Jennifer Lloyd

Thanksgiving Day Hours

On Wednesday, November 24th, the Isché Library will close at 6 p.m. and the Dental Library will close at 5 p.m. Both Libraries will remain closed on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday (November 25th-27th) in honor of Thanksgiving. Both will re-open on Sunday, November 28th from 1:30-10 p.m.

Additionally, because of facilities work on the elevated walkways, the Library Commons will also be closed.


Preparing Students for Best Jobs

Money Magazine came out with it’s list The 50 Best Jobs in America in the November issue. LSUHSC New Orleans is preparing its students for many of these.
#4 Physical Therapist
#12 Dentist
#13 Nurse Anesthetist
#19 Occupational Therapist
#25 Emergency Room Physician
#27 Director of Nursing
#29 Psychiatrist
#34 Primary Care Physician
#44 Speech-Language Pathologist
#46 Physical Therapy Director

MeSH turns 50

MeSH is the controlled vocabulary used by the National Library of Medicine to organize information in the health sciences; it is the underpinning of MEDLINE.

While first discussed at a symposium in 1947, the first volume of the printed subject headings was published in 1960. The last printed volume was issued in 2007, but the database (which is both alphabetical and hiearchical) continues to be available in electronic form as the MeSh browser.

NLM will offer a videocast on Thursday, November 18th from 1-2:30 (CST) by Robert Braude, PhD, entitled MeSH at 50 ÔÇô 50th Anniversary of Medical Subject Headings.

XRays Discovered 115 Years Ago

xraydiscovery2010-ps Check out the Google logo today. In recognizes that Wilhelm Conrad R?Ântgen (commonly spelled Roentgen) accidentally discovered “a new type of ray.” He won the Nobel Prize in 1901 for his discovery, but in physics not medicine.

Boolean Logic

We all use Boolean logic everyday when searching library databases or using a search engine (New Orleans Saints AND shirts). George Boole, the mathematician who established Boolean logic was born today (November 2nd) in 1815. His big breakthrough was that logic (which had previously been associated with philosophy) could instead be thought of mathematically.

Happy Halloween

Don’t worry the LSUHSC Libraries will be open this weekend

Isché Library
Saturday, Oct. 30th 9:30-6
Sunday, Oct. 31st 1:30-10
Dental Library
Sunday, Oct. 31st 1:30-10

and we promise that no zombies or Zombrarian will be present. But just in case, here’s the University of Florida Libraries Zombie Survival LibGuide.

Wired Ports on Campus, pt.2

Wired Ports on the downtown campus will be switched over to using the 802.1x protocol at 9 am on Monday, October 25th. This is the same protocol that has been in use on the wireless network for sometime.

The email from the Assistant Vice Chancellor for Information Technology (on October 21st at 10:40 am to all LSUHSC New Orleans faculty, staff, and students) states “If you do experience a problem with a wired connection, please make an appointment with your schoolÔÇÖs IT supporters to have the problem addressed. In the interim, please use your wireless connection.”


NLM exhibit

NLM exhibit

With the news that Cholera has taken over 100 lives in Haiti, a National Library of Medicine exhibit on the history of the disease came to mind.

Louisiana has had its own battle with the disease. As recently as 1986, cases of cholera were reported in South Louisiana, including Jefferson Parish. Not to mention the over 4,000 people who died of the disease in New Orleans in 1832.

Happy Anniversary to Streptomycin

October 19th was the 67th anniversary of the discovery of streptomycin which proved to be effective against tuberculosis and other penicillin resistant infectious diseases.

10/9 – Partial Power Outage

Starting at 5 am on Saturday, October 9th, there will be a partial electrical shutdown at the Resource Center Building. Receptacles and lighting on the Gravier Street side of the Resource Center Building will not be operational during this outage. The work will last approximately 8 hours.

The Library and Library Commons will remain open despite the outage.

Bed Bugs Attack!

Bed bugs have been all over the National news and now they are making their way to Louisiana. The LSU Ag Center has published information on bed bugs; the Louisiana State Epidemiologist office has created a 12 page document on the “Control and Prevention of Bed Bugs.”

Ische Hours 9/25 & 9/26

The Isché Library (and Library Commons) will be closed during normal library hours on Saturday, September 25th. The mitigation contractor will be shutting down power to the Resource Center Building. Most other buildings on campus will also be affected by this outage.

To allow students time to use the Isché Library, special hours for the weekend will be as follows:
Saturday, September 25th 6 – 10 pm
Sunday, September 26th 10 am – 10 pm

Wireless Upgrade

The Wireless Network in the Isché Library and the Library Commons will upgraded tonight (Tuesday, September 21st) at 10 pm. The network will be unvailable for approximately 30-45 minutes.

Cocaine as Local Anesthesia

In 1884, cocaine was first used as a local anesthesia for eye surgery. Sigmund Freud even endorsed it. At the time it was considered much more useful than ether.

Wired Ports on Campus

*Update – 2:15 pm*
The Wired Ports in the Library have reverted to allow “guest” laptops to work.

Computer Services pushed through a change to all wired (requiring a cord) ports on the downtown campus yesterday, including the ones in the Library and the Library Commons. The ports will now required that any laptop connecting will need to be included in the network. (How to tell if your laptop is “in the network?” Do you use your LSUHSC userid and password to login? Then yes. If not? Then no.) Users who have “guest” computers will notice a message in the tray of their taskbar saying their Local Area Network has Limited Connectivity. limited

Wireless access is still available for non-network laptops.