Jennifer Lloyd

Labor Day Hours

The Libraries will be closed Sunday and Monday, September 4th and 5th for the Labor Day Holiday. The Isché Library will be open Saturday, September 3rd from 9:30 am – 6pm.

Both Libraries will be re-open at 8am on Tuesday, September 6th.

Happy 70th to the CDC

We’re just over a month late, but July 1 was the anniversary for the founding of the Centers for Disease Control. The Center was founded in 1946 from the Malaria Control in War Areas, a program within the U.S. Public Health Service. Enjoy this timeline of their history.

Dental Library – Emergency Closure 8/4/16

The Dental Library is currently closed due to a power outage. The Library plans on reopening tomorrow morning at 8am.

Librarian & Photographer

For the 2nd time, the Libraries’ own Hanna Kwasik, Head Cataloging and Serials Librarian, has won prizes in the City Park photo contest. She won 1st place in the Recreation & Sports Category and 3rd place in the Animal Category!

Gondola Ride Under the Clouds - Hanna Kwasik 2016 1st Place - Recreation-Sports

Gondola Ride Under the Clouds – Hanna Kwasik 2016
1st Place – Recreation-Sports


Cricket - Hanna Kwasik 2016 3rd Place - Animals

Cricket – Hanna Kwasik 2016
3rd Place – Animals

Hanna has previously won in the 2014 City Park photo contest but this is her first time taking the top prize in a category. She has also had award winning photos in (Spring 2014) and Oak Alley (Fall 2015) contests.

GNO Demographic Data update

The Data Center released a demographic update entitled, “Who Lives in New Orleans and Metro Parishes Now?” on June 29, 2016. The analysis is based US Census Bureau Data and covers age, education, poverty, and race.

ILLiad Maintenance 7/13/16

The Libraries’ ILL service, ILLiad, will be down for maintenance beginning at 10pm on Wednesday, July 13th. It may be down until as late as 2am on Thursday, the 14th but will probably be up sooner. Thanks for your patience.

*Update* Maintenance was completed by midnight

Independence Day Hours

Vintage Card

Both the Dental and Isché Libraries will be closed Saturday – Monday, July 2-4 in observance of the Independence Day holiday.  The Isché Library will close at 8pm on Friday, July 1st and the Dental Library will close at 5pm. Both Libraries will reopen on Tuesday, July 5th at 8am.

Cancer Moonshot Summit on 6/29/16

MoonshotLogoThe LSU Health New Orleans Stanley S. Scott Cancer Center will host a Cancer Moonshot Summit on June 29 from noon to 4pm at the Louisiana Cancer Research Center, 1700 Tulane Ave. Augusto Ochoa, MD, director of the Cancer Center is hosting the summit. He is the only Louisiana expert on the Blue Ribbon Panel and one of 28 nationwide.

This meeting will be open to the public and is free. It will cover clinical trials, treatment, philanthropy and advocacy. Registration is preferred:

“The White House Cancer Moonshot Task Force’s mission is to double the rate of progress in cancer research and treatment, striving to accelerate what could be achieved in ten years in just five. The goals of the Cancer Moonshot cannot be achieved by one person, one organization, one discipline, or even one collective approach. Rather, solving the complexities of cancer requires the formation of new alliances to defy the bounds of innovation and accelerate the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and – ultimately – the curing of cancer.” Summits will be happening nationwide on June 29th.

ExamMaster Off Campus Access

ExamMaster access from off campus has been restored. The service just added a note that “for optimal user experience, use Chrome or Firefox browsers.When using Chrome off campus, we are seeing a security warning but if you accept what they consider a risk than you can get in.

INNOPAC Maintenance Complete

The migration to our new INNOPAC server is complete. We hope you find speedier service from the system.

Please let us know if you find any errors or problems.

INNOPAC Schedule Maintenance 6/13/16

The server that hosts INNOPAC will be undergoing maintenance on Monday, June 13 beginning about 10am. The server will be down from 3 to 8 hours. Stay tuned for a post on accessing Library materials without using INNOPAC. Thanks for your patience.

Library Commons – Cleaning (5/23-24)

The Library Commons at the Isché Library is currently closed for carpet cleaning. It should be reopen later this evening (after 6pm). Tomorrow the tiled areas will be cleaned so the area will be closed sporadically.

Happy Graduation Day!

Happy graduation day to our Spring 2016 graduates! The streaming content from graduation will be available (now that the livefeed is done) on Monday, May 23rd in the afternoon.

Enjoy a classic NOLA RB graduation song

Step It Up!

The Surgeon General issued a Call to Action to promote physical activity and encourage walking. Read about it at the

Just watch out for those evil buckmoth caterpillars.

Blast from the Past: IBM punched card

1960s Computer Punch Card, name removed

1960s Computer Punched Card, name removed

The Isché Circulation Staff found an old IBM punched card in a book this morning. The card was for a medical student who graduated in 1969. Now if we only knew what it was used for…registering for classes, or getting a student ID, or taking a test, or ???