Off-Campus Access

Library Classes Offered in August

The Libraries will be offering two classes in August! The first class is How to Get to Library Resources On and Off Campus on Wednesday, August 21st, at noon. Sign up for the Zoom, or join us in person at room 405 in the Isché Library.

The second class is Basics of EndNote, which will be on Wednesday, August 28th at noon. Sign up for the Zoom, or join us in person at room 405 in the Isché Library.

Links to videos for NURS 7706

If you’re having trouble accessing the videos for NURS 7706, especially when off campus, this might help:

  • Copy the link to the video you want and paste it in the address bar in a new window in your browser
  • Copy this phrase:
  • Paste that phrase in front of the link to the video you put in the address bar in the other tab in your browser; the new link should look something like…
  • Hit Enter or Return

Hopefully this will prompt you to log in when needed if off campus.

If you need help with this or any other Library resources, please contact us.

Tips for off campus access to online resources

Many publishers are adding alternatives to access online resources, and we just want to provide a few tips to help you figure all of this out:

  • To log into electronic resources off campus, you can use either your LSU Health New Orleans full e-mail address and password or a Library barcode and PIN
  • All links to resources on the Library’s site are formatted to ask you to log in when needed; this is the preferred way to get to all of our resources
  • Many of our online resources support logging in directly at the site using OpenAthens; a list of OpenAthens-native resources is available here
  • Some publishers are now offering alternate ways to verify you have access to their content
    • If you are asked to select a federation to find an institution please remember we are part of the OpenAthens Federation
      • We are listed as LSU Health Sciences Center Library with OpenAthens
  • If you are searching for articles, LibKey Nomad is a tremendous help to get you to both subscribed and free articles
    • It works with many publishers’ sites and makes getting to articles from PubMed very easy
    • It will ask you to log in when you needed to access articles
    • More information can be found on the LibKey Nomad section of our BrowZine LibGuide

We are here to help you navigate the often confusing world of electronic resources, so don’t hesitate to contact us if you need any help!

Citrix and Library resources

If you are attempting to use any Library resources such as ebooks, journals, or databases, and have gone in through Citrix, you may wonder why you are are being asked to pay or you’re seeing something saying you need a subscription.

Even though you are in Citrix, you may still have to prove to publishers that you have permission to access the resources. Unfortunately, Citrix doesn’t always send that information along, so it’s important you use a link from the Library’s site or create one in order to guarantee you can get to what you should.

One key thing to look for is whether the link you’re following has “” anywhere. If it does, then you’re good to go! If it does not, you may not be able to get to the resource you need. You can fix this, however, by running the link to the resource you need through our magical off campus link maker available here: Then follow these instructions:

Screenshot of web page

If you need help with this or any Library resources, please contact us.

All e-resources available from anywhere!

This is just a reminder that all Library electronic resources are available off-campus. We have many walkthroughs that will help you log in wherever you might be:

  • Off-Campus Access: basic information about accessing resources
  • Off Campus LibGuide: includes tips to make logging in easier as well as information for those at hospitals and clinics
  • OpenAthens LibGuide: everything you need to know about logging in with your LSUHSC-NO e-mail account
  • Video Tutorials: step-by-step walkthoughs on logging in from off-campus, along with tips on using many of our resources

Know that we are here for you, so if you need any help please contact us.

IT Office Hours: Library Tips and Tricks

Our Serials Librarian, Rebecca Bealer, will be sharing a presentation about using the Library’s resources at this month’s IT Office Hours at the Main Campus as well as the Dental Campus. All LSUHSC-NO Students, Faculty, and Staff are welcomed to attend.

The presentation will include:

  •  Locating materials and resources
  • Off campus access
  •  Additional tools and tips
  • LibKey Nomad
  • Current alert and point of care resources.

If you are interested in attending, but cannot make it in person, the 1:00-2:00 PM Session will be aired live VIA Zoom.

For more information check out the flyer below.

New off campus login page

If you tried to log in today to any Library resources from off campus, you will hopefully have noticed that the page looks a little different:

Screenshot of page with login options

The link to log in via OpenAthens using your LSUHSC-NO e-mail and password is more prominent. If you would prefer to log in using your Library barcode and PIN, click the green bar to expand that option:

Screenshot of barcode and PIN login

If you need help with changing your password, PIN, or anything else, click on the blue Help bar and various options for assistance will appear:

Screenshot of Help options

More information about off campus access can be found in a number of places. We have a page with information including a video to help, along with LibGuides about OpenAthens and off campus access. If you have any questions about this or any other Library services, please contact us.

Accessing resources during system outage

INNOPAC, our library system, will not be available starting at 7am on Tuesday, May 21st, and it’s estimated it could be out for up to four hours. This outage means that you will not be able to look up anything through the Library’s online catalog, and the link resolver in all databases will not work as well. There are, however, other options to find the resources you need during this time.

The Discovery/EDS Health search will still function and can help you locate a specific journal, book, or article:

There are many options presented that will still work, but some do rely on the system in order to work. As a result, any options to check the Library’s catalog or to use the WebBridge Link Resolver will not be available. However, particularly in the case of articles, there are many other options that can get you to what you need:

Another option to find a particular ebook or journal is the E-Journals & E-Books A to Z List.

If you need to access any resource when off-campus, you will need to use your LSUHSC-NO e-mail and password through OpenAthens; you will not be able to log in using your Library barcode and PIN while the system is unavailable:


Even though INNOPAC, the Library’s catalog, will not be available, Library staff will have other ways to get to journals and resources during this downtime, so please contact us if you need help.

OpenAthens off-campus log in now available!

We are happy to announce that the Libraries now offer OpenAthens as an alternate way to get to resources when off-campus. With OpenAthens you can use your LSUHSC-NO e-mail address and current password to log in.

This new way to log in works with all Library resources. You will probably first see the option when going through a link from the Library’s web page or the Library catalog. The EZproxy log in page has changed to provide the ability to use OpenAthens:

From there you will see the LSU Health New Orleans log in page that you may be familiar with from webmail or Office 365:

Be sure to enter your complete LSUHSC-NO e-mail address (including the Once you’ve done this, you will be logged into both the OpenAthens and EZproxy systems, so any Library link you follow that requires off-campus authentication should work with no trouble.

Another feature of OpenAthens is the ability to log in directly at a number of database, ebook, and journal sites. We’ve noticed that many of you have already discovered this option, but one thing to keep in mind is that not all publishers or sites support logging in through OpenAthens. We have a list of sites that support OpenAthens here.

If you have trouble using Library resources with OpenAthens, you may be having issues with your LSUHSC-NO password and/or account. You can use the LSUHSC-NO password change page or you may need to contact the Help Desk or your local computer supporter if you need more assistance with your account.

EZproxy is still available as a way to use Library resources. If you are affiliated with LSU Health New Orleans but are not assigned an LSUHSC-NO e-mail address, you may still be eligible for Library privileges. In those cases, you will need to use a Library-issued barcode and your PIN to use our resources.

More information about logging in off-campus is available via our new Off-Campus page: There is also a new OpenAthens LibGuide that provides more information about this service:

For those who are in the hospitals and clinics, we understand that you deal with more hurdles than anyone, and OpenAthens may make your search for and use of resources a little easier. One example of this may be if you are having troubles accessing an article, it might be easier to log in at the journal’s site (if it supports OpenAthens) and get the article in a more direct way.

If you need any help with this new service or any other Library resources, please do not hesitate to contact us.

LSUHSC-Secure and UMC

If you are at UMC, please be advised that the LSUHSC-Secure network there is not the same as the LSUHSC-Secure that is available in the Health Sciences Center’s facilities.

UMC LSUHSC-Secure is not part of our network. If you attempt to access Library resources when on this network, you may have problems due to the restrictions placed on it. Additionally, since it is not part of our campus, you will not be authenticated as one of our users and will be unable to get to any of the Library’s subscribed resources.

We recommend using Citrix if you want to access Library resources when at UMC or any of the other hospitals and clinics. You may be asked to log in using your Library barcode and PIN, but the benefit is that you should not run into any issues with authenticating as one of our users.

If you need any other assistance with Library resources, please contact us.

Downtime for Web of Science

Due to scheduled maintenance, Web of Science may be unavailable from 7 pm on Saturday, June 2nd, until 7 pm on Sunday, June 3rd. Their site says that access may be intermittent during this block of time. We apologize for the inconvenience and suggest you plan your research schedule according. Or better yet, just enjoy an evening off. You’ve earned it!

Revamped Database Pages Now Live

In conjunction with our rolling out EZproxy as the new off-campus authentication system, the Libraries have made some changes to our resources available through the Database listings on our web page:

New Database Overview

You will find there is now one link for both on- and off-campus access to resources. A new paw icon also identifies those resources where you will need to use your Library barcode and PIN in order access them when off-campus:

New Databases Closer

If you need more information about accessing resources when off-campus, please take a look at our newest LibGuide.

Have any questions about this or any other Library resources? Please contact us.

Introducing EZproxy for off-campus access

Starting today (November 15th), the Libraries will start transitioning to our new off-campus authentication system. We are moving away from WAM and will start using EZproxy. Many of you may already be familiar with EZproxy as it is used in most institutions throughout the state and the U.S.

The biggest change you will see is now being asked to provide just your Library barcode and PIN when accessing resources off campus:

EZproxy Login

If you currently have a Library account and PIN, you can log into EZproxy with no problems.

If you have a Library account but have not assigned a PIN, there is a link on the EZproxy login page that will direct you to create one. Also, a handout walking you through creating a PIN when accessing resources through EZproxy is now available.

During this transition time, you may still encounter links asking you to log into the WAM system. These will eventually be replaced with EZproxy, but it will take some time for us to edit everything.

A new LibGuide with information about accessing Library resources off-campus is also now available via this link.

If you have any questions about this or anything else, please contact us.

Alternate for off-campus access to EBSCOhost

UPDATE: As of 3:30pm CDT, our issues with off-campus access to EBSCOhost have been resolved. You might need to clear your browser’s cache and history to recognize any changes, but please contact us if you are still having trouble.


While we are still waiting for our issues with off-campus access to some resources to be resolved, we have come up with a workaround for databases and books available through EBSCOhost.

When off-campus, click this link; you will be asked to enter your LSUHSC user i.d. and password. You will then be taken to this page that displays the i.d. and password that can be used to access EBSCOhost databases such as CINAHL and Academic Search Complete, EBSCO Ebooks, and the E-Journals & E-Books A to Z List, along with links to the appropriate sites:

Password Page

Once you click on one of those links, you will see this login page:

Ebscohost Login

Enter the User ID and Password as described on the “Password Protected Database” page, and you should then be able to access the resource you need. If you clicked the link for EBSCOhost, you will be taken to the following page where you can choose which database you would like to use:

Ebscohost Choose DBs

Unfortunately, for our Baton Rouge LSUHSC/OLOL patrons, this workaround will not work while you are on the Baton Rouge campus. It will work, though, at any other location off-campus.

We do not have an estimate on when our off-campus issues will be resolved, but if you need any assistance in accessing this or any other Library resources, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Downtime for Wiley

Wiley logoThe Wiley Online Library will be down for a few hours this weekend.

According to a message on their website, Wiley Online Library will be unavailable on Saturday, July 1st, from 2:00AM-8:00AM CDT and on Sunday, July 2nd, 2:00AM-5:00AM CDT for essential maintenance. We would like to join the fine folks at Wiley in extending our apologies for the inconvenience to our dedicated researchers burning the midnight oil.