Jennifer Lloyd

ScienceDirect Save Issues

ScienceDirect has a couple of bugs that make simply saving an article difficult. While the save icon may appear once you have opened the PDF of an article; clicking the icon does nothing. Of course, sometimes the icon doesn’t appear at all. Here are some work arounds to actually save your article.
Method 1: Right Mouse Click Save – Right mouse click over the PDF link in the Table of Contents display and choose “Save Target As.” This will save the PDF to your specified location. Be sure to change the default name. Unfortnately this method does not work on the Library public computers.
Method 2: Print & Re-Scan – Print the article & re-scan if you need an e-copy. Unfortunately this is wasteful.
Method 3: Print Virtually – If you have virtual print software (Adobe Acrobat but not Adobe Reader) loaded on your computer. Open the article. Click print, but select Print to PDF to virtually print the item to a new location. There are a number of free programs to accomplish this task.
Method 4: PDF Downloader – To use the ScienceDirect PDF Downloader, verify which articles on a Table of Contents page, you want.
     a. Use the check boxes on the left, to select.
     b. At the tope of the page is a link to the PDF downloader (see image below), click on this link.
     c. A java update may need to Run to use the downloader.
     d. A new popup box will appear that will allow you to select the naming convention and location of the download. sdproblem2
     e. This method does not work with all browsers.
Method 5: Email – Once the PDF is opened, select the Send icon from the top. You must have a default email client (not web-based email) for this method to work. Click Attach to Email & Send Copy (see images below).

sdproblem3 sdproblem4

We are working with Science Direct to correct these issues.

Problems with Delicious

The Libraries have used the social bookmarking service, Delicious for several years to share important links. The service was recently sold by Yahoo and a new website was launched yesterday. Unfortunately, many of the Libraries’ webpages used tag cloud feeds which are not supported at the moment; this may change by tomorrow. Hopefully this will all be settled by the end of the week.

Clinical Advisory from NINDS

The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) issued a new Clinical Advisory on September 19, 2011:

Secondary Prevention of Small Subcortical Strokes Trial: NINDS Stops Treatment with Combination Antiplatelet Therapy (Clopidogrel plus Aspirin) Due to Higher Risk of Major Hemorrhage and Death (

NINDS has stopped the combination antiplatelet intervention in the Secondary Prevention of Small Subcortical Strokes (SPS3) trial. This was a randomized, multicenter clinical trial conducted throughout North America, Latin America and Spain, to learn about preventing a second stroke in patients who had a subcortical stroke and to learn how to prevent cognitive problems after a stroke.

However, the DSMB strongly recommended that the blood pressure intervention component of the trial be continued without modification. All participants are encouraged to continue taking aspirin and blood pressure control medications and to remain active in the trial, which is expected to complete follow-up by April 2012.

Further information about this trial (NCT00059306) can be found at

INNOPAC’s New Look

In case you missed it last week, the Libraries have updated the look of the catalog,INNOPAC.


We’re still updating all handouts, tutorials, and presentations. We hope to have that process completed soon.

If you’re on campus, the new version of the catalog will automatically default to New Orleans Libraries (one less click!) but if you’re off campus, you’ll see the full catalog that we share with the Shreveport Libraries. Just click on the Search New Orleans Libraries link or use the pull down menu to Limit to New Orleans Libraries

Updated Handouts

Two of the Libraries handouts have been updated with new & improved INNOPAC screenshots.
1. WAM: Off Campus Access Directions.
2. Finding Full-Text Articles

WAM access

**Edit @ 6:30 pm** The off campus access screen is back to being pretty; please take a look at the office campus access webpage for screenshots. Please contact the Library if you have any problems.

*Edit @ 10:30 am* WAM access is back online, but it looks a little wonky. Functionality over beauty wins right now. We are continuing to work on the issue.

Unfortunately, with the launch of the new catalog look, off-campus access to full-text materials was accidentally disabled. We are working to fix this ASAP.

New Look for INNOPAC

The Libraries’ catalog, INNOPAC, just got a face lift. Try out the new look.
If you’re on campus, the new version of the catalog will automatically default to New Orleans Libraries (one less click!) but if you’re off campus, you’ll see the full catalog that we share with the Shreveport Libraries. Just click on the Search New Orleans Libraries link or use the pull down menu to Limit to New Orleans Libraries

New issue of Library Bulletin

The latest issue of the LibraryÔÇÖs Newsletter has been released. Archives of the newsletter are also available from 1998 to the present.

La Family Physician of the Year

Kim Edward LeBlanc, Marie Lahasky Professor and Head – LSUHSC Department of Family Medicine, has been named the Louisiana Family Physician of 2011 by the Louisiana Academy of Family Physicians. Congratulations!
Kim Edward LeBlanc

Kim Edward LeBlanc

Yellow Fever Collection Highlighted

The Aristides Agramonte Yellow Fever Collection was featured on the blog of the National Network of Libraries of Medicine/South Central Region and in the LOUIS: Louisiana Library Network newsletter (p.5-6). Great press for an important collection!

Wow! $4.3M to School of Nursing

New Orleans City Business reported today that the LSUHSC School of Nursing has received $4.3 million in federal grants from the Department of Health and Human Services. Congratulations SoN!

F as in Fat

The Trust for America’s Health has released a new report, F as in Fat: How Obesity Threatens America’s Future 2011 which finds that adult obesity is increasing across the Nation. Louisiana is the 5th most obese state with 31.6% of its adult population being obese; we are one of the 16 states with an obesity rate above 30%.

PayPaw VTS @ Ische

The Pay Paw VTS unit in the Isché Library has been down since the power outage on Saturday. We have no estimate for it’s repair.

Planned Power Outage in the RCB

Maintenance will require that the power will be out in the Resource Center Building on Saturday, June 18th from 6 am to 9 am. The Library Commons will be closed during this time. The Isch?® Library plans to open for itÔÇÖs normal hours from 9:30 am to 6 pm.


The INNOPAC server will be moving this morning, so the web catalog will be unavailable for approximately 30 minutes between 9 and 10:30 a.m. We apologize for any inconvenience.

*Edit* The server was powered down at 9 a.m. and power was restored at 9:55.