Jennifer Lloyd

Winter Break Hours at the Libraries

Winter break hours begin at the Isché Library on Friday, December 14th and at the Dental Library on Thursday, December 20th. The hours are as follows:

Isché Library
Friday, December 14th 7:30am-6pm
Saturday, December 15th 9:30am-6pm
Sunday, December 16th 12noon-8:30pm
Monday, December 17th – Friday, December 21st 7:30am-6pm
Saturday, December 22nd  – Tuesday, January 1st Closed
Wednesday, January 2nd – Thursday, January 3rd 7:30am-8pm
Friday, January 4th 7:30am-6pm


Dental Library
Thursday, December 20th – Friday, December 21st 8am-5pm
Saturday, December 22nd – Tuesday, January 1st Closed
Wednesday, January 2nd – Thursday, January 3rd 8am-5pm

Ische Library Associate – Award Winner

Congratulations to the Isché Library’s Circulation Associate, Amy Corder. Amy is currently a graduate student in the School of Library and Information Science in addition to working full-time with us.

Library Outreach Student Award Recap: Amy Corder – Reblogged from NNLM/SCR Blogadillo

The annual meeting of the South Central Chapter of the Medical Library Association is one of our biggest events of the year. We hold our advisory board meetings, exhibit, and sometimes offer continuing education. One of the highlights for us is being able to bring our Library Outreach Student Award winners with us to show them the ropes. In this three-week series, we’ve asked some of them to reflect on their experiences.

Thanks to the NNLM SCR Library Outreach Student Award, I was able to attend SCC/MLA’s 45th annual conference in San Antonio, TX.

Although I work as an associate in a health sciences library, I had no idea what to expect from a medical library conference. Luckily, the NNLM Regional Medical Library staff explained everything about what to expect at the conference beforehand so that I wasn’t completely lost, and they answered all of my questions.

Attending committee meetings was unexpectedly my favorite part of SCC. Two of the committee meetings I attended were the Continuing Education and Research committees, where I was able to get a glimpse into how each committee plans for the following year and all of the work that goes into preparing for the conference each year.

However, the Outreach Committee meeting was the highlight of my time at the conference. I was interested to hear all of the different outreach activities among medical libraries in our region and how NNLM supports them in their endeavors. I had no idea of how varied outreach efforts were in the medical library community, from providing health information training to public librarians, to attending health fairs locally, and conducting webinars.

It was very interesting to see the research trends that are developing within medical libraries and how medical librarians can help to move forward medical research and evidence-based medicine. Not to mention, the social events were an extremely fun way to network with other health information professionals!

I had a great time at SCC and would encourage other Library and Information Science students to attend. I left the conference feeling motivated about my career path and connected to the larger community of health sciences librarians.



Thanksgiving Hours

The Libraries will be closed Thursday-Saturday, November 22-24th of Thanksgiving week.

Both Libraries will close early on Wednesday, November 21st; the Isché Library will close at 6pm and the Dental Library will close at 5pm.

Both Libraries will reopen on Sunday, November 25th; the Isché Library will be open from 10am to 12 midnight and the Dental Library will be open from 11:30am to 8pm.

INNOPAC downtime – complete

An upgrade of the INNOPAC system will happen beginning at 9am on Tuesday, November 13th. The outage is expected to last 2 hours at the most. The library catalog and related services will not work during the upgrade.

Thanks for your patience.

*Edit* The upgrade was completed by 10:30am

Reference Hours at Ische expanded

Reference Librarians at the Isché Library are now available until 7pm, Monday through Thursday. Please contact them for all your research questions!

Librarians are available during business hours via telephone, chat, email or in person. We are here to help!

Downtown Library Closed – Saturday, October 13th

The Ische Library will be closed on Saturday, October 13, 2018 for AC maintenance. There will be no air conditioning in the building from 6am to 5pm. The Library Commons might be closed (or really hot) during this outage.

Downtown Campus Phones

*Edit* Phones have been up and down all day. If you get a busy signal, contact us a different way.

*Edit* All phones were restored at 9:30am.

All landlines on the downtown campus are currently down. To contact the Library, please use email or our chat service.

What’s New?

The Libraries have been working steadily to acquire materials or tools that are useful to you! Since the summer we’ve purchased the following:

Stay tuned for even more…

Ische Library Closed – Saturday 9/15/18

The Ische Library will be closed on Saturday, September 15, 2018 for AC maintenance. There will be no air conditioning in the building from 6am to 8pm. The Library Commons maybe closed (or really hot) during this outage.

Dental Library Closed – Sunday, September 9th

Due to HVAC maintenance, the Dental Library will be closed on Sunday, September 9th. There will be no air conditioning in the building on the 8th or 9th.

Sundays at 10 – Downtown!

The Isché Library is extending its Sunday hours beginning September 9th. The downtown library will now be open from 10 am to 12 midnight for the rest of the semester. The extension is in response to students’ requests but it is a pilot. If the hours are not used, we may switch back to our noon opening.

Labor Day Hours

Both Libraries will be closed Sunday, September 2nd and Monday, September 3rd for the Labor Day holiday. The Isché Library will be open on Saturday, September 1st regular hours from 9:30-6.

Both Libraries will reopen Monday, September 4th; the Dental Library opens at 8am and the Isché Library opens at 7:30am.

Ische Library Opens at 7:30am on weekdays

As a pilot project, the Isché Library will open at 7:30am Monday-Friday. We will offer limited services during this extra 30 minutes.

Ische Early Closure 8/3/18

The water in the Resource Center Building will be turned off from 6pm until 11pm on Friday, August 3rd. Because of the lack of plumbing. The Isché Library will close at 6pm.

Library Catalog Being Upgraded 7/31/18

The Library Catalog/INNOPAC is being upgraded tomorrow morning from 9am until 11am.

*Edit* 10am 7/31/18 – and we’re back up an hour early!