Jennifer Lloyd

Library News Upgraded

The LSUHSC Libraries’ Blog has been upgraded to WordPress v.2.8.4. The transition for our readers should appear seamless (but if it doesn’t please let me know). The biggest change is that the blog now works with campus security protocols. So if you would like to make a comment AND you’re an LSUHSC user, you can just login with your regular LSUHSC userid & password. For those non-LSUHSC readers, you are still welcome to create a login as a subscriber and comment away.

PA Week

National Physician Assistant Week is celebrated each year from October 6-12. It is “intended to support, celebrate, highlight, and recognize the significant impact PAs have made and continue to make in health care. It is an opportunity to promote public awareness of the physician assistant profession and to salute the outstanding growth of the PA workforce.” LSUHSC Shreveport will be admitting students to its PA program next fall. The School of Allied Health Professions in New Orleans has a PA program in its strategic plan as well.

Health Literacy Month

October is Health Literacy Month. The intention is to highlight the need for organizations and healthcare providers to offer understandable health information to their patients or clients. This year’s theme is “Why Health Literacy Matters: Sharing Our Stories in Words, Pictures, and Sound.” “Health literacy is the ability to understand health information and to use that information to make good decisions about your health and medical care.”

Pill Identification System

The National Library of Medicine has launched a beta version of PillBox, its new “aid in the identification of unknown solid dosage pharmaceuticals.” It contains over 5,000 records with over 750 illustrations.

Medical Students & Online Misbehavior

This week’s issue of JAMA features an article entitled “Online Posting of Unprofessional Content by Medical Students.” Sixty percent of reporting medical schools “reported incidents of students posting unprofessional online content.” MSNBC has already picked up the story.

Time to quickly vet all online sources.

Link to the pdf of the article is available to LSUHSC faculty staff & students. It can be accessed off-campus with a valid LSUHSC library barcode & PIN. You can find more information at our remote access webpage.

Blog Downtime

This blog will be down for maintennance beginning at 7 a.m. on Wednesday, September 23rd for approximately an hour.

Ische Library Computer Lab Open

The Isché Library computer lab is once again available for student use.

Ische Computer Lab Closed

The Isché Library Computer Lab remains closed this morning because the carpet did not dry over the weekend. It will be reopened as soon as the carpet is dry and the tables and computers can be moved back in.

Fast Help for E-Resources

The LSUHSC Libraries have access to almost 200 databases so how do you decide which one to start searching in? The Reference Librarians have created 6 E-Resources at a Glance sheets for each of the school of LSUHSC.
Electronic Resources at a Glance: Allied Health
Electronic Resources at a Glance: Dentistry
Electronic Resources at a Glance: Graduate Studies
Electronic Resources at a Glance: Medicine
Electronic Resources at a Glance: Nursing
Electronic Resources at a Glance: Public Health
Let us know what you think.

Ische Library Computer Lab Closed this Weekend

The Isché Library Computer Lab will be unavailable starting on Friday afternoon (Sept. 18th) through Monday morning (Sept. 21st). All the computers & furniture will be moved out so the room can get a thorough cleaning.


IT has just reported that Moodle is down campus-wide. No estimate has been given for when it will be back up.
~Edit~ Moodle came back up at 12:50. Looks like everyone is good to go.

Fall Prevention Workshop

LSUHSC Occupational Therapy faculty and students will be providing a Fall Prevention Workshop on Tuesday, September 22, 2009 from 1-4 p.m. at Grace Episcopal Church, 2700 Canal St. Other participants include the LSUHSC Departments of Physical Therapy, Medicine, Community Nursing, as well as the Louisiana Fall Prevention Coalition and the Office of Public Health Injury Research and Prevention Program. For more information, see the official LSUHSC press release.

Free Influenza Resource from EBSCO

Influenza: Evidence Based Resources is a FREE database offered by EBSCO Publishing (from whom the Libraries purchase a number of databases). It is comprised of selected resources from a number of its health related databases. And includes information for clinicians, nurses and patients.

RefWorks Class on Thursday

The Isché Library will be offering a RefWorks class this Thursday (Sept. 17th) from 1-2 p.m. To register contact Molly Knapp or call the Circulation Desk @ 504-568-6100.

RefWorks is a Web-based bibliography and database manager. It allows users to create their own personal database by importing references from text files or online databases.

Flu Statistics for LA

The Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals has released its Influenza Surveillance Report through the end of August. It finds that:

  • 11% of swine flu patients are 4 or younger.
  • 70% are 5 to 24 years old
  • 18% are 26-64
  • 1% are 65 are older
  • Further the report states that “there are 737 lab confirmed cases of 2009 Influenza A (H1N1) in Louisiana. Based on an extrapolation from CDC data, the real case count in Louisiana is closer to 39,000.”

    Don’t forget to follow the CDC guidelines for staying healthy.