research guides

Artificial Intelligence Research Guide

The Libraries know that AI is rapidly being established as the future of health sciences and health care, and we strive to help keep the LSUHSC-NO community well-informed of the technology and the discussion around it. Check out the AI Research Guide on the Libraries page for resources and tools meant specifically to assist those in the health sciences navigate this ever-changing landscape.

The “Artificial Intelligence for Health Sciences” research guide can be found by navigating to the Libraries’ main page, selecting the Resources by Subject tile, and then in the drop-down menu under “Technology”. Tools you’ll find there include links to articles and videos on the subject, citation guides for AI-assisted research, descriptions of and links to AI models specific to medicine and health sciences, creative uses of AI in scientific research, and the potential pitfalls and conflicts found in the use of AI in health care and research. This guide will be updated to reflect the ongoing advances in and discussion around AI.

If you are researching AI in the medicine and health sciences, please reach out to our Digital Initiatives Librarian at to post links to your published articles in this guide.