E-Journal News

Videos available for Journal of Periodontology

Do you want to see Journal of Periodontology (JOP) manuscripts come to life? That option is now available through supplementary videos in the online Journal. Visit the online Journal Web site to view our first video by Dr. Dan Holtzclaw, based on the case report “Alternative Anesthetic Technique for Maxillary Periodontal Surgery,” published in the September 2008 issue.

Select authors will be invited to produce 3- to 5- minute videos to supplement material published in their peer-reviewed manuscripts. Videos will be linked to the published paper and can be viewed by selecting the hyperlink “supplementary material” located under the article title in the online Table of Contents. Manuscripts featuring a video will be indicated by an icon within the Table of Contents.

Visit joponline.org often to see exciting new additions! Launching soon: supplementary PowerPoint presentations with audio.

You can also access the video through the Library Catalog by looking up Journal of Periodontology and displaying the full text of the journal.

Students! Get published in Public Health Reports

Interested in publishing? The Association of Schools of Public Health recently announced that it will begin a peer-reviewed Student Column in the Public Health Reports journal.

Potential submitters may be current students, current fellows, or recent graduates (within two years) of CEPH-accredited schools of public health. ASPH also seeks student reviewers for the column. For more information, visit www.publichealthreports.org.

E-Links are Working On-Campus

The Electronic Links in the catalog, INNOPAC, are working on-campus only. We are still working on off-campus access

E-Links in Catalog Not Working

Most of the E-Journal & E-Book Links in the catalog are still not working today. We are working with our support team to get the links working again. We hope to have them back up by mid-day today.


The libraries’ online catalog will be down for the next 2 hours for scheduled maintenance. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Tutorials for Full-Text Journals

Molly Knapp has completed a Windows Media Video tutorial for accessing full-text journals via the Libraries’ catalog, Innopac. Don’t forget there is also a video for accessing materials remotely.

Wiley and Blackwell journals back online

We’re happy to report that Wiley and Blackwell journals are now back online after this weekend’s downtime. The most significant change you’ll notice is that the online versions of the Blackwell titles look like those from Wiley as they are all now available on the Interscience platform. There are a handful of titles that are experiencing some hiccups, but we’ve been assured by the folks at Wiley that they are feverishly working on solving the problems.

If you need any help with these or other titles, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Wiley and Blackwell downtime this weekend

Wiley and Blackwell-Synergy journals will not be available this weekend, June 28-29. The Blackwell journals are moving to the Wiley Interscience site, with all content scheduled to be available by Monday, June 30. Unfortunately, we are unable to give specific times as to when this process will begin and when the journals will again be available.

We will keep you updated on any problems that might arise from this transition.

A new look for links

We’re happy to announce that we’ve finally launched a new component to INNOPAC, the library’s catalog. You’ll probably first notice that the link or links to the online version of a journal title are now available in two places:

ERM screenshot

The links under the “This title is available electronically via” area are part of a new product we’re using to manage our ever-increasing electronic access to journals. Eventually we will remove the pre-existing links used to get to the online versions, but rest assured the links and notes in this new addition to our catalog work the same.

We hope that you will spend some time exploring this new feature, but please do not hesitate to contact any of the Library staff if you need assistance.

Your PDF Problems solved

Ever click on a link to a full text journal article & run into this error message?

?óÔé¼?ôThe file is damaged and could not be opened?óÔé¼?Ø

Aggravating, right? Well fret no more, a solution is here!

Turns out, this error message is related to settings in Adobe Acrobat (the program that lets you read PDFs). Try these simple steps to fix the full text from our online journal providers.

1. Close your browser.

2. Open Adobe Reader.

3. Go to the Edit menu and select Preferences

4. In the left column select Internet

5. Uncheck Allow fast web view

6. Uncheck Display PDF in browser

7. Click OK, and try again

The PDFs will display in a separate window rather than in your browser window.

Check to see if you have pop ups disabled in your browser. Internet Explorer does this automatically, and this will also cause the full text not to display.

As always, if you still can’t get the PDF full text, PLEASE LET US KNOW! Email reference@lsuhsc.edu or call 504 568 6100 with the article information, and we will get the article for you. If we don’t know its broke, we can’t fix it!

Nature Journal – back to 1869!

Masthead of Nature: the weekly illustrated journal of science
“NATURE! We are surrounded and embraced by her: powerless to separate ourselves from her, and powerless to penetrate beyond her.” – JW Goethe

So opened one of the foremost science journals in history. Even back in 1869, Nature: the international weekly journal of science was pondering topics like science education in schools, the impact of environmental projects such as the Suez Canal, and recent solar eclipses.

Now that LSUHSC library has online full-text access to Nature from 1869 – present, you yourself can trace historic scientific events as they unfold in the biomedical literature, all from the comfort of your office or home computer!


5 classes to be offered in April

In conjunction with Medical Information Day 2007, the Isch?â?® Library will be offering 5 unique classes in April.

We will be offering the following classes from 12 noon to 1 p.m. on the following days:

  • Advanced Googling on Tuesday, April 17th
  • General Library Systems on Wednesday, April 18th
  • Navigating E-Journals on Monday, April 23rd
  • Exploring EMBASE.com on Tuesday, April 24th
  • Excavating E-Books on Wednesday, April 25th.