
Intro to RefWorks class @ Dental

The dental library will be presenting a class, Introduction to RefWorks, tomorrow as part of our celebration of National Medical Libraries Month. Please join us in the dental library conference room from noon-1:00pm. For more information or to reserve your space for this class please email us.


Accessing Journal Articles Online class

The dental library will be presenting a class, Accessing Journal Articles Online, tomorrow as part of our celebration of National Medical Libraries Month. Please join us in the dental library conference room from noon-1:00pm. For more information or to reserve your space for this class please email us.

Classes at the dental library

The dental library will be offering five classes throughout the month of October to celebrate National Medical Libraries Month. All classes will be held in the dental library conference room from noon to 1:00pm. Reserve your space by emailing
Thursday, 10/1/09, Accessing Journal Articles Online
Monday, 10/5/09, Introduction to PubMed
Wednesday, 10/7/09, Introduction to RefWorks
Tuesday, 10/13/09, Health Literacy: More than the Ability to Read
Tuesday, 10/27/09, Introduction to Consumer Health Information


Learn REFWORKS in an hour

Come learn about how to manage and write bibliographies with RefWorks today from 1-2pm in the Isché Library’s computer classroom 405. Drop ins welcome. Email Molly Knapp at or call 568-6100 for more information

RefWorks Class on Thursday

The Isché Library will be offering a RefWorks class this Thursday (Sept. 17th) from 1-2 p.m. To register contact Molly Knapp or call the Circulation Desk @ 504-568-6100.

RefWorks is a Web-based bibliography and database manager. It allows users to create their own personal database by importing references from text files or online databases.

Alternative Medicine Resource Guide Updated

The following resource guide has been updated.

Alternative Medicine

Resource Guides are instructional tools to introduce users to basic information. If you think the Library should add a Resource Guide, please let us know.

Wireless & Passwords

If your LSUHSC password is ready to expire, it might be a safer bet to change it at a wired computer, rather than attempting to change it while connected (or attempting to connect) to the wireless. Because of individal computer caching issues, the new password does not always work perfectly. Passwords may be changed at any of the Library’s public PCs by accessing your LSUHSC webmail.

3 Resource Guides Updated

The following Resource Guides have been updated:

  • Biographical Data on Physicians & Nurses
  • History of Surgery
  • Statistics
  • Resource Guides are instructional tools to introduce users to basic information. If you think the Library should add a Resource Guide, please let us know.

    Mac wireless update

    Did you know that LSUHSC-NO is a PC institution?

    For Mac users, this can present a problem. At the moment, instructions are not available for configuring a Mac or an iPhone to get onto the LSUHSC secure wireless network.

    However, you can always plug into our network from any of the laptop ports around the Library and Library Commons. Each of our study rooms on the fourth floor, the study carrels near the Registrar’s office and areas on the 3rd and 5th floors provide blue network ports so you can plug in. Here’s a handy map! In the Library Commons, check underneath the glass display cases for blue network ports.

    Don’t have a network cable handy? We got you covered. You can check out a network cable at the Circulation Desk.

    Issues with Wireless

    With so many students returning to campus for the Fall semester, we’re seeing a number of issues accessing the wireless network. If the directions that the Library or Nursing School have posted aren’t working out. Try not checking off any of the certificate authorities. When the popup box comes up to accept the security certificate, wait a few moments before clicking OK. It seems like if you click through the boxes too quickly, you end up stuck in a login loop.

    If this doesn’t work, we can try to help in the Library or you can hunt down a computer supporter in your school.

    Certificate Error & Remote Access

    A number of patrons have been receiving a certificate error when attempting to use the Library’s Remote Access system (WAM).


    The certificate was renewed by LSU-Baton Rouge but is not propigating properly for some reason. To install the certificate, click on the from the following link. And then choose Open and then Install. Accept any other default settings. *Please note that this certificate only works with Internet Explorer & not Firefox.*


    Once installation is complete (takes about 10 seconds), attempt the off-campus link from the Library’s webpages again.

    ~EDIT~ This issue is now resolved thanks to the efforts of the IT staff.

    Work on your RefWorks

    There will be a RefWorks class tomorrow, Thursday, May 28 from 1-2pm in the library, computer lab 405. Walk-ins welcome! Contact Molly Knapp at for more information.

    RefWorks is a bibliographic management and organization tool that can format a works cited page in any style for you.

    RefWorks Mobile

    RefWorks, the popular web-based bibliographic management system, is now available via web-enabled mobile phones, smart phones, and personal data assistants (PDAs). Your Group code is required. For more information on group codes, see our RefWorks info page.

    A RefWorks class will be held Thursday, May 28, 2009, 10 – 11 am, at the LSUHSC Main Campus- Library computer lab room 405. For more information, contact

    Classes in the Dental Library

    Two classes on library resources will be taught in the dental library in April.

    Classes will be held in the Library Conference Room from 12:00 – 1:00 p.m. Please email us or call 941-8158 to reserve your seat in any or all of these classes.
    All dental school faculty, students, and staff are invited to attend. Feel free to bring your lunch.

    Tuesday, April 21: Health Literacy Julie Schiavo
    Learn how health literacy can affect the way you treat your patients. Health literacy is not just the ability to read health information; awareness of your patients?óÔé¼Ôäó literacy level can change how you communicate with them. This class is geared toward anyone involved in patient care.

    Wednesday, April 22: RefWorks Liz Strother
    RefWorks is a free web-based bibliography and database manager that allows you to create your own personal database by importing references from text files or online databases and other various sources. You can use these references in writing papers and automatically format the paper and the bibliography in seconds.

    Fun with Web of Science

    A new feature in Web of Science debuted recently. The new citation map feature allows first & second generation mapping of citations both backwards and forwards. The resulting map can be customized and edited. (An ActiveX Install was necessary on both computers where I tried this new feature.)

    WoS Citation Map captured image

    WoS Citation Map captured image

    Here’s a first generation both direction example from 1999 written by emeritus professor, Brian Gebhardt. His article cites 37 different articles and has been cited 16 times so far.