Library Commons

Fancy TVs & the Library Commons

As you may have noticed, the Digital Signage big screen TVs around campus came to life last week. The Library Commons renovation is a featured animation right now.

Library Construction Maze

A temporary wall has been constructed that blocks the old Isché Library entrance. The new way to get into the Library is to take elevators 1 or 2 and then follow the construction path around the stairwell and into the Library.

Elevator #4

is the only one that will now travel to the Library. The other elevators will return to service once the Library Commons project is further along.

Can You Tell Me How to Get to the Library?

Construction is proceeding at the Isché Library. The temporary walls are being built as I type; these walls will encompass the elevator lobby on the 3rd floor. For the next few days, only elevator #4 can be used to access the Library. *EDIT* All elevators are still currently working. The limited access won’t happen until later this week.

Moving, Moving, Moving

Last night the Reference Desk and the Pay-for-Print stations were moved over the left side of the Circulation Desk. The demolition phase of the Library Commons project is set to begin on Monday, May 26th.

Public PCs on 3

The Public PCs on the 3rd floor of the Isché Library have been moved to the area beside the Circulation/Reference Areas near Tulane Ave. Looks like the Library Commons project is accelerating!

Moving Right Along

In preparation for the work on the new Library Commons, Study Room 401-T will temporarily become a staff office. The move is happening now; when it is complete, room 301-G will become a study room, at least until demolition starts! For more information on study space in the Isché Library, check out the online floor plans.

Library Commons – Floor Plans on View

The renovation project for the new Library Commons will start this Summer. The plans for the area are now on view in the Isché Library. Come check them out.