New Voting Resources for Academic Medicine Community

The AAMC has a new resource devoted to voting information for the Academic Medicine Community. Watch ?áAAMC President and CEO Darrell G. Kirch, M.D. discuss the importance of voting on?áTuesday, November 6, 2012 below.

Visit the site at?ááfor?áinformation for voters to register, request absentee ballots, and create district-specific sample ballots.?á The site includes links to candidate and party Web sites.?á Visitors also can connect with AAMC initiative pages that contain messaging and other resources on the critical issues of funding for graduate medical education and medical research.

CDC Grand Rounds: New Disease Detection

The Centers for Disease Control offers a monthly Public Health Grand Rounds webcast.?á The Tuesday, September 18th broadcast (12-1 pm CDT) is entitled “Explaining the Unexplained: Discovering New Diseases Using Advanced Detection Tools.“?á It is possible to receive continuing education contact hours for participating.

Friday Fun: Naptime for Internal Medicine Residents

A recent study in Academic Medicine?ánot only made available awesome futuristic nap pods (photo, left) to fatigued house staff, but also found that a short mid-day nap can improve?ácognitive functioning and alertness among first-year IM residents.

“In this study, we measured the effect of a brief, mid-day nap during normal duty hours on cognitive functioning and alertness among first-year IM residents. We found that, compared with the resting-but-awake residents, the residents who actually napped experienced fewer attention failures during their work later in the day as determined by a monitor of SEMs. Further, we found that, compared with controls who rested but stayed awake for 20 minutes, residents who had the opportunity to nap for a maximum of 20 minutes demonstrated a faster reaction time and made fewer errors of omission and commission as determined by a validated test of cognitive functioning. These findings suggest that a short, mid-day nap may improve first year residentsÔÇÖ performance during their clinical duties.”

Any parent can tell you that a regularly scheduled nap time makes for happier humans. Now to just equip the staff lounge with some of these pods, throw in some cookies and juice for a post-slumber snack, and medical errors will be a thing of the past, right?

Citation and link to full text:?á
The Effects of a Mid-Day Nap on the Neurocognitive Performance of First-Year Medical Residents: A Controlled Interventional Pilot Study.
Amin MM, Graber M, Ahmad K, Manta D, Hossain S, Belisova Z, Cheney W, Gold MS, Gold AR.
Academic Medicine: 21 August 2012
View in PubMed:

JAMA and AMA titles access problems

Update: as of Wednesday, October 19, the problem has been fixed.

The online back issues of JAMA and all AMA titles (Archives of Neurology, Archives of Internal Medicine, etc.) are currently unavailable. This affects all volumes published before 1998 for all titles on the JAMA Network. This link to the Library’s catalog provides all of the titles affected. In the meantime, we do have the print versions of the affected titles available on the 5th floor of the Library.

HaPI problems with link resolver

With the recent switch to EBSCOhost as our provider for HaPI (Health and Psychosocial Instruments), a complication has popped up: if you click the “LSUHSC-NO Check Full Text” icon you will not find a match for the article. This is occurring because there is a problem with the information sent from HaPI to our WebBridge Link Resolver.

If you click the icon, you will probably see a link to request the article via Interlibrary Loan, even though we may actually have access to that article. The best thing to do at this point will be to search the library’s catalog through the link provided on the link resolver page:

We will update as soon as this problem is resolved. However, if you need any help with this or any other Library resources, please contact us.


Start the Semester with Faculty Publications

There is a new selection faculty publications now on display for the month of September. These articles, authored by LSUHSC-NO researchers, have been added to the display in the LibraryÔÇÖs Reference area (near the Library elevator) on the third floor of the Resource Center Building. These items are also part of the LibraryÔÇÖs Faculty Publications Database.

The Faculty Publications Database includes publications authored by at least one member of the LSUHSC-New Orleans faculty, 1998 ÔÇô present. Access to this database is available to the public. The database is linked from the Library web page?áhere. This page includes a handy link to a?áPDF?áof the monthly bibliography of display articles. To add your faculty publications, or for questions about this database, contact?áKathy Kerdolff.

LSUHSC-NO authors are shown in bold print:

1. England JD, Franklin GM. “Difficult decisions: Managing chronic neuropathic pain with opioids.” Continuum. 2012; 18(1):181-184.

2.?áGee RE. “Preventive services for women under the affordable care act.” Obstetrics & Gynecology. 2012; 120(1):12-14.

3.?áHaque N, Raza A, McGoey R, Boulmay B, Diethelm L, Kantrow S. “Small cell lung cancer: Time to diagnosis and treatment.” Southern Medical Journal. 2012; 105(8):418-423.

4.?áJacob JT, Levet J,Jr, Edwards TA, Dassanayake N, Ketelson H. “Visualizing hydrophobic domains in silicone hydrogel lenses with sudan IV.” Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science. 2012; 53(7):3473-3480.

5.?áSimon LM, Magit AE. “Impact of incision and drainage of infected thyroglossal duct cyst on recurrence after sistrunk procedure.” Archives of Otolaryngology – Head & Neck Surgery. 2012; 138(1):20-24.

6.?áSingh G, Kumar A, Sinha N. “Studying significance of apoptosis in mediating tolbutamide-induced teratogenesis in vitro.” Fundamental & Clinical Pharmacology. 2012; 26(4):484-494.

7.?áSterling YM. “Impact of the environment on asthma control.” Journal of Community Health Nursing. 2012; 29(3):143-153.

8.?áMader EC, Jr, Maury JS, Santana-Gould L, Craver RD, El-Abassi R, Segura-Palacios E, Sumner AJ. “Human Rabies with Initial Manifestations that Mimic Acute Brachial Neuritis and Guillain-Barre Syndrome.” Clinical Medicine Insights: Case Reports. 2012; 5: 49-55.

New Medical Student Blog

From the Association of?áAmerican?áMedical Colleges:

Aspiring Docs Blog Features Life of a First-Year Medical Student

The AAMCÔÇÖs Aspiring Docs program recently launched a blog featuring an inside look at the life of a first-year medical student attending Harvard Medical School.?á Aspiring Docs Diaries will be written by Devon Taylor, who received a full scholarship to Harvard Medical School after overcoming significant adversity, including growing up in poverty and dropping out of high school.?á He will blog about his experiences beginning with orientation through the end of his first year.?á The blog offers an inspiring story to help demystify the medical school process and encourage others from similar backgrounds to aspire to careers in medicine.?á To learn more about Taylor and read his posts, visit

AHFS Consumer Medication Information replaces Lexi-PALs

Somehow in the summer doldrums, we missed that EBSCO was switching from Lexi-PALS to AHFS Consumer Medication Information. This free database (to EBSCO subscribers) is used to supplement health science databases.?á AHFS is an acronym for?á?áAmerican Hospital Formulary Service?« and is published by?áthe American Society of Health-System Pharmacists.?á?á It is updated monthly and information is available in both English and Spanish.

HaPI moves to EBSCO

Short list of EBSCO databases

EBSCO Screenshot


The Health and Psychosocial Instrument (HaPI) database is now available via EBSCOhost. HaPI is a bibliographic database which provides “information about behavioral measurement instruments. Information in the database is abstracted from hundreds of leading journals covering health sciences and psychosocial sciences. Additionally, instruments from Industrial/Organizational Behavior and Education are included.”

LSUHSC Libraries have had access to HaPI since the fall of 2001 via Ovid, but we switched suppliers on September 1st.

What’s a library database? It’s all about the buckets.

Confused about how library databases work? This short video from RMIT University in Australia explains library databases from a student’s perspective.

For subject guides from LSUHSC Library, visit

Change to Ovid off-campus access

If Ovid is your database of choice, there is a change that affects using it off-campus. You will still need to use your LSUHSC user i.d. and password whenever you attempt to use Ovid. The change, however, comes after your initial log in: you will then be asked to supply the information for your library account, which includes your name, barcode and PIN.

If you do not have an account or need other information about accessing our resources from off-campus, this page has tutorials and handouts to walk you through the process.

If you have any questions about this change or any of our services, please contact us.

EBSCOhost Off-Campus Access

We’ve received reports of there being some difficulty in accessing EBSCOhost databases from off-campus. In some cases you might see the following screen even after you’ve provided your name, barcode, and PIN when you’re attempting to use a database:

If you do see this screen there is something that can help until the problem is fixed by the folks at EBSCO.

It is best to clear your browser’s cache, including the browsing history and cookies stored for your session. In Firefox you can do this by going to the Tools menu and selecting “Clear Recent History.” On Internet Explorer go to Tools->Internet Options and under the “General” tab there is a button to delete the Browsing History. Unfortunately you will have to start all over again with authenticating and searching the database after you’ve cleared all of this information.

This issue affects all of the EBSCOhost databases including CINAHL, Academic Search Complete, and PsycArticles.

If you encounter any problems, please do not hesitate to contact us.



EBSCOhost databases

Update: as of 11:45am the problem looks to have been solved. However, if you encounter any other troubles, please let us know.

All EBSCOhost databases, including CINAHL, Academic Search Complete, and APA PsycArticles, are currently not working correctly. The pages are displaying without graphics and you cannot access the full-text of articles when browsing titles in the databases. This problem is occurring both on and off-campus, and is affecting all users of EBSCOhost.

Isaac Aftermath / Labor Day Hours

The Isché Library will be open limited hours (9 am – 5 pm) on Friday, August 31st and Saturday, September 1st and from 11:30 am to 8 pm on Sunday, September 2nd in the aftermath of Hurricane Isaac. The Library will be closed Monday, September 3rd in observance of Labor Day.

The Dental Library remains closed until Tuesday, September 4th at 8 am.

Library Storm Closure

Because Isaac is lingering the campuses will remain closed until Tuesday, September 4th. The Libraries will reopen at 8 am. Be safe.

The LSUHSC Libraries?á will close today, Monday, August 27th at 5 pm for Isch?® and 4 pm for Dental?áand will remain closed on Tuesday and Wednesday, August 28th and 29th.?á There is a possibility of being closed on Thursday, August 30th as well, depending on flooding and power issues.?á The Library Commons will be closed as well.

Please visit the Campus Emergency website for more information.