Dig the Library, Week three: Can ya dig it? Social networking and libraries

Hello again from the NMLM Committee. We?óÔé¼Ôäóre halfway through this whirlwind staff development course ?óÔé¼ÔÇ£ thanks for hanging in there! This week we?óÔé¼Ôäóre exploring social networking and the library?óÔé¼Ôäós Facebook page.

Social Networking sites are online communities where people can connect with their friends and discover other people who have similar interests. Often social networking sites have features that allow users to interact with each other through features like photo sharing, chat, messaging, group invitations to events and more. Popular social networking sites include MySpace, Facebook, and Linkedin.

For an introduction to social networking, watch this 3 minute video: ?óÔé¼?ôSocial networking in plain English?óÔé¼?Ø by Common Craft: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IKcqge8SvzQ

Library applications
The Dental library and Isch?â?® library both have a page on Facebook. Facebook members can become ?óÔé¼?£fans?óÔé¼Ôäó of the libraries, which allows you to leave comments, see events, view pictures, and more.

Task for week 3:

  • View to the library facebook pages.
  • Are you a member of Facebook? Add the library as a fan and leave a comment on our Wall about what you?óÔé¼Ôäód like to see on the library Facebook page.
  • Not a member of Facebook? If you do not want to create a profile in Facebook, leave a comment on the library blog post for this week ?óÔé¼?ôCan ya dig it?: social networking at the library?óÔé¼?Ø about what you?óÔé¼Ôäód like to see on the library Facebook page.
  • NMLM Facebook display

    NMLM Facebook display

    6 Responses to Dig the Library, Week three: Can ya dig it? Social networking and libraries

    1. The page is great, but I was wondering if under the “Information” section there could be a bit more descriptive info about the library (not necessarily a novel, but perhaps more info about who/what we are).

    2. What sort of stuff would you like to see? I would love suggestions.

    3. I was thinking about just a basic rundown of what the library is: who we’re affiliated with, a snippet about our patrons, and perhaps a brief summary of our services. Nothing too outlandish, but maybe a bit more so that people who stumble across the page would have a better idea of what we’re about.

    4. great suggestions Becky! we will work on this & try to roll it out this week.

    5. I am becomming a bid fan of facebook since the library started its pages. I have found high school friends, people I havent seen in years, and lots of the people I work with everyday but knew nothing of their life outside work. This is a great tool!

    6. Me too Julie! Just found a bunch of folks from the pre-K neighborhood watering hole that are now scattered across the country.