Accessing resources during system outage
INNOPAC, our library system, will not be available starting at 12:45pm on Thursday, November 21st, and it could be out for at least two hours. This outage means that you will not be able to look up anything through the Library’s online catalog, and the link resolver in all databases will not work as well. There are, however, other options to find the resources you need during this time.
The Discovery/EDS Health search will still function and can help you locate a specific journal, book, or article:

There are many options presented that will still work, but some do rely on the system in order to work. As a result, any options to check the Library’s catalog or to use the WebBridge Link Resolver will not be available. However, particularly in the case of articles, there are many other options that can get you to what you need:

Another option to find a particular ebook or journal is the E-Journals & E-Books A to Z List.
If you need to access any resource when off-campus, you will need to use your LSUHSC-NO e-mail and password through OpenAthens; you will not be able to log in using your Library barcode and PIN while the system is unavailable:

In PubMed, you may be able to get to articles directly using the Library’s link resolver even though the system is unavailable. Since we are using the LibKey Link service in conjunction with our link resolver, if a direct link to the PDF of an article is available, then you will bypass our link resolver. However, if this direct link is not possible and our link resolver would be needed in order to find available full-text or get the article through InterLibrary Loan, you will be unable to proceed while the system is down.
You can also use the LibKey Nomad Chrome browser extension to access journals in PubMed or from publishers’ sites. This will be particularly useful in PubMed, as the extension indicates which articles are available through the Library’s subscriptions. However, since the Library’s link resolver will not be available, only those citations that have “Download PDF” or “Article Link” will work during our system outage:

Even though INNOPAC, the Library’s catalog, will not be available, Library staff will have other ways to get to journals and resources during this downtime, so please contact us if you need help.