
Call to Action: Breastfeeding

Last week, the US Surgeon General Regina M. Benjamin released a Call to Action to Support Breastfeeding. This call to action was aimed at families, communities, employers and health care professionals to improve breastfeeding rates and increase support for breastfeeding. Download the complete report and the fact sheet.

Master Your Exams

The LSUHSC Libraries provide access to Exam Master, an online resource that helps students prepare for exams. Exam Master includes USMLE and NBDE practice tests, as well as medical subject reviews.
First time users must create an Exam Master username and password.
Username is your lsuhsc email address.
Password is one you create.

Mobile AccessMedicine

AccessMedicine, the popular resource that includes the full text of Harrison’s Online, diagnostic tests, and much more is now optimized for your mobile device!
To log in, go to on your mobile browser and log in with your MyAccessMedicine user name and password.

Don’t have a MyAccessMedicine user name and password?
You can create one through the Access Medicine homepage. Simply select “MyAccessMedicine” on the right side of the screen and follow the directions.

Questions? Contact

NLM Announces New Look

On January 11, 2011, the National Library of Medicine (NLM) released a new design and organization for its Main Web site. Added features are navigation to popular links, social sharing functionality so users can share content to people through Facebook, Twitter, and social bookmarking services.

Top 20 FREE medical iphone apps has updated their list of free top medical apps for iphone and raised the number to 20.

Top 20 Free iPhone Medical Apps For Health Care Professionals

The list is a mixture of news, point of care resources, and non medical but useful apps for iPhone and in some cases, iPad.

LSUHSC has an extended subscription to Micromedex, while the free app SkyScape also runs our subscription to Dynamed and Natural Standard. Email for install information.

Also listed is ePSS – a public health tool from AHRQ that displays screening measures derived from the USPSTF based on patient demographic information, and Doximity, a “Facebook for doctors” – for those that need yet another social networking service.

Bottom Line
Although it’s a little annoying to have to click through 20 pages to see them all, it’s a good list (and you can’t beat the price).

NEJM Image Challenge for iPhone

NEJM Image Challenge The New England Journal of Medicine has just released a new app version of their popular “Image Challenge” weekly email feature. Test your diagnostic and visual skills any time, any where with this $2.99 application.

Available on iTunes.

Web version

2010 America’s Health Rankings

America’s Health Rankings?« has been tracking the state of our nation’s health for over 20 years. This analysis provides a comprehensive perspective on our national health issues, state by state.

America’s Health Rankings?«-2010 Edition shows Vermont at the top of the list of healthiest states again this year. Massachusetts is ranked second this year, an improvement from ranking third last year. New Hampshire is number three, followed by Connecticut and Hawaii. However, although Mississippi is 50th and the least healthy state, Louisiana is 49th. Arkansas, Nevada and Oklahoma complete the bottom five states.

Louisiana dropped two spots from last year due to several factors including a high rate of obesity and smoking. On the positive side, Louisiana has a high ranking for access to prenatal care and childhood immunizations. Stay Healthy, Louisiana has a great summary of the state’s ranking.

Hand Washing saves lives!

In honor of National Hand Washing Week, December 5-11, remember that washing your hands is one of the easiest ways to prevent the spread of disease and infection. Wash up for 20 seconds every time you sneeze, cough, blow your nose, and after you use the restroom. People notice when you don’t. And we talk. Check out the Center for Disease Control’s site for more information.

Healthy People 2020 Launched

Healthy People 2020 logo

Healthy People provides science-based, 10-year national objectives for improving the health of all Americans. For 3 decades, Healthy People has established benchmarks and monitored progress over time in order to encourage collaborations across sectors, guide individuals toward making informed health decisions, and measure the impact of prevention activities.

Healthy People 2020 continues in this tradition with the launch on December 2, 2010 of its ambitious, yet achievable, 10-year agenda for improving the NationÔÇÖs health. Healthy People 2020 is the result of a multiyear process that reflects input from a diverse group of individuals and organizations.

New topic areas for 2020 include:
Adolescent Health
Blood Disorders and Blood Safety
Dementias, Including AlzheimerÔÇÖs Disease
Early and Middle Childhood
Global Health
Healthcare-Associated Infections
Health-Related Quality of Life and Well-Being
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Health
Older Adults
Sleep Health
Social Determinants of Health

Stay connected to Healthy People 2020 by signing up for e-mail, following on Twitter, connecting on LinkedIn, or joining the Consortium to stay up-to-date with the latest Healthy People information and events.

World Aids Day 2010


Today, December 1st, is the date globally recognized as World Aids Day. This annual observance was designated in 1988 as a way to bring attention to the AIDS/HIV epidemic.

According to the Louisiana Third Quarter 2010 HIV/Aids Report published by the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals 17,944 persons is currently living with HIV/AIDS in Louisiana. Between the months of January- December 2009 1,220 persons were newly diagnosed with HIV in Louisiana. These are only some of surprising statistics.

For more information about this observance and AIDS Awareness in general visit

Healthy Holiday Eating

Looking for a simple way to keep your weight in-check this Holiday Season? Look no further!

The National Heart Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI) has come up with great downloads that provide consumers with healthy holiday recipes and a quick way to keep track of daily activities and calories.

Happy (and healthy) Eating!

Preparing Students for Best Jobs

Money Magazine came out with it’s list The 50 Best Jobs in America in the November issue. LSUHSC New Orleans is preparing its students for many of these.
#4 Physical Therapist
#12 Dentist
#13 Nurse Anesthetist
#19 Occupational Therapist
#25 Emergency Room Physician
#27 Director of Nursing
#29 Psychiatrist
#34 Primary Care Physician
#44 Speech-Language Pathologist
#46 Physical Therapy Director

Featured Books X-Ray display

X-Ray displayTo celebrate the 115th anniversay of the invention of the X-ray, a new display is now available in the library. It features many books on radiology. These books are available for check out.

Dept. of Psychiatry gets the Gold

Congratulations to LSUHSC’s Department of Psychiatry, who received a Psychiatric Services Achievement Award for their work with the St. Bernard Family Resiliency Project. This is the top Psychiatric Services honor bestowed by the world’s largest psychiatric organization.

The LSU Health Sciences Center New Orleans Department of Psychiatry was recognized for “successfully integrating mental health services into the school system, youth leadership, and community outreach for children and families recovering from the traumatic effects of Hurricane Katrina,” via the St. Bernard Family Resiliency Project.

Read more about the project in Psychiatric Services 2010 61: 1039-1041

XRays Discovered 115 Years Ago

xraydiscovery2010-ps Check out the Google logo today. In recognizes that Wilhelm Conrad R?Ântgen (commonly spelled Roentgen) accidentally discovered “a new type of ray.” He won the Nobel Prize in 1901 for his discovery, but in physics not medicine.