Jennifer Lloyd

Scourge of Scurvy – Defeated over 260 years ago

On this date in 1747, a Scottish Naval physician began the testing that uncovered the cause of scurvy and lead to its cure. So go eat an orange today, in honor of Dr. James Lind.

Importance of the Proposed Academic Medical Center

Chancellor Hollier has recorded to audio spots on the meaning and impact of the proposed new Academic Medical Center in New Orleans. Check them out:
Spot 1
Spot 2

Please share them widely.

Color Copier Multi-Tasks

The color photocopier at the Isché Library has moved back down to the 3rd floor near the circulation desk. It has been programmed to make:

  • black & white copies with cash at 10?é?ó per page
  • black & white copies using Pay Paw at 8?é?ó per page
  • color copies using either for 25?é?ó
  • It’s the Midnight Special

    Remember the Isché Library is open until midnight tonight (Friday, May 8th) and tomorrow (Saturday, May 9th) for special exam hours. Time to get studying!

    Get Fit!

    Who remembers the President’s Fitness Challenge from grade or high school? The pull-ups were my most hated event.

    president fitness challenge

    president fitness challenge

    President Obama has reiterated that May is National Physical Fitness and Sports Month. There are guidelines for adults, seniors, teens, and children. I’m willing to try the Physical Activity Guidelines, just so long as no on makes me do pull-ups ever again.

    Burn the Midnight Oil

    Remember the Isché Library is staying open until midnight on Fridays & Saturdays this weekend and next. Come get your study on.

    LSU Docs & Live Chatting on

    Earlier today, two LSUHSC physicians were featured in a Live Chat on regarding Swine Flu. Fred Lopez & James Aiken answered questions from participants for about an hour starting at 12 noon.

    Exam Hours at the Ische Library

    Because the Library Commons is not quite finished yet, the Isché Library will have Spring Exam hours and will be open until 12 midnight 7 days a week until May 14th.

    This is Your Brain on Twitter

    Twitter* is all the rage at the moment. From Oprah signing on to Ashton Kutcher & CNN competing for the most followers, but what are the implications for users at a health sciences center?

    One of our fellow medical librarians (PF Anderson at the University of Michigan) has a great slidshare presentation on “Twitter in Health & Healthcare” which demonstrates the various uses of twitter for both professionals and patients.

    Twitter is even being used as a form of assistive technology for brain injured adults. The University of Wisconsin Biomedical Engineering Department are developing software that allows the use of a “brain-computer interface” which allows the direct input of thoughts into Twitter.

    I am HS_Librarian on Twitter.

    *Twitter is a microblogging website where users can disseminate information in 140 character posts.

    Create a Healthy Environment for Earth Day

    As part of National Environmental Education Week and Earth Day, the National Library of Medicine is promoting its toxicology resources. These resources include: ToxMAP, ToxTown, ToxMystery, MedlinePlus, Household Products Database, and Hazardous Substances Data Bank (HSDB). Several of these resources are part of TOXNET which provides access a host of information related to toxicology, hazardous chemicals, and environmental health. For more information on Environmental Health and Toxicology, check out the Special Information Services page at NLM.

    Furniture – Sneak Peak

    Here’s a quick sneak peak at the furniture that has been setup for the Library Commons.

    furniture-front furniture-study
    furniture-cafe furniture-av

    Library Commons Progress

    The Library Commons is getting closer to completion. We hear that furniture may be delivered today.

    commons carpeted area

    commons carpeted area

    Spring Fling @ the Downtown Campus

    Don’t forget the Spring Fling this afternoon; here’s a copy of Chancellor Hollier’s invitation:

    I?óÔé¼Ôäód like to personally invite you and your families to our 2009 Spring Fling, our annual team-building event, on April 17th in the 500 block of Bolivar Street. We have been fortunate to receive generous donations from several sponsors to defray the cost of the event. As the end of work schedules and classes varies, the event will be held from 3:30 – 7:30 PM. There will be something for everyone ?óÔé¼ÔÇ£ delicious food and drink, live music from the Boogie Men, an airbrush tattoo artist and clowns with balloons for the little ones. For those of you coming from off campus, free parking will be available in Student Lot 2 (on the corner of Perdido and Bolivar streets). We?óÔé¼Ôäóre grateful to the Campus Federal Credit Union, the Southeast Louisiana Area Health Education Center, and Acadiana Computer Systems for their sponsorship of the event. It promises to be a great time, and I?óÔé¼Ôäóll look forward to seeing you all there!

    Minority Health Awareness Month

    April is a popular month for health observances, including National Minority Health Awareness Month sponsored by the US Department of Health and Hospitals Office of Minority Health. Preconception is the theme for 2009 with the slogan “Ordinary couples don?óÔé¼Ôäót plan their pregnancies. Be extraordinary!”

    National Minority Health Month

    National Minority Health Month

    National Library Worker Day

    Today is National Library Worker Day as declared by the ALA-APA (American Library Association-Allied Professional Association). It is a day for library staff, users, administrators and friends groups to recognize the valuable contributions made by all library workers. So come by and give your favorite library worker a pat on the back.

    Library Worker Day logo

    Library Worker Day logo

    Originally posted on April 4th, but it turns out I got the date wrong. National Library Worker Day is on April 14th this year.