GlobusWorld Tour on Campus 11/7/19

The GlobusWorld Tour stops on the Downtown campus on Thursday, November 7, 2019. The workshop is free and lasts all day. The agenda is available and advanced registration is recommended. All campus research partners are invited to attend.

Globus World Tour logo

Globus is a research data management service developed by the University of Chicago. This workshop is sponsored by the School of Medicine. And will take place from 8am to 4pm in the Clinical Sciences Research Building.

Toastmaster Open House on Halloween

The HR Talent Development Team invites you to an upcoming professional development opportunity on the Downtown Campus on Thursday, October 31st from 2-3pm in the Lions Building, room 632.

Toastmaster Open House Flyer

Unmasking Brain Injury moves to the Dental Campus

The Unmasking Brain Injury exhibit from the Brain Injury Association of Louisiana from the Isché Library to the Dental Library. This exhibit of masks made by brain injured individuals promotes awareness of the prevalence of brain injury and gives survivors a voice.

Display of 42 masks in the library commons
Unmasking Brain Injury 2019

It will be on view at the Dental Library October 23rd through November 7th. It was previously on view at the Isché Library from September 21st through October 21st.

Medical Student Research Day a Huge Success

LSUHSC Medical Students who participated in the Summer Research Internship Program and learned laboratory and clinical research techniques used in medical research presented posters of their research results Friday, October 11th, 2019. Over the summer, students had been given instructions on how to write an abstract and were trained in presentation skills, including how to prepare and present their research results.  All the students were well prepared and stood by their posters ready to discuss, explain, or answer questions about their topics.

The 2019 winners of the Medical Student Research Day poster session are:

First Place (tie): 

  • Kyle LaPenna (Dr. Lefer):  “Development and Characterization of a Novel Small Animal Model of Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction”
  • Adrienne Murphy (Dr. Miele) “Targeting Notch signaling in Cancer Stem-Like Cells of Triple Negative Breast Cancer”

Second Place (tie): 

  • Fallon Anzalone (Dr. Vance) “Transition of Pediatric Patients to Adult Sickle Cell Care”
  • Ryan Hoffman (Dr. Lau) “Prevalence of Accessory Branches and other Anatomical Variations of the Radial Artery”
  • Hayden Torres (Dr. Naljayan) “Evaluating causes of dropout in a large peritoneal dialysis program”
  • John Valentino (Dr. Simkin/Dasa) “Is poor bone quality associated with pain after total knee arthroplasty?”

Third Place (tie):

  • Jake Doiron (Dr. Wojcik) “Identification of host cellular target of the Zika NS2b-NS3 protease”
  • Ahmad Karkoutli (Dr. Arriaga) “The relationship between NF-2 associated vestibular schwannoma tumor size and the degree of hearing impairment”
  • Peter Morreale (Dr. Savoie) “Age is just a number: a case of multiple myeloma in a 29 year old male
  • Alex Robertson (Dr. Ronis) “Role of NOX4 Expression in Osteoblast-precursors in the Development of Alcohol-Induced Osteopenia”
  • Lauren Saunee (Dr. Marrero/Dasa) “Testing mechanisms and clinical outcomes of synovial fibrosis in total knee arthroplasty patients”

Below are some images from the event

Ahmad Karkoutli, Class of 2022
Raj Patel, Class of 2022
Kyle LaPenna, Class of 2022
Jake Doiron, Class of 2023

New EBooks Added

The Library has added a small collection of new ebooks. These culturally and socially relevant titles are provided through the LOUIS Library Network and the Oxford Scholarship Online Evidence Based Selection program.

The titles are:

If you click on a title it will take you to our catalog listing and give you more information as well as a link to the ebook.

We hope you will find something that interests you.

Research Poster Printing – Downtown

Research poster printing is now available at the Isché Library. This service is free of charge and is funded by the School of Graduate Studies. Please see the webpage linked above for more information or contact email to submit a poster.

Poster Printing Skeleton

Please submit posters at least 3 business days before they are needed; during high demand times (like before Research Day next month), plan for 4 to 5 days.

Citation Resolver added to Discovery

Do you have a DOI but can’t figure out how to get the article? Looking for a new way to find the article for a citation? We have some good news for you! A new tool has been added to the Discovery Service/EDS Health that will help you get those articles!

The new Citation Resolver is now available from our Discovery Service/EDS Health. Look for it on the top toolbar or under the search box:

Image showing Citation Resolver in Discovery service.

To start looking up a citation, click Citation Resolver and the search box will change:

Citation Resolver for EBSCO Discovery Service

Now you can enter a DOI, article title, an author’s last name with words from the title, and even PMIDs. Here’s an example of a search using a DOI:

Citation Resolver search for a DOI

Once Resolve Citation was clicked, the results displayed, and the first one was the article that was needed along with a link to get the PDF:

Citation Resolver DOI search results with link to article highlighted

In the above, you may have noticed the DOI search was actually changed to a search for the author and title of the article, so the Citation Resolver does all of that hard work for you!

Although the Citation Resolver is extremely powerful, you may encounter some instances where you may not see the results you want. If you run into any problems or need any other assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.

October Faculty Publications

A new terror-ific selection of articles have been added to the Faculty Publications display in the Ische Library. These eight articles, as well as all of the articles in our Faculty Publications database, are authored by at least one member of our research community here at LSUHSC-New Orleans. Each month the Library is proud to present copies of eight of these publications in a rotating display of 16.

1. Brisolara KF, Bourgeois J. Biosolids and sludge management. Water Environ Res. 2019;.

2. El-Abassi R, Soliman MY, Villemarette-Pittman N, England JD. SPS: Understanding the complexity. J Neurol Sci. 2019;404137-149.

3. Freundlich A, Badeaux J, Adorno M. Effectiveness of sugammadex versus neostigmine on postoperative nausea and vomiting in adult patients undergoing laparoscopic surgery paralyzed via rocuronium bromide: A systematic review protocol. JBI Database Syst Rev Implement Rep. 2019;.

4. Kasten CR, Holmgren EB, Wills TA. Metabotropic glutamate receptor subtype 5 in alcohol-induced negative affect. Brain Sci. 2019;9(8):10.3390/brainsci9080183.

5. Mader EC,Jr, Ramos AB, Cruz RA, Branch LA. Full recovery from cocaine-induced toxic leukoencephalopathy: Emphasizing the role of neuroinflammation and brain edema. J Investig Med High Impact Case Rep. 2019;72324709619868266.

6. Nagayach A, Singh A, Geller AI. Efficient gene transfers into neocortical neurons connected by NMDA NR1-containing synapses. J Neurosci Methods. 2019;327108390.

7. Ninh VK, El Hajj EC, Ronis MJ, Gardner JD. N-acetylcysteine prevents the decreases in cardiac collagen I/III ratio and systolic function in neonatal mice with prenatal alcohol exposure. Toxicol Lett. 2019;31587-95.

8. Scheib SA, Thomassee M, Kenner JL. Enhanced recovery after surgery in gynecology: A review of the literature. J Minimally Invasive Gynecol. 2019;26(2):327-343.

Publications cited in the Faculty Publications database are harvested weekly from a variety of sources, such as PubMedSCOPUS, and CINAHL, to name a few. In addition to articles they include books, book chapters, papers, editorials, letters to the editor, and meeting abstracts, all authored by at least one member of the LSUHSC-NO community. The database is maintained by Reference Librarian Kathy Kerdolff and is available to the general public here or via the Library’s webpage. For a PDF of a bibliography of this month’s additions,click here. If you have an article you would like us to highlight or if you have any questions regarding the display or the database, you can contact Kathy Kerdolff.

Unmasking Brain Injury Display

The Isché Library is currently hosting an exhibit from the Brain Injury Association of Louisiana. This exhibit of masks made by brain injured individuals promotes awareness of the prevalence of brain injury and gives survivors a voice.

Display of 42 masks in the library commons
Unmasking Brain Injury 2019

The exhibit will be in the Isché Library from September 27th through October 21st. It will move to the Dental Library and will be on display October 23rd through November 7th.

Four of the masks include QR codes which when scanned display a video of the mask maker discussing their mask and their brain injury.

Mask by Nicole

LibKey Nomad goes mobile (with Citrix!)

LibKey Nomad logo

Hopefully you’ve experienced the wonderment that is the LibKey Nomad browser extension. Although it is currently only available for the desktop version of Chrome, you can use it on the go with your mobile device by using the LSUHSC-NO Citrix Desktop.

In an earlier post, we covered how to install the LibKey Nomad extension in Chrome on your Citrix Desktop. The good news is that you can also access your Citrix Desktop on a mobile device, so you can take LibKey Nomad wherever you want to go!

If you’re using an iOS device, we have a walkthrough on how to install the Citrix Storefront app and use it to access your LSUHSC-NO Citrix Desktop. We’ve also created a short video showing how to log into Citrix on your mobile device in order to use Chrome and the LibKey Nomad extension.

Need more help? Please contact us!

Free Admission at Participating Museums – Saturday, September 21

Museum Day

Museum Day is an annual celebration of boundless curiosity hosted by Smithsonian magazine. Participating museums and cultural institutions across the country provide free entry to anyone presenting a Museum Day ticket. The Museum Day ticket provides free admission for two people on Saturday, September 21, 2019.

For more information and to request tickets, click here.

LibKey Nomad and Citrix

We hope you’ve been using and enjoying the LibKey Nomad extension for the Chrome desktop browser. You’ll be happy to know that you are able to install it for the Chrome browser that is available through Citrix.

First, log into Citrix as usual. (More information about installing and logging into Citrix can be found at Information Technology’s site.) Then, open up Chrome in your Citrix Desktop. Once there, you can search Google for LibKey Nomad and install it from the Chrome Web Store, or you can go directly to

Then, click Add to Chrome followed by Add extension:

Dialog box to confirm adding Chrome extension.

Then you will be asked to choose your institution. Search for lsu and choose LSU Health Sciences Center:

Choose institution for LibKey Nomad.

Now when you open Chrome in Citrix, you should see this icon next to the address bar:

Icon indicating LibKey Nomad is installed.

You can find more information about LibKey Nomad on our LibGuide or contact us for any additional help!

AAO Basic and Clinical Science Course (BCSC) eBook collection maintenance


The American Academy of Ophthalmology Basic and Clinical Science Course (BCSC) eBook collection is upgrading to a new version effective Monday, September 16th. Maintenance will begin the night before, Sunday, September 15th, starting at 9:30 PM (central time).

The functionality should stay the same, however there will be a few changes:

-The new site will only have the latest Basic and Clinical Science Course (BCSC) titles. The old editions will no longer be available.

-Personalized accounts, including bookmarks, highlights and notes created on the older titles can be accessed under the ‘My activity’ tab and downloaded as an excel file for the user’s reference.

-All books will be presented in chronological order of their publishing date.

If you experience problems accessing the collection, please contact the Collection Development Department.

LibKey Nomad now available!

We are happy to announce LibKey Nomad is now available! This Chrome extension (for the desktop version only) brings the Library’s journal holdings to you, guiding you to get the full-text of articles. It works both on- and off-campus, and hopefully it will become your go-to tool for getting articles.

First, start by downloading the extension from the Chrome Web Store. Then, when asked to select your institution, search for LSU and choose LSU Health Sciences Center:

Although we would prefer you follow links from the Library’s web site as it helps with making sure you are able to access the resources to which we subscribe, with LibKey Nomad you will now be able to go pretty much anywhere and get access to articles or see options for retrieving them on each page.

For example, if you go directly to ScienceDirect and locate an article you would like to read, you will see an icon on the lower right of the screen providing you with access options:

In this case, clicking on the Download PDF icon will bring you directly to the article. You will be asked to authenticate using either your LSUHSC-NO e-mail and password or Library barcode and PIN if you had not done so already if off-campus, but you will not be asked to do so again for the rest of your session.

LibKey Nomad also brings increased and easier functionality to PubMed. Not only will you see journal covers bringing a bit more color to the results summary screen, you can now get to the article directly from the search results list! Look for the icons next to the citations:

Now you no longer have to go into the abstract view of each article to see the options you have to get the full-text!

These are just a few of the highlights of what LibKey Nomad can do. More information can be found on the LibKey Nomad page of our BrowZine LibGuide, or you can contact us for more help. We hope you will find this new tool helpful for your research needs, so please download it and give it a try!

STAT!Ref updated platform

STAT!Ref ebooks platform is getting a facelift. The new platform will debut on Monday, September 9th. No interruptions in service are anticipated. Read the official announcement from Teton Data Services on the company’s web page.

Our subscription to STAT!Ref comes with over 100 ebooks, including popularly requested titles such as American Academy of Pediatrics Red Book, Davis’ Drug Guide for Nurses, ICD-10 guides, Washington Manual of Medical Therapeutics, Wintrobe’s Hematology, and much more. Our access to BoardVitals online exam review is also through STAT!Ref.

This subscription is coordinated by a group of partner libraries in 3 states, Arkansas, Louisiana, and Oklahoma, allowing participating institutions to share access and cost.