Jennifer Lloyd

GlobusWorld Tour on Campus 11/7/19

The GlobusWorld Tour stops on the Downtown campus on Thursday, November 7, 2019. The workshop is free and lasts all day. The agenda is available and advanced registration is recommended. All campus research partners are invited to attend.

Globus World Tour logo

Globus is a research data management service developed by the University of Chicago. This workshop is sponsored by the School of Medicine. And will take place from 8am to 4pm in the Clinical Sciences Research Building.

Toastmaster Open House on Halloween

The HR Talent Development Team invites you to an upcoming professional development opportunity on the Downtown Campus on Thursday, October 31st from 2-3pm in the Lions Building, room 632.

Toastmaster Open House Flyer

Unmasking Brain Injury moves to the Dental Campus

The Unmasking Brain Injury exhibit from the Brain Injury Association of Louisiana from the Isché Library to the Dental Library. This exhibit of masks made by brain injured individuals promotes awareness of the prevalence of brain injury and gives survivors a voice.

Display of 42 masks in the library commons
Unmasking Brain Injury 2019

It will be on view at the Dental Library October 23rd through November 7th. It was previously on view at the Isché Library from September 21st through October 21st.

Research Poster Printing – Downtown

Research poster printing is now available at the Isché Library. This service is free of charge and is funded by the School of Graduate Studies. Please see the webpage linked above for more information or contact email to submit a poster.

Poster Printing Skeleton

Please submit posters at least 3 business days before they are needed; during high demand times (like before Research Day next month), plan for 4 to 5 days.

Unmasking Brain Injury Display

The Isché Library is currently hosting an exhibit from the Brain Injury Association of Louisiana. This exhibit of masks made by brain injured individuals promotes awareness of the prevalence of brain injury and gives survivors a voice.

Display of 42 masks in the library commons
Unmasking Brain Injury 2019

The exhibit will be in the Isché Library from September 27th through October 21st. It will move to the Dental Library and will be on display October 23rd through November 7th.

Four of the masks include QR codes which when scanned display a video of the mask maker discussing their mask and their brain injury.

Mask by Nicole

Labor Day Hours

Both the Isché and Dental Libraries will be closed on Sunday and Monday, September 1st and 2nd for the Labor Day Holiday.

The Isché Library will be open Friday night until 8pm and on Saturday from 9:30am to 6pm for regular hours.

Both Libraries will reopen for the regular hours on Tuesday morning.

Library Breakfast 7:30-10:30am on August 28th

Come have breakfast in the Library Commons!

There will be breakfast pastries, coffee, juice, and Library Information.

Pick Your Poison (NLM Exhibit) Moves to the Dental Library

The LSUHSC Libraries are happy to present a National Library of Medicine Traveling Exhibit:

Pick Your Poison: Intoxicating Pleasures & Medical Prescriptions has moved to the Dental Library from August 5th through the 23rd.

It was previously at the Isché Library from July 16th through August 2nd.

Regular Hours Return

Summer Hours ends today at the Isché Library. The Main Library is open until 12 midnight Sunday through Thursday and until 8 pm on Fridays. Opening remains at 7:30 am Monday through Friday.

Summer Hours end tomorrow at the Dental Library. The Dental Library will reopen on Sundays, starting August 4th and will be open until 8 pm Sunday through Thursday.

Holiday Hours may be found on the Libraries’ webpage.

Pick Your Poison – NLM Exhibit

The LSUHSC Libraries are happy to present a National Library of Medicine Traveling Exhibit:

Pick Your Poison: Intoxicating Pleasures & Medical Prescriptions will be at the Isché Library from July 16th through August 2nd. And at the Dental Library from August 5th through the 23rd.

Libraries and campus closure 7/11-14/19

The LSUHSC New Orleans campuses will remain closed on Thursday, July 11th through Sunday, July 14th ahead of the anticipated tropical weather over the next few days. We plan to reopen on Monday morning.

ILLiad Scheduled downtime

ILLiad, the Library’s ILL service, will be down for scheduled maintenance tonight from 8pm-11pm. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Independence Day Hours


*Update* Due to a water outage. The Downtown Library will close at 5:30pm on Wednesday.


The Libraries will both be closed on Thursday, July 4th. Additionally the Isché Library will close at 6pm on Wednesday, July 3rd.

Both Libraries will be open for Summer Hours on July 5th.

Summer Hours – June & July

The Libraries will have Summer Hours for the months of June and July. The Isché Library will close at 10pm Sunday-Thursday and at 6pm on Fridays. Opening times and Saturday hours will remain the same. The Dental Library will close at 6pm Monday-Thursday and will be closed on weekends. The Dental Library will continue Summer Hours through Thursday, August 1st.

INNOPAC Down – 5/21/19 *Restored*

*Update* The servers were restored by 9:35am.

The Libraries’ online catalog, INNOPAC, and all associated programs will be down again on Tuesday morning beginning at 7am for scheduled maintenance. We will post when it comes back online. We apologize for the inconvenience.