Graduate Research Day
The School of Medicine Librarian Liaison, Kathy Kerdolff recently attended Graduate Studies Research Day. Here’s what Kathy had to say about the event:
“I was so impressed with all these young researchers who patiently explained their research (displayed on their posters) with enthusiasm.
The things I learned:
- The number of patients going to the ER (in Arkansas) for a non-traumatic dental visit/emergency.
- NSAID sulindac sulfide as a possible cancer tumor reduction therapy.
- A RCT to see if a WeChat (Social media in China) intervention would help reduce smoking in Chinese smokers.
- Statistics on pancreatic cancer by sub-sites and mortality.
- A novel NSC (neural stem cells) as possible treatment in triple negative breast cancer cells.
- Binge alcohol levels are higher in HIV (Study used SIV and macaques) to see why HIV patients misuse Alcohol more than non-HIV patients.
- Glioblastoma Multiforme experimental therapies.
- Research testing renal cell carcinoma tumors.
- Alcohol hyperpermeability of lymphatic endomethial cells.
- Therapeutic potential for Hunnington’s disease and others like it.
- Incidence of esophageal and gastric carcinomas among various populations. “
Below you will find pictures Kathy took of the researches and their posters: