
Ische Early Closure 8/3/18

The water in the Resource Center Building will be turned off from 6pm until 11pm on Friday, August 3rd. Because of the lack of plumbing. The Isché Library will close at 6pm.

Library Catalog Being Upgraded 7/31/18

The Library Catalog/INNOPAC is being upgraded tomorrow morning from 9am until 11am.

*Edit* 10am 7/31/18 – and we’re back up an hour early!

Ische Library – Early Closure 4/5/18

The Isché Library will close at 6pm on Thursday, April 5th because the water will be shut off in the building for an emergency plumbing repair. The Library Commons may be open, however restrooms and water fountains in other buildings will need to be used. The water is expected to remain off until 10:30pm.

Ische Circulation Desk phone

The main line for the Isché Library has been down since Sunday, January 14th. If you call, voicemail picks up. Please contact us on a different line or via chat or email. Sorry for the inconvenience.

*Edit* 10:10am Telephone access to 504-568-6100 has been restored.

Intermittent Wireless Access – 12/18/17 5pm

Wireless access on campus will be upgraded this evening starting at 5pm. Expect intermittent access for at least 30 minutes.

*Update* Maintenance was complete by 5:21pm

RefWorks Classic is back online, 10/30/17

RefWorks Classic (aka Legacy RefWorks) was not working this morning, but now it is back up and running.  Please let us know if you encounter any technical difficulties with this resource.

Off Campus Access – 502 errors (resolved)

*Resolved Wednesday, August 23rd at 3:15pm*

We discovered this afternoon that Off Campus access to PubMed and to all EBSCOhost databases is returning a 502 error. Our IT support is working to resolve the issue, but we will probably be without off-campus access for the weekend. The same error appears when trying to access the databases through CITRIX.

Titles of individual journals through the catalog appear to be working. Please contact the Circulation Desk at either Library for additional help.


Finding articles during system outage

Although we are hoping that our system will not be down for the bulk of the day, if you need an article during this time here are a few tips and an alternative to get articles during this downtime.

If you want to check whether the Library owns a journal, the E-Journals & E-Books A to Z List is a good source but only from on campus; unfortunately, the majority of links on the list will not work as they rely on talking with our system in order to get you to the journal.

If you have the author and title of the article you need, when on campus you can attempt to get to the journal using the CrossRef Free DOI Guest Search. When you use the “Search on Article Title” option, if a match is found you will be able to use the link to get to the article:
CR Guest Search

There is no guarantee that we have access rights to the journal, though, but this is a way to get to the article while our system is down.

Even though INNOPAC, the Library’s catalog, will not be available, Library staff will have other ways to get to journals and resources during this downtime, so please contact us if you need help.

INNOPAC Scheduled Maintenance 6/28/17

INNOPAC and off campus access to library materials will be down for a scheduled upgrade on Wednesday, June 28th. While we hope the system will be back up quickly, we have allowed an all-day window for this upgrade. The upgrade is expected to start at 5:30am.

INNOPAC upgrade

*Upgrade complete: 8:48am

We are currently upgrading our INNOPAC server and so that service is not available. We hope it will be restored quickly.

Update: Link resolver now working in PubMed

The link resolver being used for PubMed is once again working correctly.

If you need assistance with any Library resources, please contact us.

ScienceDirect access fixed

The issue with ScienceDirect has been fixed, so links in the Library Catalog, A to Z List, and link resolver should all now work correctly.

If you need assistance with any Library resources please contact us.

Finding resources during INNOPAC maintenance

While the Library’s INNOPAC system is offline for maintenance, a number of functions are affected. During this outage the catalog, off-campus access, and link resolver will be unavailable. However, here are a few ways to get the resources you need during this downtime:

  • All print books and journals will be available for checkout; although we will be unable to look up holdings and call numbers, Library staff will assist you in finding the materials you need from anything that is on reserve or in the stacks.
  • All online resources will be available on campus only; when viewing the available databases be sure to click the “On Campus” link:

On Campus

  • If you need an ebook you can use the eBooks LibGuide to find the on-campus links to the electronic books available from various publishers.
  • Although it is also an option for ebooks, the E-Books & E-Journals A to Z List will allow access to the online version of the majority of journals available from the Library.

We hope the outage will not last very long, but Library staff will be ready to answer any questions you have regarding resources while this necessary maintenance is completed. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

INNOPAC Schedule Maintenance 6/13/16

The server that hosts INNOPAC will be undergoing maintenance on Monday, June 13 beginning about 10am. The server will be down from 3 to 8 hours. Stay tuned for a post on accessing Library materials without using INNOPAC. Thanks for your patience.

EBSCO e-Books and Firefox Browser

There is a problem accessing EBSCO e-books using Firefox Web Browser. EBSCO is working to resolve it. In in the meantime, please use Internet Explorer or another browser.