Jennifer Lloyd

Water issues downtown

There is an unexpected water outage on the downtown campus began at 3:45pm because of a Sewerage and Water Board issue. Since the water has not been restored by 5pm, we have closed the library for the evening. We hope it will be restored overnight.

*Edit* Water pressure was restored by 10pm on July 25, 2018.

*Edit* Water pressure issues recurred later afternoon on July 26, 2018.

*Edit* Water pressure issues are still a problem as of 8am July 27, 2018. For now the Library is open, as water pressure is coming and going.

Unlimited Users on All Access Products!

The Libraries are happy to announce that all Access products: AccessMedicine, AccessEmergencyMedicine, AccessNeurology and AccessSurgery. Previously we had a limited number of seats to some of these products which prevented more than a few users at once. The access databases provide books (including core textbooks), journals, testing, multimedia, case studies, patient education and study tools. They are also integrated with AccessMedicine – Case Files Collection, with cases in both basic sciences and clinical rotations.

Independence Day Hours

The Libraries will be closed on the 4th of July.

Additionally the Isché Library will close at 6pm on Tuesday, July 3rd. Otherwise summer hours remain in effect.

Visual DX Cancelled

The School of Medicine Technology Committee has chosen not to renew Visual DX for the coming fiscal year. They were not seeing enough interest to continue the subscription. The Libraries provided access to the website but did not contribute financially to this product.

Summer Hours

Summer hours at both the Dental & Isché Libraries begin June 1 and run through July 31.

The Dental Library will close at 6pm Monday – Thursday and at 5pm on Fridays. The Dental Library will be closed on weekends.

The Isché Library will close at 10pm Sunday – Thursday and at 6pm on Fridays. Saturday hours will remain the same, 9:30am to 6pm.

Opening hours at both Libraries will remain the same, weekdays at 8am and noon on Sundays at Isché.

New Director of Libraries

J. Dale Prince, MA, MLS joins the Libraries today as their new director. Dale most recently worked with National Network of Libraries of Medicine in the Southeastern/Atlantic Region where he was Executive Director for 7 years. He served as both the Technology and Outreach Coordinators in that office from 2002-2011. He is the National Program Committee Co-Chair for the Medical Library Association Meeting in Chicago in 2019.

A native of Arkansas and Alabama, Dale is pleased to be returning to the South with its tropical rainstorms and reliably good biscuits.

Dale will the 7th Library Director since 1931.

Happy NOLA Tricentennial


Today officially marks New Orleans’ 300th year. The actual founding date is a bit murky but this is the date picked by the city for this anniversary kickoff!

Yellow Fever Vaccine

If you’re up on your New Orleans medical history, you’ll know that the last outbreak of Yellow Fever here was in 1905. Brazil isn’t so lucky and are in the middle of an outbreak. The CDC is recommending a dose of Yellow Fever vaccine before traveling to Brazil or Africa.

Ische Library – Early Closure 4/5/18

The Isché Library will close at 6pm on Thursday, April 5th because the water will be shut off in the building for an emergency plumbing repair. The Library Commons may be open, however restrooms and water fountains in other buildings will need to be used. The water is expected to remain off until 10:30pm.

11 Years later

Eleven of Hearts

The Libraries have been adding content to this site for 11 years, with an average of just under 14 posts per month.

The top categories have been Library News (+500 posts), Campus News, E-Resource News and New Find (+200 posts) . The top tags have been hours, outage and New Orleans.

Thanks for stopping by!


Easter Hours

Easter Eggs

The Isché & Dental Libraries will be closed Friday, March 30th through Sunday, April 1st for Easter. The Isché Library will close at 6pm on Thursday, March 29th and the Dental Library will close at 5pm on that day.

Both Libraries will reopen on Monday, April 2nd at 8am.

Congratulations SoM!

The School of Medicine has been accredited by the LCME for another 8 years, achieving maximum accreditation!


LOC: Free to Use & Reuse

The Library of Congress has created a new page of images that the general public is “free to use and reuse.” Images included on those pages have no known copyright restrictions associated with the content. More information is available on Copyright at the LoC. For more information on the LoC resources, follow their blog. They are also looking on input for collections to add.


Carnival Hours

Rex 2012 on Napoleon Avenue

The Libraries will have reduced hours over the final weekend of carnival through Mardi Gras day.

The Isché Library will close at 5pm on Friday, February 9th and will be open regular hours, 9:30am-6pm, on Saturday, February 10th. On Sunday, February 11th the downtown library will be open from 12 noon to 8:30pm and on Monday, February 12th from 8am to 5pm.

The Dental Library will close at 5pm on Friday, February 9th and remain closed on Saturday, February 10th as usual. On Sunday February 11th the Dental Library will be open regular hours from 11:30am to 8pm and on Monday, February 12th from 8am to 5pm.

Both Libraries will be closed on Tuesday, February 13th, a university holiday.

Libraries are open!

Both Libraries and both campuses are open once again. Fingers crossed for no more freezing weather!