
The Libraries are Offering 3 Classes in January!

The Libraries are offering 3 classes in January:

Re)-Introduction to Library Resources and Services: Wednesday, January 8, 2025, 12PM, Isché Library RCB Room 405 in person or via Zoom (registration required). An Overview of Library resources and services.

Introduction to EndNote 21: Wednesday, January 22, 2025, 12PM, Isché Library RCB Room 405 in person or via Zoom (registration required). How to use EndNote 21 to manage references, share folders, and use citations in manuscripts.

Introduction to LSU Health Digital Scholar: Wednesday, January 29, 2025, 12PM, Isché Library RCB Room 405 in person or via Zoom (registration required). Overview of the Library’s institutional repository and how to submit your manuscripts or events for display.

Library Classes in November!

The Libraries are offering three classes in November:

The first class is Beware Predatory Publishing on Wednesday, November 6th at noon. This class is a part of our Open Access month programming. You can join us at Room 405 in the Isché Library, or via Zoom.

The second class is How LSUHSC-NO Libraries Can Support Publishing on Wednesday, November 13th at noon. This class is a part of our Open Access month programming. You can join us at Room 405 in the Isché Library, or via Zoom.

The third class is Introduction to CINAHL on Wednesday, November 20th at noon. This class is a reschedule from the cancelled class in September. You can join us at Room 405 in the Isché Library, or via Zoom.

Library Classes for October!

The Libraries are offering two classes for October. The first class is Research Poster Printing on Wednesday, October 2nd at 12PM. Join us in person in room 405, or join via Zoom.

The second class is Using RefWorks to Make Citation Management Less Scary on Wednesday, October 16th at 12PM. Join us in person in room 405, or join via Zoom.

Library Classes Offered In September!

The Libraries will offer two classes in September. The first class is Intro to CINAHL on Wednesday, September 11th at 12PM. Join us in person in room 405 in the Isché Library, or join via Zoom.

The second class is PubMed Searching: Tips and Tricks on Wednesday, September 25th at 12PM. Join us in person in room 405 in the Isché Library, or join via Zoom.

How to access Library resources on and off campus class, Wednesday, August 21, 2024

August 21, 2024: On Wednesday, August 21, 2024, at noon, we will be offering a class on how to access Library resources on and off campus. You will learn about where to look for books, journals, and databases, as well as how to log in.

The class will be held in person in Room 405 of the Resource Center (enter through the Library), or online via Zoom (registration required).

We offer two classes each month, and you can learn more about our previous and upcoming offerings here.

If you have any questions, please contact us.

Library Classes Offered in August

The Libraries will be offering two classes in August! The first class is How to Get to Library Resources On and Off Campus on Wednesday, August 21st, at noon. Sign up for the Zoom, or join us in person at room 405 in the Isché Library.

The second class is Basics of EndNote, which will be on Wednesday, August 28th at noon. Sign up for the Zoom, or join us in person at room 405 in the Isché Library.

Library Classes Offered in July

The Libraries will be offering two classes in July! The first class is Writing a Data Management Plan: How and Why on Thursday, July 11th at 2PM. Sign up for the Zoom, or attend the class in person at room 405 in the Isché Library!

The second class is an EndNote Demonstration on Thursday, July 18th at noon. This class is a collaboration with our IT department as a part of their IT Office Hours series. This will only be offered via Zoom, which you can sign up for here: July 2024 IT Office Hours

Library Class Offered in June!

The Libraries will offer a class titled “Making Things Easy with LibKey Nomad” on Wednesday, June 26th at 2PM. This class will explore all the features and uses of LibKey Nomad. Join us in person at room 405 in the Isché Library, or register for the Zoom!

Library Classes Offered in May

The Libraries will have two classes in May, first class being Introduction to RefWorks on Wednesday, May 22 at 2PM. Join us in person at room 405 in the Isché Library, or register for the Zoom!

The second class is How to Peer Review a Journal Article. This class will only be offered via Zoom, which you can sign-up for here.

Database Searching Skills Class on Thursday, April 18th!

Join us in the Isché Library in room 405 (or via Zoom) at 2PM on Thursday, April 18th, to learn about search skills in databases such as PubMed, CINAHL, and Web of Science!

IT Office Hours Presentation by Data Services Librarians

Sharon Duffy & David Trillo (LSUHSC Data Services Librarians) will be presenting the Information Technology Office Hours (IT Office Hours) on Thursday February 16, 2023, from 12:00-1:00 PM. The topic of discussion will be The New NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy that went into effect on January 25, 2023. Sharon & David will touch on how this policy will impact researchers, Data Management Policies, NIH repositories, timelines and more. Faculty, staff, and students are welcome to attend and share their ideas with LSUHSC – NO community. Join via Zoom . Bring your questions!

Join us for IT Office Hours March 18th

Poster for online presentation

If you need some guidance on how to use resources in Moodle or any course work, please join us on Thursday, March 18, 2021, at noon for IT Office Hours. Our presentation “Using Library Materials In Online Courses” will have information on what should and should not be used, how to locate Library materials for courses, and tips on creating links to resources.

Join Marlene Bishop, John Bourgeois, and Rebecca Bealer at the session where they will also be available to answer any questions you may have regarding using Library resources. Additionally, IT staff will be on hand to address any other issues you may be having.

You can find a link to add the session to your calendar on the IT Office Hours page, as well as recordings of the previous presentations.

We hope to see you there!

“Using Library Materials in Online Courses” – New Subject Guide

The Library has made a new subject guide meant to help online instructors use library materials in their classes.
More information and the subject guide can be found HERE.

Databases Beyond PubMed: March’s Library Lunchtime Learning

Choosing the right tool for the job is just as important in the library as it is in the clinic. PubMed/MEDLINE is a reliable and extensive resource, but it may not always be the appropriate one for your information need. During March’s Library Lunchtime Learning session, we’ll examine several other databases that could be appropriate to use in different circumstances.

Databases Beyond PubMed

March 17, 12-1 p.m., Computer Laboratory, 4th floor Library, Resource Center Building

March 23, 12-1 p.m., Copping Room (2309), LSU School of Dentistry

If you plan to attend, please RSVP to with your name and department; however, drop-ins are welcome!

Abstract Writing workshop

In scholarly writing, abstracts and citations have a great deal of impact in terms of touching the outside research community (after all, when was the last time you did not use abstracts to select which search results or conference posters you wanted to read in entirety). Yet, authors often spare them little attention, throwing together a few sentences before submitting a manuscript.

As part of the monthly Library Lunchtime Learning series, next week we will focusing on how to write strong abstracts that accurately represent your research while attracting potential readers. Additionally, we will cover a few guiding principles for citing sources.

If you plan to attend, please RSVP to; however, drop-ins are welcome!



Writing Abstracts and Citations

February 24, 12-1 p.m., Wirth Room (2203), LSU School of Dentistry


February 26, 12-1 p.m., Computer Laboratory, 4th floor Library, Resource Center Building