Library’s link to PubMed and emailing citations

April 4, 2024: If you follow the Library’s link to PubMed and then want to e-mail citations, you will see an error message that will not allow you to proceed:

Screenshot of PubMed e-mail error

This is caused by the reCAPTCHA that is required to send emails from PubMed not working nicely with our EZproxy system. Since we now require logins on and off campus when following Library links, this will affect more people.

If you want to email citations from PubMed, follow this link:

This is also a good opportunity to check and see if you have the LibKey Nomad browser extension installed. When you have this add on, searching PubMed and getting to articles is super easy! If you use Chrome, Safari, Edge, Firefox, Brave, or Vivaldi browsers, you can install the LibKey Nomad extension and find articles effortlessly. It can also be installed in Chrome in your Citrix desktop. Check out our LibKey Nomad LibGuide for more information.

If you need help with this or any other Library resources, please contact us.