
Library Lunchtime Learning: Writing a Quality Abstract

Whether you’re wrapping up a manuscript developed over the school year or preparing for a summer of research, you may be interested in June 12’s Library Lunchtime Learning session: Writing a Quality Abstract. Join us and learn why the abstract might be the most important part of an article and how to create an effective one that will catch the attention of potential readers.

If you plan to attend, please RSVP to; however, drop-ins are welcome!


  • Writing a Quality Abstract
  • June 12, 12-1 p.m.
  • Room 6409, LSUSD

Introduction to RefWorks Classes

There are two upcoming Introduction to RefWorks classes. One will be held at the Isch?® Library on Wednesday, February 19 11am – Noon in the Computer Classroom (Room 405). The second class will be held at the Dental Library on Thursday, February 20 Noon – 1pm.

RefWorks is a Web-based bibliography and database manager. It allows you to create your own personal database by importing references from online databases and automatically format a paper and bibliography in seconds.

In this hands-on course participants will learn how to:

-Create a personalized RefWorks log-in that is accessible from anywhere
-Import references from PubMed & other databases
-Organize references into folders and share folders
-Format references into a Works Cited page
-Explore RefWorks tools to simplify the paper writing process (Write-N-Cite, RefGrabit)
-Each LSUHSC user will create and use a personal log-in

To register, send an e-mail to or call 504-568-6100.

Learn More About Scholarly Publishing in 2014

Do your New YearÔÇÖs resolutions for 2014 involve publishing research results, a unique patient case, or your opinion on the latest industry trends? DonÔÇÖt know the difference between peer review and editorial review? The Dental Library hopes to help you learn more about becoming an author on January 7, when Dental Reference Librarian Rita Premo will be presenting ÔÇ£Scholarly Publishing: The BasicsÔÇØ at noon in the Wirth Room (2203) in School of Dentistry Administration Building. Among the topics to be discussed are the structure of scientific articles and the role of each section, the importance of the abstract, the information and materials you may need for submission, how to begin once youÔÇÖre staring at a blank screen, and why you should always get your residentÔÇÖs forwarding address. Even if youÔÇÖre not interested in research publishing, join us and learn why writing skills arenÔÇÖt just for journalism majors.

Upcoming “Introduction to RefWorks” Class

Are you searching for a better way to manage your resources and have no idea where to start? We have the solution for you!

Next Wednesday, October 16th, from noon to 1pm, the Isch?® Library will be offering an introductory Refworks class. Refworks, a web-based bibliography and citation manager supported by the Library, is a useful tool for organizing your online references. If you’d like to familiarize yourself with Refworks before attending the class, please visit :?á
The class will be held in the Library’s computer classroom on the 4th floor of the Resource Center Building on October 16th from noon to 1pm.
Anyone associated with the LSU Health Sciences Center and interested in getting started with RefWorks should definitely plan to attend.
Please contact the instructor, Head Dental Librarian Julie Schiavo, via email at or by phone at 504-941-8162.

R. A. D. Systems

A free self-defense course is being offered to LSUHSC female students, faculty, staff and family by nationally certified Rape Aggression Defense instructors. ?áThe R.A.D. System hopes to increases awareness and prevention.

Several classes are available:

When: April 6th ÔÇô 8th (5pm ÔÇô 8pm each night)

Where: Medical Education Bldg ÔÇô 1901 Perdido St ÔÇô 3rd Floor in Seminar Rm 8

To REGISTER call (504)858-5596


E-mail: Cpl. Rhonda Binder or Sgt. Robert Hall

General Library Classes

Are your library skills a little rusty? Come to one of our General Library Orientation classes and learn about the our resources, how to search the online catalog and PubMed, and how to request an Interlibrary Loan. The schedule is now posted for October-December. Contact Carolyn Bridgewater for more information.

RefWorks Class 9/29

Still not sure how to manage and write your bibliographies using Refworks? Look no further.

Introduction to RefWorks will be offered on Wednesday, September 29th from 2-3 pm in the Isch?® Library’s computer classroom (room 405).

    If you cannot make this date, the class will be offered in the same location on Thursday, November 4th, 10-11 am.

Email Molly Knapp or call 568-6100 for more information. Drop ins are welcome.

Intro to Consumer Health Information class @ Dental

The dental library will be presenting a class, Introduction to Consumer Health Information, tomorrow as part of our celebration of National Medical Libraries Month. Please join us in the dental library conference room from noon-1:00pm. For more information or to reserve your space for this class please email us.nmlm_09_thumbnail.jpg

Health Literacy class @ Dental

The dental library will be presenting a class, Health Literacy: More than the Ability to Read, tomorrow as part of our celebration of National Medical Libraries Month. Please join us in the dental library conference room from noon-1:00pm. For more information or to reserve your space for this class please email us.nmlm_09_thumbnail.jpg

Intro to RefWorks class @ Dental

The dental library will be presenting a class, Introduction to RefWorks, tomorrow as part of our celebration of National Medical Libraries Month. Please join us in the dental library conference room from noon-1:00pm. For more information or to reserve your space for this class please email us.


Intro to PubMed class @ Dental

The dental library will be presenting a class, Introduction to PubMed, Monday 10/5/09, as part of our celebration of National Medical Libraries Month. Please join us in the dental library conference room from noon-1:00pm. For more information or to reserve your space for this class please email us.


Accessing Journal Articles Online class

The dental library will be presenting a class, Accessing Journal Articles Online, tomorrow as part of our celebration of National Medical Libraries Month. Please join us in the dental library conference room from noon-1:00pm. For more information or to reserve your space for this class please email us.

Classes at the dental library

The dental library will be offering five classes throughout the month of October to celebrate National Medical Libraries Month. All classes will be held in the dental library conference room from noon to 1:00pm. Reserve your space by emailing
Thursday, 10/1/09, Accessing Journal Articles Online
Monday, 10/5/09, Introduction to PubMed
Wednesday, 10/7/09, Introduction to RefWorks
Tuesday, 10/13/09, Health Literacy: More than the Ability to Read
Tuesday, 10/27/09, Introduction to Consumer Health Information


Learn REFWORKS in an hour

Come learn about how to manage and write bibliographies with RefWorks today from 1-2pm in the Isché Library’s computer classroom 405. Drop ins welcome. Email Molly Knapp at or call 568-6100 for more information

RefWorks Class on Thursday

The Isché Library will be offering a RefWorks class this Thursday (Sept. 17th) from 1-2 p.m. To register contact Molly Knapp or call the Circulation Desk @ 504-568-6100.

RefWorks is a Web-based bibliography and database manager. It allows users to create their own personal database by importing references from text files or online databases.