Once again masking will be required while on campus starting on Thursday, May 26, 2022. The requirement is for surgical or KN95 or N95 masks.
From the Interim Chancellor’s email:
To that end, we will require masking in all campus facilities effective Thursday, May 26. 2022. We are requiring a surgical-grade mask that is snugly placed, covering the nose and mouth. KN-95 masks are also acceptable and required for those exposed or recently returning from a previous case of COVID. Of course, the campus clinic can provide further information.
The Isché Library has packs of KN-95 masks available for those in need of them. The masks will be located on the Circulation Desk in the front of the Library, and will be available during all Library hours.
As a reminder, it is campus policy that KN-95 masks are required indoors at all times in public and shared spaces. This includes all areas of the 3rd, 4th, and 5th floors within the Library.
Information about proper KN-95 mask usage can be found here.
Tags: COVID-19 | Campus News | Permalink | Comments Off on KN-95 Masks Available in Library | Posted Monday, January 10, 2022 by Julia Lirette
Despite LSU main campus dropping their mask mandate today, as a healthcare facility, the mask mandate remains in effect on the LSUHSC campuses. This was confirmed by an email to all faculty, staff and students from VC of Clinical Affairs, Christian Winters today.
The Libraries ask that all library patrons comply with this university policy.
The shot for 100 program has been expanded and The LSU Health New Orleans COVID Vaccination Clinic will be participating by holding an event this week!
Location: LSU Health New Orleans COVID Vaccination Clinic
2020 Gravier Street, 1st floor.
Date: Wednesday, October 13th, 2021
Time: from 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Walk-ins are welcome!
- Any Louisiana Resident receiving their first shot is eligible and may only participate once.
- Minors are eligible for the cash incentive but require parental consent to get the vaccine.
- Individuals will receive a deactivated Visa gift card upon vaccination.
- After registering online at ShotFor100.com, the card will be loaded with $100.
- You must first register your gift card to redeem your $100.
Guidelines for the Prevention and Management of COVID-19 on the LSUHSC Campuses were updated today, March 17, 2021.
This guideline includes the following: Masks: LSUHSC requires that masks be worn properly (covering the nose and mouth) in all public settings on campus (unless one is eating). The CDC and LSUHSC recommend that masks be worn at all times except while you are in your own home. For a guide of acceptable masks, please refer to this CDC document: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/prevent-getting-sick/about-face-coverings.html
We continue to have issues with mask noncompliance in the Libraries and would appreciate patron cooperation.
The Louisiana Department of Health has launched COVID Defense which uses Bluetooth Low Energy technology to track potential COVID-19 exposures. It collects no personal data and does not track your location. The more people in our area who use the app, the more helpful it will be. It is available in both the App Store and Google Play.
Starting today, Louisiana will begin receiving the first very limited doses of Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine that will be available at 107 pharmacies across the state.
The vaccines will be available only for those in Phase 1B, Tier One:
• People who are 70 years of age and above;
• Home health services patients and staff;
• Ambulatory/outpatient health care personnel;
• Residents, students and staff of schools of allied health; and
• People being treated for end stage renal disease (patients on dialysis).
LDH has published the list of participating pharmacies, along with their locations and contact information, on its website: covidvaccine.la.gov.
The full press release can be read here.
The Louisiana Department of Health (LDH) today adopts the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) recently updated guidance that allows people who may have been exposed to COVID-19 to shorten their quarantine period from 14 days to 10 days, or as few as 7 days with a negative test.
Still, the shorter quarantine periods do come with a risk that a person may be infectious when he or she leaves quarantine, and should be carefully evaluated when weighing options.
The full news release can be read HERE on the Louisiana Department of Health website.
Tags: COVID-19 | Public Health | Permalink | Comments Off on Louisiana adopts CDC guidance allowing shortened COVID quarantine, while stressing the risk | Posted Monday, December 7, 2020 by Bourgeois, John P.
LSU Health researchers used ADI (Area Deprivation Index) to study the relationship between poverty and COVID in Louisiana, finding that people in deprived neighborhoods had as much as a 40% increased risk of COVID-19 compared to people in less deprived neighborhoods, in an article published last week.
The research was taken on to find answers about Louisiana’s high per capita rate of COVID this past summer, with highest COVID rates among African Americans.
The authors explain that risk factors “exist not only at the individual or biological level; neighborhood-level factors and their interactions with individual-level factors are also responsible for the observed disparities. Lack of access to health care, unemployment, less education, and poor housing conditions significantly increase the risk of COVID-19 infection.”
The authors hope the study can be “utilized to promote public health preventions measures besides social distancing, wearing a mask while in public and frequent handwashing in vulnerable neighborhoods with greater deprivation.”
You can read the article and see the findings at PLOS ONE. The LSUHSC Newsroom has also published a piece on the article.
The LSUHSC School of Public Health hosts virtual lectures via Zoom on the first Friday of the month at 3pm.
In June the lecture will be: COVID19 and Why Epidemiology Matters, presented by Susanne Straif-Bourgeois with special guest Megan Sutton.

“On June 5, we’ll introduce you to Dr. Susanne Straif-Bourgeois. A noted epidemiologist, she has been an often sought guest on television and radio for her take on the COVID 19 crisis. Dr. Straif-Bourgeois will be speaking about what her experience with the current pandemic has taught her about the importance of epidemiology in general and how that shapes the future of Public Health from here on out.
We’ll also speak with Meagan Sutton, a recent MPH graduate from our school. Megan has been using her epidemiology background to conduct routine surveillance and will continue to assist with projects in response to the COVID-19 pandemic through the Louisiana Department of Health.”
The British Medical Journal released a news item today, confirming the French Government’s assertion that ibuprofen seems to exacerbate the symptoms of COVID-19.
For the latest accurate information, the Louisiana Department of Health – Office of Public Health is maintaining a COVID-19 website.
It is updated 2x per day at 9:30am and 5:30pm.
Louisiana’s statewide 211 network is now answering calls about COVID-19, also known as the coronavirus. This network is best designed and staffed to handle the large volume of calls from Louisiana residents who are concerned and who have questions about the rapidly-spreading virus.
Anyone looking for information about the COVID-19 outbreak can simply dial 211 or text the keyword LACOVID to 898-211 for the most current information about the outbreak as it becomes available.
More information is available on the Louisiana Department of Health website.