Jennifer Lloyd

Labor Day Hours

The Isché & Dental Libraries will be closed Sunday & Monday for the Labor Day holiday. The Isché Library will be open its normal Saturday hours of 9:30 a.m. – 6 p.m.

1st Chemotherapy Agent Used 100 years ago

Paul Ehrlich developed what is now recognized as the first chemotherapy agent 100 years ago. On August 31, 1909 his 606th compound of arsenobenzene was developed. He was searching for a way to treat syphillis.

Fall Library Newsletter Available

The latest issue of the Library?óÔé¼Ôäós Newsletter has been released. Archives of the newsletter are also available from 1998 to the present.

Ische Library Bookdrop

The Isché Library bookdrop was moved back to its original location on the crosswalk earlier this week.

Wireless & Passwords

If your LSUHSC password is ready to expire, it might be a safer bet to change it at a wired computer, rather than attempting to change it while connected (or attempting to connect) to the wireless. Because of individal computer caching issues, the new password does not always work perfectly. Passwords may be changed at any of the Library’s public PCs by accessing your LSUHSC webmail.

ScienceDirect – Access to PDFs

ScienceDirect seems to be having a nation wide problem. Attempting to access a PDF article will result in an error message. We have no timeline for this to be corrected. ~EDIT @ 1:30 p.m. Progress of sorts? The error message is gone, but now SD is asking for a login…which we don’t have. Hoping it will be fixed by later this afternoon. ~Edit~ @ 1:55 p.m. Elsevier has corrected the problem; all SD subscribed PDFs should once again be available.

3 Resource Guides Updated

The following Resource Guides have been updated:

  • Biographical Data on Physicians & Nurses
  • History of Surgery
  • Statistics
  • Resource Guides are instructional tools to introduce users to basic information. If you think the Library should add a Resource Guide, please let us know.

    Be Prepared – Storm Season 2009

    I must admit 3 named storms popping up over this past weekend made me a bit jumpy. Here are local resources on disaster preparedness to help make sure we’re all ready in the event of a storm:
    LSUHSC Information
       Chancellor’s Memorandum 51: Policy on Weather Related Emergency Procedures for LSUHSC-New Orleans
       LSUHSC-NO Emergency Alert System

    Parish Information
       Jefferson Parish & its Emergency Alert Service
       New Orleans & its Emergency Alert Service
       St. Bernard Parish
       St. Tammany Parish

    State Information
       Louisiana Office of Homeland Security & Emergency Preparedness & its Evacuation Guides

    Issues with Wireless

    With so many students returning to campus for the Fall semester, we’re seeing a number of issues accessing the wireless network. If the directions that the Library or Nursing School have posted aren’t working out. Try not checking off any of the certificate authorities. When the popup box comes up to accept the security certificate, wait a few moments before clicking OK. It seems like if you click through the boxes too quickly, you end up stuck in a login loop.

    If this doesn’t work, we can try to help in the Library or you can hunt down a computer supporter in your school.

    Top Doctors from New Orleans Magazine

    Once a year, New Orleans Magazine publishes a list of the Top Doctors in the greater New Orleans area; this list is compiled from a database created by Best Doctors in America. This year there were 564 listings from 66 specialties; the list is created by asking area physicians who they would want to treat an ill family member. Two LSUHSC physicians were featured Kim Edward LeBlanc and Cleveland Moore. Congratulations to everyone on the list!
    Allergy & Immunology
    Luis R. Espinoza
    Cleveland Marvin Moore
    Ricardo Sorenson
    Cardiovascular Disease
    David Lucas Glancy
    Critical Care Medicine
    Christopher C. Baker
    Carol M. Mason
    Steve Nelson
    Warren Richard Summer
    Brian David Lee
    Lee T. Nesbitt, Jr.
    Endocrinology & Metabolism
    Alfonso Vargas
    Family Medicine
    Kim Edward LeBlanc
    Herbert L. Muncie, Jr.
    Infectious Disease
    Rebecca Adair Clark
    Michael Edward Hagensee
    David H. Martin
    Charles V. Sanders
    Internal Medicine
    John R. Amoss
    David M. Borne
    Angela M. McLean
    Medical Oncology & Hematology
    Lowell Anthony
    John D. England
    Anne L. Foundas
    Amparo (Amy) Gutierrez
    Piotr Wladyslaw Olejniczak
    Austin John Sumner
    Nuclear Medicine
    Richard J. Campeau, Jr.
    Obstetrics & Gynecology
    Martha Johnston Brewer
    Ralph R. Chesson, Jr.
    Felton L. Winfield, Jr.
    Orthopaedic Surgery
    Andrew G. King
    Rohan Walvekar
    Pain Medicine
    Alan David Kaye
    Stephen Kishner
    Randall Douglas Craver
    Gary E. Lipscomb
    William Proctor Newman III
    Pediatric Allergy & Immunology
    Cleveland Marvin Moore
    Ricardo Sorenson
    Pediatric Anesthesiology
    Stanley Martin Hall
    John Frederick Heaton
    Pediatric Cardiology
    Robert Joseph Ascuitto
    Nancy Tamara Ross-Ascuitto
    Aluizio Roberto Stopa
    Pediatric Gastroenterology
    Raynorda F. Brown
    Pediatric Hematology-Oncology
    Renee V. Gardner
    Tammuella E. Singleton
    Maria C. Velez
    Lolie Chua Yu
    Pediatric Nephrology
    V. Matti Vehaskari
    Pediatric Orthopaedic Surgery
    Andrew G. King
    Pediatric Pathology
    Randall Douglas Craver
    Pediatric Rheumatology
    Abraham Gedalia
    Pediatric Specialist/Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
    Charles C. Coleman
    Debra DePrato
    Martin J. Drell
    Humberton Quintana
    Pediatric Specialist/Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine
    Brian Barkemeyer
    Staci Olister
    Duna Penn
    Dana Rivera
    Pediatric Specialist/Neurology, General
    Stephen Russell Deputy
    Ann Henderson Tilton
    Maria Weimer
    Pediatric Specialist/Neurology, Neuromuscular Disease
    Ann Henderson Tilton
    Pediatric Surgery
    Charles Baker Hill, Jr
    Pediatric Urology
    Joseph Ortenberg
    Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
    Stephen Kirshner
    James G. Barbee
    Jose Calderon-Abbo
    Charles C. Coleman
    Erich J. Conrad
    Debra Deprato
    Howard Joseph Osofsky
    Mark Harold Townsend
    Pulmonary Medicine
    Juzar Ali
    Carol M. Mason
    Steve Nelson
    Judd Ernest Shellito
    Warren Richard Summer
    David Allen Welsh
    Luis R. Espinoza
    Sleep Medicine
    Piotr Wladyslaw Olejniczak
    Christopher C. Baker
    J. Philip Boudreaux
    John Patrick Hunt III
    Surgical Oncology
    Eugene A. Woltering
    Sean Collins
    Harold Anthony Fuselier, Jr
    Jack Christian Winters
    Vascular Surgery
    Larry Harold Hollier

    Largest Class of Medical Students

    It’s not just my imagination. There really are more first year medical students this year. Welcome to campus!

    Certificate Error & Remote Access

    A number of patrons have been receiving a certificate error when attempting to use the Library’s Remote Access system (WAM).


    The certificate was renewed by LSU-Baton Rouge but is not propigating properly for some reason. To install the certificate, click on the from the following link. And then choose Open and then Install. Accept any other default settings. *Please note that this certificate only works with Internet Explorer & not Firefox.*


    Once installation is complete (takes about 10 seconds), attempt the off-campus link from the Library’s webpages again.

    ~EDIT~ This issue is now resolved thanks to the efforts of the IT staff.

    Database Videos & IE On-Campus

    When on-campus many users are experiencing problems accessing videos in both Current Protocols and Springer Protocols. This seems to be an issue with Internet Explorer only. If possible try accessing the same sites in Firefox (neither Chrome or Safari worked for me). We are working with campus IT to have this matter resolved quickly. transitioning is being transitioned to it’s new version. Unfortunately during that transition (in the Netherlands), our subscription information seems to have been lost. Since Amersterdam has already started their weekend, access will probably not be reinstated until Monday.

    NOLA Community Alert System

    NOLAReady is a service provided by the City of New Orleans Office Homeland Security & Emergency Preparedness. “NOLAReady is an alert system that allows City Officials to contact you during an emergency by sending text messages to your:
    * E-mail account (work, home, school, etc.)
    * Cell phone, pager
    * Smart phone or hand held device”

    Alerts can be viewed at their webpage and you can select alerts by zipcode.

    Caveats: They seem to ask for a lot of personal data and under universities neither LSUHSC or Tulane Med are listed which is odd.