Rebecca Bealer

New link resolver/LibKey page

Regular users of the Library’s link resolver in PubMed may have noticed a new screen when checking the availability of full-text for an article. Recent updates to the BrowZine/LibKey suite of products has brought not only this new screen but a slew of changes we hope will make getting to articles you need much easier.

When you click our link resolver icon in PubMed, you will often see a page that looks like this featuring a new variety of options to get that article, its supplemental content, or even to see the article within its issue in BrowZine:

Screenshot of article linking choices

At first it may seem like quite a lot to take in, but you have the option to automatically link to the PDF when possible. When you check that box, your preference is remembered for the entirety of your session.

Although you may have noticed it when using PubMed, this screen can be seen in all of the BrowZine/LibKey products. We have more exciting news to announce in the coming days, so stay tuned for even more streamlined ways to get the articles you need!

If you need any help with this or other Library resources, contact us.

FIXED: Innopac currently unavailable

UPDATE: Innopac is now available. Please let us know if you have any problems or need any help.

We are experiencing issues with the web version of Innopac. All other Library resources are functioning.

We will update as soon as we have more information.

LibKey Nomad available for more browsers

LibKey Nomad logo

The LibKey Nomad browser extension, previously only available for Chrome, can now be installed in Vivaldi, Brave, and Microsoft Edge browsers. This nifty tool enhances PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science, and makes getting to the full-text of articles easy.

These newly-supported browsers allow installations from the Chrome Web Store. To install and configure the extension, follow the instructions we have available on the LibKey Nomad section of our BrowZine Libguide or see it in action on our LibKey Nomad installation video.

Please note that for Microsoft Edge you will need to allow extensions from the Chrome Web Store in order to use LibKey Nomad.

Also, since Chrome is now the default browser in Citrix, you can install LibKey Nomad to use there as well. We have a video that walks you through that process.

If you need any help with this or any other Library resources, please contact us.

Fixed: Problems with EBSCO resources

UPDATE: As of Wednesday morning, June 24th, the issues with EBSCO products have been resolved. If you encounter any problems, please contact us.

We are currently experiencing problems getting to all resources we get from EBSCO. This affects CINAHL, the Discovery Service, any other EBSCOhost databases, the E-Books & E-Journals A to Z List, as well as any links to EBSCO eBooks and journals on EBSCOhost.

Services are working intermittently, but we will update when the problems have been resolved.

If you need any assistance with this or any other Library resources, please contact us.

Resolved: Access to Thieme resources

UPDATE: As of Wednesday, June 24th, all links to Thieme resources through EZproxy are working correctly. If you have any trouble, though, please contact us.

We are currently experiencing problems accessing all Thieme resources through EZproxy. The publisher has been contacted regarding this issue.

If you are on campus, everything works fine.

When off campus, you can access Thieme books and journals by logging in directly using OpenAthens. For Thieme MedOne Education, use this link. The Thieme ebook Clinical Collections and all journals can be found at this link.

Once clicking either link, you will be asked to provide your full LSUHSC-NO e-mail and current password if you have not yet logged in.

We will update as soon as we have more information about this, but if you need any assistance please contact us.

Resolved: Most ScienceDirect articles currently unavailable

UPDATE 2: As of June 2nd, this problem has been fixed. If you encounter any issues with this or any other Library resource, contact us.

UPDATE: if you need an article from a ScienceDirect journal and are unable to download it yourself, please contact us. Library staff have a workaround to get articles until this problem is resolved.

We are currently experiencing issues getting articles from ScienceDirect journals both on- and off-campus.

We will update as soon as we have more information about this problem. If you need any assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Scopus and Web of Science now easier with LibKey Nomad!

If you’ve been using the LibKey Nomad Chrome browser extension to get quick access to articles in PubMed, those same features are now available in Scopus and Web of Science!

Now you can link directly to articles or the Library’s WebBridge Link Resolver directly from the search results in both databases. You can also view the article in the journal issue where it is published via BrowZine.

In Scopus, your search results can now look like this:

Screenshot of search results from a database

Similarly, your Web of Science results can also have these features:

Screenshot of search results

To take advantage of these new features, you need to install and configure the LibKey Nomad browser extension for Chrome. Information on how to do this is available in the LibKey Nomad section of our BrowZine LibGuide. You can also take advantage of these features in Citrix by installing LibKey Nomad in Chrome in your Citrix desktop. Here is a quick video showing how to do this.

If you have any questions about this or any other Library resources, please contact us!

Trial access to T&F Expert Opinions and Expert Reviews

Taylor & Francis has very generously opened up access to the Expert Opinions and Expert Reviews series through the end of September 2020.

All are available on and off campus for 1997 to the present. A list of the individual titles included can be found on the Trial Access LibGuide.

If you need any help with these or any other Library resources, please contact us.

Tips for off campus access to online resources

Many publishers are adding alternatives to access online resources, and we just want to provide a few tips to help you figure all of this out:

  • To log into electronic resources off campus, you can use either your LSU Health New Orleans full e-mail address and password or a Library barcode and PIN
  • All links to resources on the Library’s site are formatted to ask you to log in when needed; this is the preferred way to get to all of our resources
  • Many of our online resources support logging in directly at the site using OpenAthens; a list of OpenAthens-native resources is available here
  • Some publishers are now offering alternate ways to verify you have access to their content
    • If you are asked to select a federation to find an institution please remember we are part of the OpenAthens Federation
      • We are listed as LSU Health Sciences Center Library with OpenAthens
  • If you are searching for articles, LibKey Nomad is a tremendous help to get you to both subscribed and free articles
    • It works with many publishers’ sites and makes getting to articles from PubMed very easy
    • It will ask you to log in when you needed to access articles
    • More information can be found on the LibKey Nomad section of our BrowZine LibGuide

We are here to help you navigate the often confusing world of electronic resources, so don’t hesitate to contact us if you need any help!

Citrix and Library resources

If you are attempting to use any Library resources such as ebooks, journals, or databases, and have gone in through Citrix, you may wonder why you are are being asked to pay or you’re seeing something saying you need a subscription.

Even though you are in Citrix, you may still have to prove to publishers that you have permission to access the resources. Unfortunately, Citrix doesn’t always send that information along, so it’s important you use a link from the Library’s site or create one in order to guarantee you can get to what you should.

One key thing to look for is whether the link you’re following has “” anywhere. If it does, then you’re good to go! If it does not, you may not be able to get to the resource you need. You can fix this, however, by running the link to the resource you need through our magical off campus link maker available here: Then follow these instructions:

Screenshot of web page

If you need help with this or any Library resources, please contact us.

All e-resources available from anywhere!

This is just a reminder that all Library electronic resources are available off-campus. We have many walkthroughs that will help you log in wherever you might be:

  • Off-Campus Access: basic information about accessing resources
  • Off Campus LibGuide: includes tips to make logging in easier as well as information for those at hospitals and clinics
  • OpenAthens LibGuide: everything you need to know about logging in with your LSUHSC-NO e-mail account
  • Video Tutorials: step-by-step walkthoughs on logging in from off-campus, along with tips on using many of our resources

Know that we are here for you, so if you need any help please contact us.

Coffee for a Cause, Friday February 14th

If you’re thinking of doing something for someone special on Valentine’s Day, you can also do something special for someone by attending Coffee for a Cause!

Sponsored by the School of Allied Health Professions, all proceeds will go towards purchasing educational materials for the LSUHSC Early Learning Center.

Advertisement for fundraiser

Accessing Springer Protocols and journals

UPDATE: The problems should be fixed so Springer Protocols and journals should be available as usual via all Library links. If you run into one that is not or need any assistance, contact us.

We are currently experiencing problems accessing the Springer Protocols and all Springer journals both on campus and off campus through the Library’s EZproxy service (this would affect all links from Library pages and our Catalog).

If you need to access any Springer resources, you can do so using OpenAthens, but only when off campus. When you go to this page ( under “Log in via Athens” find and select LSU Health Sciences Center. You will then need to enter your LSUHSC-NO e-mail and password, but once logged in you should be able to use all Springer resources to which the Library subscribes with no trouble.

We will update when we have more information, but if you need any help please do not hesitate to contact us.

New off campus login page

If you tried to log in today to any Library resources from off campus, you will hopefully have noticed that the page looks a little different:

Screenshot of page with login options

The link to log in via OpenAthens using your LSUHSC-NO e-mail and password is more prominent. If you would prefer to log in using your Library barcode and PIN, click the green bar to expand that option:

Screenshot of barcode and PIN login

If you need help with changing your password, PIN, or anything else, click on the blue Help bar and various options for assistance will appear:

Screenshot of Help options

More information about off campus access can be found in a number of places. We have a page with information including a video to help, along with LibGuides about OpenAthens and off campus access. If you have any questions about this or any other Library services, please contact us.

Accessing resources during system outage

*Edit* We were back up by 2pm. Thanks for your patience.

INNOPAC, our library system, will not be available starting at 12:45pm on Thursday, November 21st, and it could be out for at least two hours. This outage means that you will not be able to look up anything through the Library’s online catalog, and the link resolver in all databases will not work as well. There are, however, other options to find the resources you need during this time.

The Discovery/EDS Health search will still function and can help you locate a specific journal, book, or article:

There are many options presented that will still work, but some do rely on the system in order to work. As a result, any options to check the Library’s catalog or to use the WebBridge Link Resolver will not be available. However, particularly in the case of articles, there are many other options that can get you to what you need:

Another option to find a particular ebook or journal is the E-Journals & E-Books A to Z List.

If you need to access any resource when off-campus, you will need to use your LSUHSC-NO e-mail and password through OpenAthens; you will not be able to log in using your Library barcode and PIN while the system is unavailable:

EZproxy login page during system outage

In PubMed, you may be able to get to articles directly using the Library’s link resolver even though the system is unavailable. Since we are using the LibKey Link service in conjunction with our link resolver, if a direct link to the PDF of an article is available, then you will bypass our link resolver. However, if this direct link is not possible and our link resolver would be needed in order to find available full-text or get the article through InterLibrary Loan, you will be unable to proceed while the system is down.

You can also use the LibKey Nomad Chrome browser extension to access journals in PubMed or from publishers’ sites. This will be particularly useful in PubMed, as the extension indicates which articles are available through the Library’s subscriptions. However, since the Library’s link resolver will not be available, only those citations that have “Download PDF” or “Article Link” will work during our system outage:

New PubMed with LibKey Nomad extension icons

Even though INNOPAC, the Library’s catalog, will not be available, Library staff will have other ways to get to journals and resources during this downtime, so please contact us if you need help.