Jennifer Lloyd

Winter Break Hours

The Isché Library will be closing at 6pm from Monday, December 20th through Thursday, December 23rd.

Both the Dental and Isché Libraries will be closed from Friday, December 24th through Monday, January 3rd for the official university holidays. The Libraries will re-open on Tuesday, January 4th at 8am and will resume normal hours.

Electronic access to books and journals will be available during the break but chat, circulation and research services will not. Additionally the Library Commons downtown should be available while the Libraries are closed.

purple snowflake

Thanksgiving Hours

The LSUHSC Libraries will be closed Thursday-Friday, November 25-26th for the Thanksgiving holiday.

The Isché Library will close at 6pm on Wednesday, November 24th and will be closed on Saturday, November 27th but will be open on Sunday, November 28th from 11:30am to 8pm.

Both Libraries will be open Monday, November 29th at 8am. And resume their current reduced hours.

Mask Mandate On Campus Still in Effect

Despite LSU main campus dropping their mask mandate today, as a healthcare facility, the mask mandate remains in effect on the LSUHSC campuses. This was confirmed by an email to all faculty, staff and students from VC of Clinical Affairs, Christian Winters today.

The Libraries ask that all library patrons comply with this university policy.

Dental Library Re-Open!

The Dental Library reopens today (Monday, October 4th) at 8am and is returning to it’s limited COVID hours of 8am-6pm Monday-Thursday and 8am-5pm on Friday.

The Library still has some damage from Hurricane Ida that will be repaired in the coming months, but all library services and study spaces are available.

ReOpening – Downtown Library

The Ische Library on the Downtown campus will reopen on Monday, September 13th at 8am and will resume full operation.

The Dental Library will remain closed while remediation from Hurricane Ida occurs.

Library Closure – Hurricane Ida

*Update 2* The Libraries will remain closed the week of September 6th. We hope to announce reopening soon.

*Update* because of the power situation in New Orleans, the Libraries will be closed until September 6th. Hope everyone stayed safe.

In anticipation of Hurricane Ida, the downtown Isché Library will close at 5pm today, Friday, August 27th. Both the Dental and Downtown campuses will be closed Saturday, August 28th through Monday, August 30th.

Hopefully all will be well, and we will reopen on Tuesday, August 31st at 8am at both the Dental and Isché Libraries.

NLM Databases Retiring

The following National Library of Medicine databases will be retired on September 14, 2021.

(1) HSRProj (Health Services Research Projects in Progress)

(2) HSRR (Health Services and Sciences Research Resources)

(3) HSRIC (Health Services Research Information Central)

(4) PHPartners (Partners in Information Access for Public Health Workforce).

For more information, please see the NLM Technical Bulletin article, Changes in Health Services Research Support at NLM (

Reducing Hours Isché / Staggering Staff Schedules 8/8/2021

The Isché Library will reduce its hours beginning on Sunday, August 8th.

The hours will be
Monday-Thursday 8am – 8pm
Friday 8am – 6pm
Saturday 9:30am – 6pm
Sunday 11:30am – 8pm

These hours will be allow Library staff to better socially distance while also keeping the Library open 7 days per week.

ILLiad Upgrade-Complete

*Update* the upgrade is complete as of 1:45pm. Thanks for your patience.

The Libraries’ interlibrary loan interface, ILLiad, has a planned upgrade on Tuesday, August 3rd from 12noon-2pm. The software will be unavailable during that window. Thanks for your patience.

Microfiche/Microfilm Scanner

The Isché Library has a new Microfiche/Microfilm scanner available for use. It is housed on the 3rd floor near the circulation desk. Material can be scanned to a thumb drive or printed. There is no charge for printing. Please ask at the Circulation Desk for assistance.

New Commons Display – Honoring VCAA Moerschbaecher

The Library has created a new display in 3 sections of the Commons cases. The display honors Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs Joseph M. Moerschbaecher, III, PhD, who spent nearly 40 years of his career at LSUHSC. Dr. M passed away July 1, 2021. He was hired in the Department of Pharmacology in 1983.

Dr. Moerschbaecher helped create the space that is now the Library Commons (2009) and he enjoyed selecting material for the display cases. Many of the medicine bottles in the cases closest to the Library entrance were from his collections.

To learn more, read these online tributes from the SoM Pulse, the LSU Health Newsroom, and

And if you can’t make it over, enjoy a couple of photos:

Display Case
Front Display Honoring Joe Moerschbaecher
display 2
2nd Case Honoring Joe Moerschbaecher

Power On! Ische Library Open!

*EDIT* The power came back on at 10:45am. The Ische Library re-opened at 11:15 am. Fingers crossed that it stays on!

*EDIT* Spoke to soon and jinxed the power. The power to the RCB and the SoN/AH building went out again at 5:30am on Wednesday, the 21st. No estimated repair time at the moment.

Power was restored to the Resource Center Building around 4:30pm on Tuesday, July 20th. The Ische Library will re-open on Wednesday morning at 7:30am. Phew!

Downtown Library Closed – July 20, 2021

*Edit* The latest power restoration is 4pm. The Ische Library will not open today. Hopefully, we’ll be open again tomorrow.

Parts of the downtown campus continue to be without power, including the RCB. The Ische Library will be closed this morning… or until power is restored. The current restoration estimate is 12 noon. Library staff will be working remotely and available via chat/email.

Stay tuned for further developments.

4th of July Holiday

The LSUHSC Libraries, and the LSUHSC campuses, will be closed on Monday, July 5th in observance of the 4th of July holiday. In addition, the Isché Library will be closed on Saturday, July 3rd and Sunday, July 4th.

Both Libraries will be open regular hours on Tuesday, July 6th.

Library Lobby Work Downtown

On the downtown campus, the Library Lobby is having both elevator and wallpaper work done at the moment. Prepare to step carefully as you get off the elevator to access the coffee shop (to the right) or the Isché Library (to the left). Work will continue until it’s complete.