
2 Minute Tips: Write-n-Cite

Two Minute tips is a series on our blog where we bring you short video tutorials on various tools and resources in the library.

Today weÔÇÖll look at Write-n-Cite. ItÔÇÖs a Microsoft Word Add-in from RefWorks (our bibliographic manager) that inserts citations as you write a paper, then formats the whole thing into a bibliography for you. Check it out!

Write n Cite Video tutorial

Want to learn more? ThereÔÇÖs a RefWorks class on Monday August 15th 10-11 AM. Call us to sign up.

2 Minute Tips: RefGrabit from RefWorks

2 Minute tips is a new series on our blog where we bring you short video tutorials on various tools and resources in the library.

Today we’ll look at RefGrab-it. It’s a bookmark tool from RefWorks (our bibliographic manager) that makes it easy to grab PubMed citations and format them into a bibliography. Check it out!

RefGrab-it Video tutorial

Want to learn more? There’s a RefWorks class on Monday August 15th 10-11 AM. Call us to sign up.

Library Help & Live Chat

If you have ever been off campus and stuck doing research- there’s no need to go through it alone!

The LSUHSC offers many great services, but one of the best is the Live Chat option you can find on our help page.

Monday – Thursday 8:30 a.m. – 8 p.m.
Friday 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. you can connect live with a reference librarian.

If you have questions outside of these times you can always send an email to our Reference Address.

Online guides and tutorials are also available to help you navigate through common research problems.

The Library is here to serve patrons so never hesitate to ask for help!

snagit live help

RefWorks 2.0

RefWorks your web-based reference manager is getting a new look. If you have already created Refworks personal databases, please convert to the RefWorks 2.0 as soon as possible and take advantage of the cleaner, more intuitive interface. Not familiar with Refworks? Create a new log-in (free) and begin managing your references with RefWorks 2.0.

RefWorks 2.0 allows you to manage your references anywhere you have access to the Internet!
You can:
ÔÇó Search PubMed (within RefWorks)
ÔÇó Directly import your selected PubMed citations
ÔÇó Store your references in folders (including attaching the full-text of the article)
ÔÇó Share your references with your collaborators
ÔÇó Add your references as you type a paper (write-n-cite)
ÔÇó Create and format bibliographies in the citation style you need

Try the RefWorks 2.0 tutorial to get a glimpse of what you can do to get organized.
For more information about RefWorks 2.0 and other super cool ways to gather your references including searching SCOPUS and directly exporting citations to your RefWorks account contact Kathy Kerdolff.

To switch between old and new versions, simply use the links at the top right of the screen. RefWorks 1.0 will be available through December 2011.

Old RefWorks Design

Old RefWorks Design

New RefWorks Design

New RefWorks Design

New Practice Exams Resource Guide

Hunting for test prep materials? Look no further than our new Practice Exams resource guide. Here you’ll find all of our practice exam and test prep materials in one place. Test your knowledge on nursing, medicine, psychiatry, dentistry and more in our new Practice Exams resource guide.

ILL E-Delivery

Since late December, if you’ve ordered an article via ILLiad, the Library’s Interlibrary Loan service, you were in for a pleasant surprise…Electronic Delivery!

Articles are delivered as an PDF, which can then be saved or printed by the requestor. Posted articles are only available for 30 days and then are automatically deleted from the server.

The ILL staff is changing everyone’s preferred delivery method to electronic as they receive requests, but users can change their own by using the “Change User Information” link in the menu on the left hand side of the ILLiad Main Menu.

Remember not all materials may be delivered electronically: books, articles requiring a cash payment, materials with publisher restrictions.

RefWorks in 15 minutes

If you have 15 minutes then you have time to get a quick introduction to a free information management tool called RefWorks.

RefWorks in 15 minutes will be offered online January 6, 12, 18 & 27th. Register here.

Similar to EndNote, RefWorks lets you search, organize and manage your references. Since it lives “in the cloud”, once you create your free account**, you can access it from any computer at any location.

Some things RefWorks can do:

  • Format a paper or bibliography for you in the citation style you need.
  • Instantly add references as you type a paper in MS Word
  • Search PubMed (or another database) from within RefWorks
  • Share references with other people

A live RefWorks class will be taught by local RefWorks expert Molly Knapp on Thursday, February 10th, 2011 from 10-11 am. Email for more information.

**RefWorks is available free to LSUHSC students, faculty and staff.

General Library Classes

Are your library skills a little rusty? Come to one of our General Library Orientation classes and learn about the our resources, how to search the online catalog and PubMed, and how to request an Interlibrary Loan. The schedule is now posted for October-December. Contact Carolyn Bridgewater for more information.

RefWorks Class 9/29

Still not sure how to manage and write your bibliographies using Refworks? Look no further.

Introduction to RefWorks will be offered on Wednesday, September 29th from 2-3 pm in the Isch?® Library’s computer classroom (room 405).

    If you cannot make this date, the class will be offered in the same location on Thursday, November 4th, 10-11 am.

Email Molly Knapp or call 568-6100 for more information. Drop ins are welcome.

Wireless Upgrade

The Wireless Network in the Isché Library and the Library Commons will upgraded tonight (Tuesday, September 21st) at 10 pm. The network will be unvailable for approximately 30-45 minutes.

Black and white printing

Now available on the 4th floor – black and white printing.

Last year a color printer was purchased for the library for the fourth floor. We’ve now upgraded that printer to provide both black and white and color print outs.

To set black and white printing on the 4th floor color printer, follow these steps:

1. Select the 4th floor printer
On the Printing screen after selecting Color Printer
2. Click on Preferences
3. Click on the Color tab button
4. Check the box marked Print in Grayscale
5. Click “Print”

Black and white printing is 8 cents a page, color printing is 25 cents a page. More info.

Happy printing!

4th floor Color Printer

Color printing is now available on the 4th floor print station. Color printing costs 25 cents/page.

For now, black and white printing will be available on the 3rd floor, while color printing is available on the 4th floor.

In the near future, you will be able to print both black and white AND color on the new printer on the 4th floor.

EduRoam Available!

As of Feb. 1st, LSUHSC New Orleans is participating in EduRoam, a world-wide consortium of research and educational institutions.

Chancellor Hollier sent out an email on January 25th regarding this new initiative; he stated, “EduRoam is a secure, world-wide roaming access service developed for the international research and education community. EduRoam allows campus community members at any participating institution to use wireless network services at any other participating institution worldwide.” Our participation will make it easier for visiting students/researchers to use wireless access on campus, as well as allowing our researchers and students to have access as they travel. EduRoam is less than 2 years old and began in Europe. It is anticipated that membership will increas rapidly.

To use when you visit a participating educational/research institution:
ÔÇó Set up your computer to use a wireless network by selecting ÔÇ£eduroamÔÇØ from the list of available networks.
ÔÇó Logon as, and give your current LSUHSC password.

EduRoam is a new iniative in the United States, but hopefully it will grow quickly. Check out their US map to see participating institutions.

RefWorks now available in Stat!Ref

Stat!Ref, an online textbook provider, now offers direct export to RefWorks, our bibliographic manager.

More info & directions

RefWorks Lifetime Access!

Refworks announced that its Alumni Program will be standard for all of the 1200 universities subscribing to its service. As long as the Libraries at LSUHSC New Orleans subscribe to RefWorks then our alumni will have access to their bibliographies & will be able to use the full functionality of RefWorks.