Off-Campus Access

Tips for iPads and LSUHSC networks

If you’re new to campus or have a new iPad, here are a few tips to help you get connected to the LSUHSC networks.

To access the wireless network while on campus:

  • Go to Settings->Wi-Fi; turn the Wi-Fi connection on
  • Choose the network LSUHSC-Secure
  • Enter your LSUHSC user i.d. and password and tap “Join”
  • You will then be asked to accept the “eis-rcbnps3.master…” certificate
  • Success! You’re now logged onto the LSUHSC wireless network

For those who would like to set up Citrix on their iPad, we have put together a walkthrough to help you with this process.

If you would like to set up your LSUHSC e-mail for use through the Mail app, more information can be found on this page. However, if you would like to receive your LSUHSC mail on your iPad, you will have to set up a passcode lock for your device if you have not already done so.

If you need any help with these steps or require anything else from the Library, please do not hesitate to contact us.

ClinicalKey for Nursing update


ClinicalKey for Nursing is now available for use on-campus.  Links to all of the books and journals have been added to our INNOPAC catalog.

Off-campus access is available through the LSUHSC-New Orleans Citrix connection.  If you  have never used Citrix before, you will be prompted to download the Citrix Receiver software the first time you log in.

  1. Login to Citrix with your LSUHSC credentials.
  2. Install Citrix Receiver if necessary.
  3. Open Desktop-New
  4. Launch Internet Explorer.
  5. Navigate back to this page on the university webpage and use the On Campus link.

Citrix is also available for Macs, iPads, iPhones, and Android devices.

Be sure to check it out!  There are lots of great books, journals, and other tools and resources for you to use.

Remember, Mosby’s Nursing Consult was officially retired by Elsevier on December 31, 2015.

Introducing VisualDx: A New Tool for Clinicians

Thanks to the School of Medicine Office of Student Technology, LSUHSC now has access to a new web-based clinical application designed to aid in visual diagnosis and patient education.

VisualDx?á allows point-of-care assistance for the user. The differential builder, diagnosis search, and medication search provide the information necessary to compare symptoms, visual cues, diagnosis, and treatment options. The VisualDx image bank contains over 25,000 medical images of diseases of the skin, hair, nails, eyes, lungs, etc. and shows variations by age, skin type, and stage.

You can watch a video overview of the application here:?á

Access to VisualDx is currently available through August 2014 for use on campus as well as off-campus for those with remote access privileges.?áSupported browsers are Internet Explorer 7+, Google Chrome, Firefox, and Safari. VisualDx also supports mobile wireless devices with a 3G or 4G connection.

How to access Citrix with a Mac

The Library has put together a walk through of the steps you will need to go through in order to use the LSUHSC Citrix Web Interface from your Mac computer.

2 Minute Tips: Off Campus Databases

Our next installment of 2 Minute Tips reveals the steps to access a database like PubMed or CINAHLplus with full text when you are off campus.

View VIDEO: Accessing databases off campus

2 Minute tips is a blog series where we bring you short video tutorials on various tools and resources in the library.

2 Minute Tips: Off Campus Books/Journals

Spring semester is here! Brush up on your tech skills with this short video on accessing books and journals off campus.


Two Minute tips is a series on our blog where we bring you short video tutorials on various tools and resources in the library.

2 Minute Tips: Create a PIN

Our newest 2 minute tip shows you how to create a PIN number for off campus access.


2 Minute tips is a blog series where we bring you short video tutorials on various tools and resources in the library.

WAM access

**Edit @ 6:30 pm** The off campus access screen is back to being pretty; please take a look at the office campus access webpage for screenshots. Please contact the Library if you have any problems.

*Edit @ 10:30 am* WAM access is back online, but it looks a little wonky. Functionality over beauty wins right now. We are continuing to work on the issue.

Unfortunately, with the launch of the new catalog look, off-campus access to full-text materials was accidentally disabled. We are working to fix this ASAP.

eBooks: We Have Them!

This month, the Library’s books display features our eBook databases, and some of the popular, recent editions of titles that can be accessed through our website. eBooks can be located in the following online resources:

AccessEmergency Medicine
R2 Digital Library
Thieme ElectronicBook Library

These databases have been assembled on the Library’s website at:
Read more >

Accessing Journal Articles Online class

The dental library will be presenting a class, Accessing Journal Articles Online, tomorrow as part of our celebration of National Medical Libraries Month. Please join us in the dental library conference room from noon-1:00pm. For more information or to reserve your space for this class please email us.

Certificate Error & Remote Access

A number of patrons have been receiving a certificate error when attempting to use the Library’s Remote Access system (WAM).


The certificate was renewed by LSU-Baton Rouge but is not propigating properly for some reason. To install the certificate, click on the from the following link. And then choose Open and then Install. Accept any other default settings. *Please note that this certificate only works with Internet Explorer & not Firefox.*


Once installation is complete (takes about 10 seconds), attempt the off-campus link from the Library’s webpages again.

~EDIT~ This issue is now resolved thanks to the efforts of the IT staff.

Off Campus Access

Just a quick reminder that most LSUHSC-New Orleans resources are available off campus (any where not on the LSUHSC network). This includes full-text materials, books & journals. Check out our handy tutorial.

Off-Campus Access Available

Off Campus Access to the catalog is available once again. Thanks for your patience.

Tutorials for Full-Text Journals

Molly Knapp has completed a Windows Media Video tutorial for accessing full-text journals via the Libraries’ catalog, Innopac. Don’t forget there is also a video for accessing materials remotely.

VPN Changes

The LSUHSC Office of Computer Services provides secure remote access through a VPN (virtual private network) . Last summer, a new VPN client, SSLVPN was rolled out.

On July 29th, users who are still using the old VPN client, SecuRemote, will no longer have access to the Library’s catalog, Innopac. If you have SecuRemote (old client) installed, it must be uninstalled before installing SSLVPN (new client) (directions are available). Please contact your local computer supporter for more information.

Barcode & PIN (WAM) access will be unaffected.