Jennifer Lloyd


Hard to believe it’s been 9 years since our little blog project started. Thanks for reading and in case you were wondering the traditional gifts for a 9th anniversary are pottery, willow or leather.

Beware of Bison Selfies

From the latest issue of the USMMWR, “Notes from the Field: Injuries Associated with Bison Encounters — Yellowstone National Park, 2015″ which lets us know that there were 5 pedestrian visitor injuries in 2015 mostly because visitors did not stay the required 75 feet away from a large wild animal. The injured visitors were all gored or “tossed into the air” and all survived.

Easter Hours

Easter Eggs

Easter Eggs

Both the Dental and Isché Libraries will close early on Thursday, March 24th and remain closed Friday, March 25th through Sunday, March 27th. The Dental Library will close at 5 pm and the Isché Library will close at 8 pm.

Both Libraries will reopen on Monday, March 28th at 8 am.

Ische Library – Reference Hours Change

The Isché Library Reference Librarians will be available for patron assistance from 8 am to 5 pm, Monday through Friday only, starting on Monday, March 28th. With the current staffing level in that area, we are no longer able to cover the Reference Desk until 8 pm.

Chancellor Hollier in the News

An article entitled, “How health care — not LSU football — turned the tide in Louisiana’s budget debate” was published on on Friday.  It reports on how Chancellor Hollier caused the legislators to understand the current fiscal crisis and its effects on the future of healthcare in Louisiana. Great job!

Campus Closure 3/11/16

The LSUHSC campuses are closed today, Friday, March 11, 2016 due to the wind & rain. Only essential personnel should be on campus.

The Isché Library will reopen on Saturday, March 12th at 9:30 am. The Dental Library will reopen on Sunday, March 13th at 11 am.

Give us your opinion!

We want you to answer a survey!

We want you to answer a survey!


The Libraries want to hear from you. Pleas fill out this brief survey to let us know what you think about our services and collections.

History of Louisiana Medicine Collection


The Isché Library has created a mini-collection highlighting the History of Louisiana Medicine. This collection is located on the 3rd floor near the copy machine and is available for checkout.

App to Stay in Touch

ask-a-librarian-iconThe Libraries can now offer mobile services (chat, email, etc) from the Ask-a-Librarian app; it is available from Amazon, Google Play and iTunes.

Our services can be discovered in 2 ways:
1. Either search for nearby libraries; we are currently the only ones using this service in Louisiana. (However there is a known bug with users who have Android 6/Marshmallow, so uncheck the location box if this is your phone/tablet.)
2. Or search for LSU.

You will find links for both Reference and the Dental Library.


Carnival Hours

Library Shoebox Float - 2010

Library Shoebox Float – 2010

Both Libraries will have shorter hours over Mardi Gras weekend/week. They are as follows:

The Isché Library will close at 6pm on Friday, February 5th and will be open from 9:30am -3pm on Saturday, February 6th. On Sunday, February 7th, it will be open from 12noon to 5pm.

Both Libraries will close at 5pm on Monday, February 8th and will be closed on Tuesday, February 9th.

The Dental Library will close at 5pm Wednesday and Thursday, February 10th and 11th.

All other dates the Libraries will be open their regular hours.

Mary Marix Retires

Long time Reference Librarian, Mary L. Marix retired at the end of January. She worked for the LSUHSC Libraries since January 1982. A native of Baton Rouge, Mary received her undergraduate degree in Journalism from LSU and her Masters in Library Science from Rutgers University. Before being hired by LSUHealth, she worked for New Orleans Public Libraries and Touro Hospital.

Mary was awarded an LSUHSC Pfizer Award for Excellence in Education,Research, and Patient Care in 2001 and the Louisiana Library Association’s Lucy B. Foote (Subject Specialist) Award in 2005. She was active in the Medical Library Association, South Central Chapter, Health Sciences Library Association of Louisiana, Louisiana Library Association, and the LOUIS Consortium. Her expertise in searching and knowledge of the nursing literature will be missed.

Dental Library Closing at 5pm 1/21/16

The Dental Library will close this evening at 5pm because of emergency water repairs on the Dental Campus. There will be a complete water shutdown beginning at 5pm to repair a broken water main.

PubMed for Nurses

PubMed for Nurses


NLM has released a series of videos specifically for Nurses using PubMed. Each video is between 1 and 3 minutes long and includes an exercise or quiz supporting the video content.

MLK, Jr Day Closure

Both the Dental and Isché Libraries will be closed on Monday, January 18th in honor of the Martin Luther King, Jr Day Holiday. Both Libraries will be open their regular hours on Sunday the 17th (11:30 am to 8 pm for Dental and 12 noon to 12 midnight for Isché) and on Tuesday the 19th (8 am to 8 pm for Dental  and 8 am to 12 midnight for Isché).

Ische Library New Hours

The Isché Library has extended its hours as of Monday, January 11, 2016. The new hours are as follows:

  • Sunday 12 noon – 12 midnight
  • Monday – Thursday 8 am – 12 midnight
  • Friday 8 am – 8 pm
  • Saturday 9:30 am – 6 pm