Jennifer Lloyd

Grow a New Head & Brain?

A new paper published in PLoS Genetics has identified the gene that allows Schmidtea mediterranea to regenerate not only its limbs, but also its head and brain. The gene, called ÔÇ£smed-prep,ÔÇØ is similar to a gene found in humans, according to a post.

Crude Oil Spills and Human Health

The National Library of Medicine‘s Disaster Information Management Research Center
has created a new fact sheet on “Crude Oil Spills & Human Health.” The page is primarily an arranged group of links to other federal and state agencies.

Oil Slick in Gulf

Nasa’s satellite imaging photographed the oil slick in the Gulf of Mexico caused by the drilling platform accident last week. It was featured in their Image of the Day Gallery on Monday.

Oil Slick in Gulf

Oil Slick in Gulf

Commons Closing on Friday Night

Since the water will be shut down in the Resource Center Building from 7 p.m. on Friday, April 23rd until 5 a.m. on Saturday, April 24th, the Library Commons will be closed during that time period as bathrooms will not be working.

Happy Birthday LSU!

On Saturday, April 24th, Louisiana State University will celebrate its 150th birthday. The Baton Rouge Advocate has produced a special section in anticipation of the anniversary on Sunday, April 18th.

The LSU School of Medicine was part of the main campus in Baton Rouge (even though it was in New Orleans) from its inception in 1931 until the Medical Center became its own campus in 1965.

Puppies! Aid in Cancer Research

The official LSUHSC New Orleans twitter account posted a message this morning that read: Slobbery kisses from ‘man’s best friend’ aid #cancer research. #lifescience #research As a dog person, I’m all for research that benefits humans and their best friends.

And what do the pound signs mean before certain words in that message? The pound sign is called a hashtag and it allows those terms to be searched in twitter.

Elevators in the RCB

Elevators #3 & #4 will be out of service from Thursday, April 15th through mid-June, according to Facility Services. The elevators are to be modified for future flood issues. Plan on leaving the Isché Library a few minutes earlier to get to your next class or meeting.

Child Abuse Prevention Month

April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month. The CDC states that “in 2007, approximately 794,000 children were confirmed by Child Protective Services as being abused or neglected.” Of that number, over 21,000 are in Louisiana. Prevent Child Abuse Louisiana is a state-wide, non-profit organization dedicated to preventing the abuse and neglect of our state’s children.

Human Genome @ 10 has a special news section celebrating the Human Genome Project’s 10th anniversary. The contents are mostly included in the April 1st issue. They are asking scientists to participate in a survey to calculate the impact of the sequence.

Link to the pdf of the article is available to LSUHSC faculty staff & students. It can be accessed off-campus with a valid LSUHSC library barcode & PIN. You can find more information at our remote access webpage.

Happy Anniversary, Blog!

Today (March 29th) the Libraries’ blog (LSUHSC-NO Libraries News is the formal name) will celebrate it’s 3rd anniversary. This post will be the 736th since we started with 17 authors, 48 categories, and 50 tags. The 18 authors is the most significant number to me; the entire Library Staff (both at the Isché & Dental Libraries) is only 22 people. Thanks to everyone who has taken the time to make the blog a success.

As for our readers, is there a topic we’ve been missing? Or something you’d like to see more of? Please don’t hesitate to let us know. On to year 4!

And in case you were wondering, the traditional gift is leather and the modern gift is crystal. The leather would probably be more practical in the Library; perhaps a donated volume?

More Commotion @ Ische

On Monday, March 29th the old furniture from behind the Isché Circulation Desk will be removed beginning at 8 a.m. The old circulation desk will be broken down on Monday afternoon and the new desk will be set up Tuesday morning. In preparation for all these changes, reserve materials will be removed from behind the desk on Friday. We apologize for any inconvenience to our patrons.

High Fructose Corn Syrup Bad

A new study published in Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior finds that high fructose corn syrup leads to abnormal increases in body fat, at least in rats, when compared to regular table sugar.

Link to the pdf of the article is available to LSUHSC faculty staff & students. It can be accessed off-campus with a valid LSUHSC library barcode & PIN. You can find more information at our remote access webpage.

World Water Day

Designated by the United Nations General Assembly in 1992, World Water Day (celebrated on March 22nd each year) the theme for this year’s day is “Clean Water for a Healthy World.”

Commons Closed Mon & Tues night

The Library Commons (24 hour study space) will be closed on Monday, March 22nd & Tuesday, March 23rd from midnight until 6 am. Outside contractors will be conducting core drilling on all floors of the Resource Center Building during this time.

Be Free of Fraud: Tech Tips

LSUHSC Information Technology had come up with a page of Tips for Protecting Yourself from Technology-Based Fraud. Check it out & stay safe.