CDC Feature: Staying Healthy on a Cruise

The CDC published another feature on travel earlier this month; this time on Staying Healthy on a Cruise.?á At least this one isn’t an advisory like the ones for Spring Break or Carnival.

It recommends being up on the appropriate immunizations and vaccines and mentions precautions regarding seasickness and norovirus.

Along these travel lines, the books display at the Isché Library highlight a variety of travel topics.

Link Resolver Tips: My NCBI

One way to see the WebBridge Link Resolver icons in PubMed is to follow the special link, but did you know you can also have the icons display when signed in to your My NCBI account? If you have a My NCBI account to use with PubMed and the other NCBI databases, all you have to do is follow these simple steps:

  • When logged in to your My NCBI account, click “NCBI Site Preferences:”

  • Then look for “PubMed Preferences” and click on the link for “Outside Tool:”

  • Scroll down the list and select the radio button for “LSU Health Sciences Center New Orleans Libraries:”

  • Click “Save” and then you’re done! You’ll now be able to see the WebBridge Link Resolver icons whenever you’re signed in to your My NCBI account regardless of which link you may have used to access PubMed.

Don’t have a My NCBI account? It’s free and allows you to create e-mail alerts, save your searches, and customize numerous other settings to enhance your PubMed and NCBI database search experience. You can register for an account at

For even more tibits about the WebBridge Link Resolver, please refer to the LSUHSC Library LibGuides page with hints and basic info about the service.

Memorial Day – Closure

Memorial Day Card circa 1906-1911

Memorial Day Card circa 1906-1911 courtesy of



?áThe Libraries are closed today in observance of Memorial Day. Both will reopen on Tuesday, May 29th at 8 am.

Parking Garage Stairwell Closure

*Edit* Closure has been extended to 6 am on Wednesday, May 30th.

From Saturday May 26th through Tuesday May 29th at 6am, the main stairwell in the S. Roman Street Parking Garage will be closed for resurfacing. There are two alternate stairwells that can be used, as well as the elevator. As a reminder, have your id handy because the alternate stairwells have restricted access which requires you to scan your id to get to the stairwell.


Memorial Day Hours

Both the Dental & Isché Libraries will be closed on Memorial Day, Monday, May 28th. The Isché Library will be open regular hours (9:30 am to 6 pm) on Saturday, May 26th and from 12 noon to 8:30 pm on Sunday, May 27th. The Dental Library will be closed as usual on Saturday and will be open from 11:30 am to 8 pm on Sunday, May 26th.

Link Resolver Tips: Prepub Articles

In order to keep up with the fast-paced world of scholarly research, many electronic journals make available articles that have been accepted for publication but do not yet have a volume, issue, or page number assigned. These prepublication articles are also indexed in PubMed with the designation “Epub ahead of print:”

The WebBridge Link Resolver, however, needs complete citation information in order to get you to the full-text of an article, so these prepub or Epub ahead of print articles require different handling in order for the linking to work correctly. As a result, when you click the “Check Full Text” icon in a citation, you may see an additional link that will help you get the full-text of these prepub articles:

These alternate links will not display for every citation, but they can be used if the first link for a source does not work.

If you run into troubles with not only the prepub articles or anything else involving the WebBridge Link Resolver, you can refer to the LibGuides link resolver help page. A handout with a basic guide to how to navigate the link resolver is also available.

Children and Diabetes

NPR ran a story this morning about the troubling rise in diabetes rates in adolescents.?á According to a CDC study the rates of diabetes in youths aged 12-19 has risen alarmingly.

LSUHSC’s own Dr. Melinda Sothern commented in the story about the concerns of the high rates of diabetes in adolescent girls in particular:

These are teen girls ÔÇö adolescent girls ÔÇö who are going to become mothers in the next five to 10 years. And if their weight is not healthy, we’re going to have another generation of these children with metabolic problems that lead to diabetes and prediabetes

Obesity in children is a hot topic right now and is something that concerns all of us, not just those with children.?á A report on economic costs of diabetes states:

Approximately $1 in $10 health care dollars is attributed to diabetes. Indirect costs include increased factors such as absenteeism, reduced productivity, and lost productive capacity due to early mortality.

FYI, LSUHSC has another connection to the NPR story. The accompanying photo on NPR’s website was taken by Director of Information Services, Leslie Capo.


BSN Graduate Featured in TP

Amanda Hill, May 2012 graduate of the School of Nursing, was featured in Sheila Stroup‘s column yesterday in the Times Picayune newspaper.?á The column highlighted Hill’s struggle to become a nurse. Congratulations to her (and her entire class) for fulfilling their dreams.

Need Patent Help?

LSU-Baton Rouge Libraries offers patent guidance as part of Patent & Trademark Depository Library?áAssociation; it is the only member library?áin Louisiana.?á For a quick start, there is a Patent & Trademark Subject Guide on their website.?á For further assistance, contact the Patent Librarian, Will Hires.

Printing/Copying Price Increase

Effective May 21st, the cost of printing for black and white copies will increase 2?ó per page.
Color printing will remain 25?ó per page, for the time being.

Single-Sided ÔÇô from 8?ó to 10?ó
Double-Sided ÔÇô from 12?ó to 14?ó
Color ÔÇô 25?ó per page



PubMed Limits are now Filters

Where you go to set PubMed?álimits such as dates, language and article types has changed – hopefully for the better. It’s all just semantics with a little bit of functional design thrown in, really.

Limits ?áin Pubmed are now called Filters. They are located on the left hand side of the PubMed screen. This video from NCBI shows where to find filters and how to use them. (Previously they were located under the search box on a separate page called Limits.)

Confused? Enraged? Apathetic? We welcome your responses and questions – just give us a call, email or chat and we’ll do our best to help.

More from the NLM Technical Bulletin

Link Resolver Tips: Interlibrary Loan

Looking for an article but the Library doesn’t have a subscription to the journal? We are able to request articles (and books) held by other libraries through the help of the ILLiad Interlibrary Loan system. But did you know the WebBridge Link Resolver has made requesting these items much, much easier, even going so far as to fill out the interlibrary loan request form for you?

When you follow the “Check Full Text” link from PubMed, ProQuest Nursing and Allied Health Source, Scopus, Web of Science, or any EBSCOhost database, you will be presented the opportunity to request the article through Interlibrary Loan if no available electronic or print version is found in our collection:

When you click on the link you will be asked to provide the username and password for your ILLiad account:

Once logged in, the information from the citation will be entered into the ILLiad request form:

Be sure to review the form and once you click the “Submit Request” button, your request will be on its way for processing by our Interlibrary Loan staff!

Please note if you are creating a new ILLiad account when following the link from the WebBridge Link Resolver, you will need to click the “No available full text found; request this article through LSUHSC ILLiad Interlibrary Loan” link again in order to have the citation information transfer to the article request page.

Please refer to the ILLiad help page for more information about requesting materials through Interlibrary Loan, including how to create an account and other important points about this service. Basic information about the link resolver is available through the Link Resolver LibGuides page, a handout with a brief explanation of how to use the feature, and the LSUHSC-NO Libraries News post when the service was launched.

Library Blog New Look!

Last night the Libraries’ blog, Library News, got a makeover. ?áIt is now sporting the new look that will gradually be implemented to all campus webpages.

Link Resolver Tips: PubMed

Hopefully you’ve found our new WebBridge Link Resolver to be of great use. If you use PubMed, here are a few things you may want to keep in mind when using our new service:

  • If you’ve previously used the Library’s LinkOut feature, which is a bit different from this new link resolver, you will want to clear your browser’s history and cookies.
  • Unfortunately, we are unable to remove publisher-specific icons from displaying with the citations. This is sometimes a problem when you attempt to get articles off-campus as those publisher icons do not send you through the proper channels in order to sign in to our system and confirm your ability to access our subscriptions. To remove all doubt, always look for and click this icon to link you to our subscriptions: .

If you need more information, please check out this post announcing the service’s launch. Also, there is a LibGuides page dedicated to tips and tricks for using the link resolver.

Faculty Articles for May

This month’s featured faculty publications are now on display! Eight new articles authored by LSUHSC-NO researchers have been added to the display in the LibraryÔÇÖs Reference area (near the Library elevator) on the third floor of the Resource Center Building. These items are also part of the LibraryÔÇÖs Faculty Publications Database.

The Faculty Publications Database includes publications authored by at least one member of the LSUHSC-New Orleans faculty, 1998 ÔÇô present. Access to this database is available to the public. The database is linked from the Library web page?áhere. This page includes a handy link to a?áPDF?áof the monthly bibliography of display articles. To add your faculty publications, or for questions about this database, contact?áKathy Kerdolff.

LSUHSC-NO authors are shown in bold print:

1.?áBamgbola OF. ÔÇ£Pattern of resistance to erythropoietin-stimulating agents in chronic kidney disease.ÔÇØ?áKidney International.?á2011; 80(5):464-474.

2.?áHe J, Bazan HE. ÔÇ£Mapping the nerve architecture of diabetic human corneas.ÔÇØ?áOphthalmology.?á2012; 119(5):956-964.

3.?áKoski ME, Chermansky CJ. ÔÇ£Does estrogen have any real effect on voiding dysfunction in women?ÔÇØ?áCurrent Urology Reports.?á2011; 12(5):345-350.

4.?áLarochelle J, King A, Tanas M, Day K, Marshall H, Patel S, Tyler A. ÔÇ£The pharmacy practitioner’s g uide to publishing.ÔÇØ?áHospital Pharmacy.?á2012; 47(4):279-284.

5.?áLopez C, Ilie CC, Glancy DL, Quintal RE. ÔÇ£Goldberger’s electrocardiographic triad in patients with echocardiographic severe left ventricular dysfunction.ÔÇØ?áAmerican Journal of Cardiology.?á2012; 109(6):914-918.

6.?áPerrin, KM, Begue, RE. ÔÇ£Use of palivizumab in primary practice.ÔÇØ Pediatrics. 2012; 129(1): 55-61.

7.?áStuke LE, Pons PT, Guy JS, Chapleau WP, Butler FK, McSwain NE. ÔÇ£Prehospital spine immobilization for penetrating trauma–review and recommendations from the prehospital trauma life support executive committee.ÔÇØ?áJournal of Trauma.?á2011; 71(3):763-9; discussion 769-70.

8.?áYoshida T, Semprun-Prieto L, Wainford RD, Sukhanov S, Kapusta DR, Delafontaine P. ÔÇ£Angiotensin II reduces food intake by altering orexigenic neuropeptide expression in the mouse hypothalamus.ÔÇØ Endocrinology.?á2012; 153(3):1411-1420.