UPDATE: PubMed personal account login and Library’s link to PubMed

UPDATE May 22, 2024: There will be no fix for this issue, so if you wish to log into your personal PubMed account, use this link: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?otool=lsunolib. Installing the LibKey Nomad browser extension will help you get to articles when using PubMed.

April 25, 2024: If you use the Library’s link to PubMed, please note that there is a problem that prevents you from logging into your personal account when in PubMed. This personal account is used to save searches, citations, and create alerts, but does not affect accessing articles. We are contacting the company that maintains our EZproxy to see if there is a fix to this issue.

Until we receive more information about a resolution to this problem, follow this link to PubMed: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?otool=lsunolib. If you do not need to log into a personal account, or if you do not need to email citations from a PubMed search, you can use the Library’s link to PubMed with no added troubles.

This is also a good opportunity to check and see if you have the LibKey Nomad browser extension installed. When you have this add on, searching PubMed and getting to articles is super easy! If you use Chrome, Safari, Edge, Firefox, Brave, or Vivaldi browsers, you can install the LibKey Nomad extension and find articles effortlessly. It can also be installed in Chrome in your Citrix desktop. Check out our LibKey Nomad LibGuide for more information.

If you need help with this or any other Library resources, please contact us.