Jennifer Lloyd

MLK Day Closure

Both the Isch?® and Dental Libraries will be closed on Monday, January 21st in observance of the Martin Luther King, Jr holiday.?á Both Libraries will be open regular hours on Sunday, January 20th (Dental 11:30-8 andIsch?® 1:30-10) and will reopen at 8 am on Tuesday, January 22nd.

2,000-year-old Medicine Discovered in a Shipwreck

Would you trust a medicine that’s been under water for a couple of millennia??áAn early edition article (and a link straight to the PDF) in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences analyzes tablets found in a sealed container that was part of the material recovered from the a wreck in the Mediterranean sea off the coast of Tuscany in Italy. The abstract for the article states, “The composition and the form of the Pozzino tablets seem to indicate that they were used for ophthalmic purposes.”

The article is certainly generating a lot of press, from Wired to the Smithsonian to the BBC?áto the Washington Post.

Link to the pdf of the article is available to LSUHSC faculty, staff & students. It can be accessed off-campus with a valid LSUHSC library barcode & PIN. You can find more information at our remote access webpage.

Cool Find: 1937 footage of “old Charity” torn down

Our colleagues at the Matas Library of the Health Sciences, Tulane Univerity uploaded 6 minutes of footage from 1937, filmed by Richard G. Holcombe when he was an intern, of the fifth Charity Hospital’s demolition. It was constructed in 1833 and was in use for over 100 years until the construction of “Big Charity.”

The footage was conserved in 2004 and does not include audio.

Interesting Find (vintage newspapers)

When William C. Von Glahn retired from the Pathology Department in 1957, he donated his collection of historical portraits of famous scientists and doctors to the LSU School of Medicine. The Library received the collection in 1985 and has just recently begun a major project to conserve the images.

The first step in conservation is to unframe the images so that old acidic materials will not damage the portraits going forward. Much to our surprise we discovered 1930s era newspapers used to “stuff” the frames, including a 1935 issue of the New York Journal with a large headline announcing that Huey Long had died and part of a Daily Mirror from 1939 touting the 4th World Series win for the New York Yankees.

New York Journal 1935


Daily Mirror 1939

Libraries Open / Welcome 2013!

The Libraries have re-opened for service in 2013. Welcome to the new year!

Libraries Closed for Winter Break

The Isch?® and Dental Libraries are now closed for Winter Break, in accordance with the official University Holiday Schedule.
The Libraries will re-open on Wednesday, January 2nd at 8 am.

Winter Break Hours

The LSUHSC Libraries will be open regular hours (Isch?® or Dental) until Thursday, December 20th. The Winter Break hours are as follows:

Isch?® Library
Thursday, December 20th 8 am – 6 pm
Friday, December 21st 8 am – 6 pm
Saturday, December 22nd
through CLOSED
Tuesday, January 1st
Dental Library
Thursday, December 20th 8 am – 5 pm
Friday, December 21st 8 am – 4:30 pm
Saturday, December 22nd
through CLOSED
Tuesday, January 1st

Both Libraries will re-open on Wednesday, January 2nd at 8 am.

In the News: Runny Nose or CSF Leak

Making the internet rounds is this story, of a Tucson Mom who had been leaking cerebral spinal fluid for four months before it was caught. Endoscopic surgery at the University of Arizona repaired the cracks in her sphenoid sinus and stopped the gushing.

LSUHSC HOP Clinic Featured

Ahead of the Curve
The Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Progress Report


The LSUHSC HOP Clinic was featured as a case study in the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Progress Report 2012(pgs 32-40). The Report is issued by the US Department of Health and Human Services – Health Resources and Services Administration – HIV/AIDS Programs.?á The many services offered by the Clinic and several faculty members are highlighted.

Registrar Moves Out!

The Registrar’s Office which has been housed in the Isché Library since 2006, has moved to the 1st floor of the Resource Center Building. Go check out their new space.

Thanksgiving Hours

Happy Thanksgiving!


The Libraries (both Dental & Isch?®) will close early on Wednesday, November 21st. Dental will close at 5 pm and?á?áIsch?® will close at 6 pm.?á The Libraries will remain closed Thursday, November 22nd throught Saturday, November 24th.?á Both will re-0pen on Sunday, November 25th at their normal times, Dental at?á11:30 am?áand?áIsch?® at 1:30 pm.

Enter on the 1st Floor

For the first time since August 2005, the first floor of the Resource Center Building is open.?á The Registrar‘s Office which has been housed in the Library for the last several years will be moving in two weeks to occupy their newly renovated space.

Campus Wide Book Club Meeting

Book Club Digital Sign

The Campuswide Book Club will meet on Monday, November 12th to discuss it’s latest title, Nine Lives. The author and some of the New Orleanians featured in the book will be in attendance.

Location: Medical Education Building, 1901 Perdido, Seminar rm. 4

Time: 12:15 – 1:30 pm Monday, November 12th

The LSUHSC Campuswide Book Club is sponsored by the Office of the Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic and Multicultural Affairs.

Happy Halloween from the CDC

Just what everyone wants today,?átips and?áHealth-e-Cards from the CDC. I am particular fond of the flossing vampire. Cards are available in English & Spanish.

Screen capture from Health-e-Card

Sample Ballot for Nov. 6th Election

Geaux Vote Icon

In case you’re not aware, there is an election on November 6th and our nation will be selecting a new president.?á However there are a number of other elections happening the same day, including a slew of Louisiana Constitutional Amendments?á(pdf).?á To see what’s on the ballot in your precinct, use the Louisiana Secretary of State‘s website to see what else you may be voting on.?á Just click on Sample Ballot.