
VPN Changes

The LSUHSC Office of Computer Services provides secure remote access through a VPN (virtual private network) . Last summer, a new VPN client, SSLVPN was rolled out.

On July 29th, users who are still using the old VPN client, SecuRemote, will no longer have access to the Library’s catalog, Innopac. If you have SecuRemote (old client) installed, it must be uninstalled before installing SSLVPN (new client) (directions are available). Please contact your local computer supporter for more information.

Barcode & PIN (WAM) access will be unaffected.

Insomniacs Watch Out

The ILLiad server will be down for maintenance from 3 a.m to 6 a.m. tomorrow. You’ll have to wait a couple of hours to submit your important interlibrary loan requests!

Hurricane Season: Be Prepared

A selected list of hurricane preparedness websites has been assembled by Mary L. Marix, Reference Librarian. Check it out and be prepared.

Refresh your summer school skills with RefWorks

Want a quick tour of a FREE ONLINE TOOL that can WRITE A BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR YOU??

Drop by our RefWorks Refresher class on Thursday, June 19th from 9-10 am to see just how easy it is to use RefWorks, an online bibliographic management session.

RSVP: Maureen “Molly” Knapp | | 568-8339

Not a good time? Send me an email and let me know when is!

Top 5 reasons not to use the library

1. We’re cheap
Everyone knows, you get what you pay for. As an LSUHSC member, all of our resources are available to you for free – from articles to books to exam preparation. Who cares if our interlibrary loan service can get you that $35 article you found online for free. If you want to refinance your condo to pay for that Kaplan prep course instead of exploring ExamMaster or USMLEasy, that’s your call. It’s your money: spend it on what you want.

2. We’re too nice
We hear it all the time. We’re so nice, so helpful, so timely. We understand that if you’re used to pulling teeth and dealing with attitude to get a service to which you are entitled, it’s hard to deal with friendly, helpful people. Here’s a kleenex, it’ll be okay.

3. It’s all online
Actually, we’re surprised to even see you in here. With over 12,000 journals and 400 books available to you online, for free, through our library catalog , and more than 400 specialty databases as well, it’s flattering to us that you even made the trip.

4. You’ve adjusted to mediocrity.
Why settle for excellence when you just need to pass? It doesn’t matter that your sloppy references in that paper cost you an entire letter grade. Who cares that you could have let RefWorks do that bibliography for you, in APA style like you needed, in about 2 seconds. It’s fine, really, that you searched Google for those drug interaction references instead of something authoritative like MicroMedex. It’s not like you’re going to hurt anybody…yet.

5. No one likes a smarty-pants
We understand. We know too much. Whether it’s who to talk to about your transcripts, where to start researching your dissertation, or how to set up your mobile phone for campus wireless access, it’s hard to ask a question when you feel you should know the answer. If you can swallow your pride, we’d be happy to help (see point #2). You can even ask us online, if face-to-face interaction is too cringeworthy for you.

So there you have it. 5 reasons why you SHOULDN’T use our library. Can you think of any more?

Getting the Material you Need

What happens if the LSUHSC Libraries doesn’t own what you need to conduct your research or write a paper? You can borrow it through the Libraries’ Interlibrary Loan Service, ILLiad.

ILLiad allows electronic submission, tracking, and notification. It’s easy, so set up your account today!

Recycle your old cellphone or PDA for free!

Are you the new owner of a shiny new iPhone or other handheld device? Before you chuck your old phone or PDA in the garbage consider Palm’s Take Back and Recycling Program.

The Palm Take Back and Recycling Program strives to keep Palm Handhelds and Treo smartphones out of landfills- and they gladly take other companies’ devices and all related accessories.

Just place your handhelds, mobile phones and related accessories (chargers, headsets, memory cards) into a box large enough for you to safely send in all your retired mobile devices, apply the postage-paid mailing label, and put it in a mailbox or bring it to the post office. It’s free and a great way to reduce your carbon footprint.

LINK TO: Palm site & postage free mailing label

Searching for Help?

Stumped by the enormous retrieval you’ve found in Pubmed?

Or the fact that you couldn’t find a single citation on your topic in CINAHL Plus?

Who is there to help? Call a Reference Librarian! Or email one at either Isché or Dental.

Reference Librarians offer the following services:

  • Mediated Searching
  • Classroom Instruction
  • Consultations
  • Get some help today!

    RefWorks & PDA Displays

    Two new displays are available in the Isché Library.

    The first highlights Refworks.
    Library Refworks Display

    Library Refworks Display

    The second highlights PDA resources available without cost (FREE!) to LSUHSC – New Orleans users.
    Library PDA Resources Display

    Library PDA Resources Display

    Mac Leopard Wireless

    Reference Librarian, Molly Knapp has written webpage instructions on how to connect to the LSUHSC wireless system using the Mac OS 10.5, aka Leopard.

    Mac Tiger Wireless Instructions

    Reference Librarian, Molly Knapp has put together an instruction sheet for how to connect to the Library’s wireless connections using Mac OS 10.3/10.4, aka Tiger. Another sheet on the newer OS, Leopard is forthcoming.

    The Database formerly known as InfoPOEMs

    InfoPOEMs will know be known as Essential Evidence Plus, although the web address will remain the same for now. EEP will continue to offer the same tools and content as InfoPOEMs. And a PDA version is still available.

    ILLiad’s Back

    The ILLiad server is back online. Check out the enhanced webpages and order an article or book today!

    ILLiad down for maintenance

    ILLiad, the Library’s automated ILL service, is down for maintenance. It should be back up in a few hours.

    ILLiad offline tomorrow morning

    ILLiad will be unavailable from 9:30 a.m. on Wednesday, January 16th until completion (approximately 2 hours). When it is available again, users will enjoy enhanced and more attractive webpages. Thanks for your patience.