The Healing Blade

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Attention medical geeks and gamers: American Medical news reports on a new role-playing game that teaches infectious diseases.

“Developed by two physician/gamers, Francis Kong and Arun Mathews, Healing Blade plunges the player into a world of sorcery and creatures, where real-world knowledge of infectious diseases and therapeutics play a pivotal role in the winning strategy.”

The print edition, which resembles Magic: the Gathering or Pokemon in game play, retails for $24.99 but is currently sold out at According to the product’s website, a second printing is underway. Of course, an iPhone application is also in development.

As far as we know, the item will not be available for checkout in the library. However, the library commons is open 24 hours for anyone wanting to start a medical gamer night.

2 Responses to The Healing Blade

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Molly K, JK Lloyd. JK Lloyd said: Blogged: The Healing Blade […]

  2. Is it wrong that I want to play this game?