ScienceDirect EBS Collection: Agricultural, Biological and Food Sciences

EBS blog Agri Bio FoodAs we celebrate Thanksgiving this week, what better time to invite you to explore the Agricultural, Biological and Food Sciences category of the ScienceDirect EBS Collection. This category covers a broad spectrum of texts related to the health and production of our food supply.

Before you dive into your Mimi’s oyster dressing, you might want to read Biology of Oysters.  In fact, there are several ebooks about marine life in this category  as well as advances in animal welfare and meat production.  You might want to feast on a selection of topics to prepare for the conversational aspects of any social commitments.  A good sampling might include: Advances in Cattle Welfare, Advances in Pig Welfare, Advances in Poultry Welfare, and Advances in Sheep Welfare.  And after all that, you will probably want to switch to a vegetarian diet and just stick to the sides on the big day. Dig in to Vegetarian and Plant-Based Diets in Health and Disease Prevention.  

When dealing with the leftovers, you can find answers to the question of food safety in this category.  For those of you experiencing the joys of big family gatherings, there are several selections on wine production and wine tasting.  And if you feel you have overindulged there are even a few books about exercise to help you get motivated.

So if family togetherness starts to wear thin and you’re just not into football or dog shows, settle in and gobble up the mouth-watering offerings of ScienceDirect EBS Collection. You may find just what you need to make it through the holidays or the semester. Happy Thanksgiving!

Dental Library Closed 11/19


The Dental Library will be closed Sunday, November 19th due to a water outage on campus. All water will be turned off for an emergency repair from 7am until 7pm.

The downtown Library will be open regular hours from 12 noon to 12 midnight.

Revamped Database Pages Now Live

In conjunction with our rolling out EZproxy as the new off-campus authentication system, the Libraries have made some changes to our resources available through the Database listings on our web page:

New Database Overview

You will find there is now one link for both on- and off-campus access to resources. A new paw icon also identifies those resources where you will need to use your Library barcode and PIN in order access them when off-campus:

New Databases Closer

If you need more information about accessing resources when off-campus, please take a look at our newest LibGuide.

Have any questions about this or any other Library resources? Please contact us.

Introducing EZproxy for off-campus access

Starting today (November 15th), the Libraries will start transitioning to our new off-campus authentication system. We are moving away from WAM and will start using EZproxy. Many of you may already be familiar with EZproxy as it is used in most institutions throughout the state and the U.S.

The biggest change you will see is now being asked to provide just your Library barcode and PIN when accessing resources off campus:

EZproxy Login

If you currently have a Library account and PIN, you can log into EZproxy with no problems.

If you have a Library account but have not assigned a PIN, there is a link on the EZproxy login page that will direct you to create one. Also, a handout walking you through creating a PIN when accessing resources through EZproxy is now available.

During this transition time, you may still encounter links asking you to log into the WAM system. These will eventually be replaced with EZproxy, but it will take some time for us to edit everything.

A new LibGuide with information about accessing Library resources off-campus is also now available via this link.

If you have any questions about this or anything else, please contact us.

ScienceDirect EBS Collection: Health Professions

EBS blog Health ProfThis week our exploration of the ScienceDirect EBS Collection takes us to the Health Professions category. In this category you will find a variety of ebooks covering the disciplines of Dentistry, Maxillofacial Surgery, and Physical Therapy.  You will find the latest edition of Sedation by Stanley F. Malamed and the 4th edition of Assisted Technologies by Albert Cook and Janice Polgar.  There are several new books on oral surgery and drug therapy.  If Physical Therapy is your thing, check out several selections on rehabilitation found in this group.

As with all of the categories in this collection, the publication dates range from 2013 to the present.  New books have been added to the 2017 list as they were published and as may any others which are published before the end of the year.  The complete collection will be available until the end of June 2018.  At that time, we will be adding the most used items to our permanent ebook collection.

Every Necessary Care and Attention: George Washington and Medicine

NLM Banners


LSUHealth – New Orleans Libraries is proud to present Every Necessary Care and Attention: George Washington and Medicine. The display includes six banners from the National Library Medicine as well as local articles, books, and archival material. The display will be at Isché Library November 13 – Dec 1 and the Dental Library Dec 4 – Dec 21.


Local Materials for Review and Checkout

Downtown Library Bookdrop

Due to some maintenance on the elevated walkways this past weekend, the Downtown Library bookdrop has been moved to the other side of the vending machines. When maintenance is complete, it may move back to its original location.

*2:30pm  and the bookdrop is back in its original location.

ScienceDirect EBS Collection: Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

EBS blog Chem - Chem EngHave you had an opportunity to check out the ScienceDirect EBS Collection yet? This varied collection of over 5000 ebooks will only be available until the end of June 2018. And there is so much to explore!

This week we are highlighting two related categories from the collection: Chemical Engineering and Chemistry.

In the Chemistry category you will find full text ebooks relating to – surprise! – Chemistry.  Check out the advances in mathematical chemistry and asymmetric autocatalysis.  You can explore NMR spectroscopy, liquid chromatography, and natural products chemistry.

In addition to a series of ebooks about current developments in biotechnology and bioengineering, the Chemical Engineering category covers chemical hazards, biopharmaceutical processing, and polyurethane polymers.  There are texts on cosmetics and data analysis in chemical engineering.

So, if you haven’t explored this collection yet, please take a moment to check it out.  Your participation is important to us.  We will have access to all of these ebooks until the end of June.  After that, only the most used ebooks will be added to our permanent electronic collection.  So let us know what’s important to you by checking out the categories and clicking open some books.

Fall Back!



Don’t forget we Fall Back tonight. So prepared to be confused about time it is for the next week.

Cornucopia of Faculty Publications for November

autumn leavesA new selection of articles has been added to the Faculty Publications display in the Ische Library. These eight articles, as well as all of the articles in our Faculty Publications database, are authored by at least one member of our research community here at LSUHSC-New Orleans. Each month the Library is proud to present copies of eight of these publications in a rotating display of 16. They can be viewed in the Reference area, on the wall between the main entrance and the Library elevator, on the third floor of the Resource Center Building.

Here is a list of the newest articles to be featured, with the LSUHSC-NO researchers in bold print:

  1. Barry RA, Fink DS, Pourciau DC, Hayley K, Lanius R, Hayley S, Sims E, McWhorter AJ. Effect of increased body mass index on complication rates during laryngotracheal surgery utilizing jet ventilation. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2017;194599817698679.
  2. Berry S, Barovechio P, Mabile E, Tran T. Enhancing state medical home capacity through a care coordination technical assistance model. Matern Child Health J. 2017;21:1949-1960.
  3. Fortuna G, Aria M, Schiavo JH. Drug-induced oral lichenoid reactions: A real clinical entity? A systematic review. Eur J Clin Pharmacol. 2017;[epub].
  4. Jun B, Mukherjee PK, Asatryan A, Kautzmann MA, Heap J, Gordon WC, Bhattacharjee S, Yang R, Petasis NA, Bazan NG. Elovanoids are novel cell-specific lipid mediators necessary for neuroprotective signaling for photoreceptor cell integrity. Sci Rep. 2017;7(1):5279-017-05433-7.
  5. Middleton JW, Simons DJ, Simmons JW, Clark RSB, Kochanek PM, Shoykhet M. Long-term deficits in cortical circuit function after asphyxial cardiac arrest and resuscitation in developing rats. eNeuro. 2017;4(3):ENEURO.0319-16.2017.
  6. Moulton LJ, Michener CM, Levinson K, Cobb L, Tseng J, Jernigan A. Compliance with research standards within gynecologic oncology fellowship: A gynecologic oncology fellowship research network (GOFRN) study. Gynecol Oncol. 2017;146(3):647-652.
  7. Wilson PG, Killam SG, Stazio LC, Ellis RB, Kiernan NM, Ukachu AN. Post-secondary apprenticeships for youth: Creating opportunities for high demand employment 1. J Vocat Rehabil. 2017;46(3):305-312.
  8. Wood KA, Zambrano RM, Cheek BJ, Arcement C, Haymon M, Steinkampf J, Sampath S, Hyland JC, Lacassie Y. Neonatal mucolipidosis type II alpha/beta due to compound heterozygosity for a known and novel GNPTAB mutation, and a concomitant heterozygous change in SERPINF1 inherited from the mother. Clin Case Rep. 2017;5(4):431-434.

Publications cited in the Faculty Publications database are harvested weekly from a variety of sources, such as PubMed, SCOPUS, and CINAHL, to name a few. In addition to articles they include books, book chapters, papers, editorials, letters to the editor, and meeting abstracts, all authored by at least one member of the LSUHSC-NO community. The database is maintained by Reference Librarian Kathy Kerdolff and is available to the general public here or via the Library’s webpage. For a PDF of a bibliography of this month’s additions, click here. If you have an article you would like us to highlight or if you have any questions regarding the display or the database, you can contact Kathy Kerdolff.
Please come to the Library and view these recent publications by our research community.

Its Alive! Frankenstein: Penetrating the Secrets of Nature


It was dark as the wind and the rain tapped on her window in 1816. It was on that night that Mary Shelly acclaimed author of gothic fiction penned Frankenstein. To commemorate that evening, the National Library of Medicine online exhibition, Frankenstein: Penetrating the Secrets of Nature explores the applied discipline of biomedical engineering and its attempt to challenge the understanding of what it means to human. So, check out the National Library of Medicine online exhibition; Frankenstein: Penetrating the Secrets of Nature.

RefWorks Classic is back online, 10/30/17

RefWorks Classic (aka Legacy RefWorks) was not working this morning, but now it is back up and running.  Please let us know if you encounter any technical difficulties with this resource.

ScienceDirect EBS Collection: Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutical Science

EBS blog pharmaThis week we are highlighting the Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutical Science category of the new ScienceDirect electronic books collection. With all of the recent news about the new, more effective Shingles vaccine and the opioid epidemic, this group of books seems especially relevant.

Under this subject you will find a variety of titles dealing with drug research in the fields of cancer, holistic medicine, and aging. There are texts relating to the advances in nanotechnology and the biotech industry. This category also offers information on drug interactions and research on the adverse effects of toxic materials in our environment.

Please take some time to review this addictive collection. These ebooks will only be available until the end of June 2018. After that, we will only be keeping the most used texts so your participation is important. Let us know what you think is relevant by checking them out.

ScienceDirect EBS Collection: Biochemistry, Genetics, and Molecular Biology

EBS blog biochem genetics molec biolIn this week’s exploration of the new ScienceDirect EBS Collection, we are spotlighting a category that should be of great interest to the LSUHSC community. Biochemistry, Genetics, and Molecular Biology is an offering of ebooks that contains topics some might consider essential to our mission. There are books on stem cells, tissue engineering, nutrition, and infectious diseases. There are several texts about epigenetics and its various applications, including cancer therapy and behavioral research. If you’re looking for something new on animal models and the care of laboratory animals, it’s in here. There are also books on professional development in this field you might want to explore.

The ScienceDirect EBS Collection provides full-text access to hundreds of books across a wide spectrum of disciplines. We are excited about this opportunity to review new and relevant books, some of which aren’t even available in print, with the possibility of adding them to our permanent electronic book collection. For the next seven months, you can browse and review books in your field of interest that you might not be able to explore elsewhere. And, at the end of the review period, we will be adding those books which receive the most hits. So please take some time to delve into this collection.  Maybe you will find the perfect book – or books! – for your research needs.


Weather Safety


Happy Friday the 13th! How could I resist this image from

Their safety page has information on keeping safe in floods, droughts, tsunamis, and even space weather. Take a look and be weather aware!