Graduate Research Day

The Libraries are pleased to share that Digital Scholar now hosts the 2019, 2022, 2023, and 2024 Dr. Joseph M. Moerschbaecher, III Graduate Research Days! Graduate Research Day has taken place annually since 1986, and in 2022 was renamed in honor of Dr. Joseph M. Moerschbaecher, III, the former Dean of the School of Graduate Studies and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs at LSU Health-NO.

This event is archived in the Digital Scholar alongside other Schools’ and Organizations’ research symposia and events; it can be found by navigating to the Libraries’ main page, selecting Digital Scholar, and then Research Days & Events. There you will find each Graduate Research Day’s agenda, participant names, research titles, and in many cases, the abstracts of research presented. More years will be archived in an ongoing project to build the LSUHSC-NO institutional repository.

LSUHSC-NO Digital Scholar is an institutional repository and is a service of the LSU Health Science Center Libraries. Research and scholarly output included here has been selected and deposited by the Libraries, as well as individual university departments and centers on campus. For questions or to submit research to the repository, please contact