to get to the articles you need. We have quite a few tools that can help, including a browser extension called LibKey Nomad. It is available for Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Vivaldi, and Brave browsers and it brings the Library’s journal holdings to you.

Although it’s usually best to start off at the Library’s site to start your research, if you are going directly to publishers’ sites through Google Scholar or a similar site, LibKey Nomad will provide links to get you to the articles very easily.

When you get to a page with a journal article, just look for one of the LibKey Nomad icons that will get you to that full text:

Icon for PDF download

You will be asked to log in when needed, but you may also be directed to a free version of the article if it is available.

LibKey Nomad also makes using PubMed and Scopus super easy, so be sure to check it out. More information about this extension, including videos, download links, and other tips can be found on our LibKey Nomad LibGuide.

If you need any help with this or any other Library resources, contact us.

Libraries closing at 3pm, October 9th

The Libraries will close at 3pm on October 9, 2020, as a result of expected conditions with the approach and landfall of Hurricane Delta.

The Dental Library is closed on Saturday per their current LSUHSC-NO Phase 2 schedule, but the Isché Library anticipates being open as usual at 9:30am on Saturday, October 10th.

E-mail access to resources restored

UPDATE: As of late Friday, October 9, 2020, all problems logging in with your LSUHSC-NO e-mail address and password have been resolved.

Original Notice: Due to a major outage that is also affecting logging in from off campus to webmail and Office 365, logging in to use Library resources with your e-mail address using OpenAthens is currently unavailable.

To get to Library resources you will need to follow one of our links and then log in using a Library barcode and PIN. If you do not have a barcode and PIN you can still log in using your LSUHSC-NO username and password.

When you see this screen, follow the steps:

Screenshot of a log in page

We also have a video walkthrough of the alternate ways to log in to Library resources when you cannot do so using your LSUHSC-NO e-mail address and password.

We will update as soon as we have more information, but if you need any assistance please contact us.

Access to JBI

If you are using a link to JBI and are unable to get in, please try this link instead:

If you need any help with this or any other Library resources, please contact us.

Dental Library closed Sept. 9th

Due to a water outage at the School of Dentistry campus, the Dental Library is closed for the remainder of the day, September 9, 2020.

The Isché Medical Library on the Downtown campus is open its usual hours for today until 8pm. If you wish to come to the Downtown campus, please remember you will need your LSUHSC-NO i.d. to enter any buildings.

Library staff are available to assist you.

Links to textbooks for nursing programs

We are aware that some students are having trouble accessing textbooks from links provided in their syllabus. The links go to an old system for off campus access and they will not work.

Any link that starts with http://0- is affected. Also, if the links do not begin https://ezproxy you will have trouble accessing the book off campus.

Some links also require a certain format for them to work. If you are given a link to a ClinicalKey book that does not have “dura/browse” anywhere in it, then it will also not work correctly regardless of whether you are on campus or off campus.

These are the correct links for some of the textbooks we know you are trying to access:

If you have trouble accessing any textbooks, please contact us.

If you are an instructor, we are more than happy to look over any links you have in a syllabus or are posting in Moodle. Again, please don’t hesitate to contact us so we can ensure students can get to their required materials.

E-mail log in for resources now working

UPDATE: The problem with using e-mail to log in to Library resources appears to have been fixed. However, if you run into any trouble, you can always use one of the alternate log in methods described below.

We are currently experiencing issues with the system that allows you to log in to Library resources using your e-mail. This problem also affects web mail.

All connections through Citrix appear to be working fine at the moment.

If you have a Library barcode and PIN, you can use that to log in by clicking on the green bar when you get to this screen:

Screenshot of log in screen

You can also log in here using your LSUHSC-NO user i.d. (everything before the in your e-mail address) and your current password.

If you need any help with this or any other Library resources, please contact us.

Libraries open regular hours Thursday, Aug 27

Both Libraries are open their regular hours today, Thursday, August 27, 2020.

The Isché Library will close at 8pm and the Dental Library will close at 5pm.

PubMed e-mail workaround

If you follow the Library’s link to PubMed and then want to e-mail citations, you will see an error message that will not allow you to proceed:

Screenshot of PubMed e-mail error

This is caused by the reCAPTCHA that is now required to send e-mails from PubMed not working nicely with our EZproxy system. Unfortunately, there are no plans for PubMed to make changes that will allow this functionality to work correctly when using a link to PubMed that goes through EZproxy.

If you want to e-mail articles from PubMed, you can go directly to, perform your search, and then e-mail the articles with no problem. Unfortunately, you will lose some of the features our link to PubMed offers, such as turning on our WebBridge LR Link Resolver to check for the availability of articles in all citations in PubMed.

However, if you use the e-mail function frequently and are therefore going to PubMed directly, there are a couple of options that will help you regain some of these features lost by not using our link.

First, if you use Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Brave, or Vivaldi browsers, you can install the LibKey Nomad extension that makes getting to the full text of articles super easy in PubMed. Check out our LibKey Nomad LibGuide for more information.

Second, you can sign up for a My NCBI account. Once you have done this, there is a setting you can change that will turn on our WebBridge LR Link Resolver icons in PubMed. More information about this setting and a video walkthrough is available on our WebBridge LR Link Resolver LibGuide.

If you need help with this or any other Library resources, please contact us.

LibKey Nomad available for Firefox

LibKey Nomad logo

We have some great news for all Firefox users: the LibKey Nomad extension that makes using PubMed simple and getting articles a breeze is now available for Firefox!

LibKey Nomad brings the Library’s online subscriptions to you by enhancing PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science, along with many other sources. It’s easy to link to the full text of journal articles with this extension by your side.

Firefox now joins Chrome, Edge, Vivaldi, and Brave in the family of LibKey Nomad-compatible browsers. We have a LibGuide that walks you through installing and configuring the extension along with showing off some of its features.

You can download the Firefox Add-On here. We also have a video that walks you through installing and configuring this helpful tool.

If you have any questions about this or any other Library resources, contact us. We’re always ready to help! makes finding articles easy!

Image of Logo

We are happy to announce the availability of a new product from Third Iron, makers of BrowZine, LibKey Link, and LibKey Nomad, that makes getting articles using just a PMID and DOI not only possible but also incredibly easy!

This new product is called and it combines the easy linking you’ve enjoyed from the other Third Iron products with our Library’s journal holdings and link resolver to make retrieving articles as simple and easy as it has ever been.

You can access from the Library’s homepage under the Quick Links section:

Screenshot of a web page

Once you click the link, you will see a page where you can enter a PMID or a DOI for the article you need:

Screenshot of a web page

Once you enter a PMID or a DOI, you will be presented with a page that typically has many options for getting that article:

Screenshot of article linking choices

In some cases or if there are no sources for the full text of that article, you will be brought to our WebBridge LR link resolver where you may find other sites where the article is available or the option to request it through Interlibrary Loan.

You can find out more about in this new section of the BrowZine LibGuide, including a quick video walk through. We hope you will find this new service helpful, but if you have any questions about this or any other Library resources, please contact us.

UPDATE: EZproxy available

UPDATE: The upgrade has been completed and all off campus links using EZproxy are working. If you encounter any trouble, please contact us.

Off campus links that use EZproxy are currently unavailable due to a system update.

You can log in directly at some publishers’ sites using OpenAthens in the interim.