A musical interlude…

Dental school can be stressful but it also can be fun.  Take a look at a video made by some of the LSU Dental Students!

Prepping Caries All Over

(with apologies to Macklemore & Ryan Lewis)

E-Cigarettes – Poisoning Children?

As someone who took a puff on her Dad’s pipe as a kid (to my everlasting regret), this study shouldn’t be a surprise…

The CDC is reporting a huge increase in the number of phone calls to poison control centers involving e-cigarettes and children under the age of 5. Liquid nicotine to the eye doesn’t sound good.

CDC Infographic

CDC Infographic

Computer Lab Now Available for Online Student Testing

The Library Lab, located on our fourth floor, houses fourteen computers for student use. We are proud to announce that those computers are now enabled for use with Respondus Lockdown browser, which gives students the ability to complete online testing in a private browser.

Another year gone by…

Lucky 7 Clipart


It’s the 7th anniversary of the Libraries’ blog and we’re definitely feeling lucky despite our numbers being in the unlucky 1300’s. It’s OK, we’ll hit 1400 by May probably.  Of those 1379 posts, 117 were published within the last calendar year.

We try to publish timely information on outages and changes to our subscribed products. But if there is anything we’re missing, don’t hesitate to tell us.

New Databases via EBSCOhost

Because the LSUHSC Libraries work with a state consortia, LOUIS, we have gained access to 10 new databases via the EBSCOhost platform:

In addition, three existing databases will be removed in June. These are Computer Science Index, Internet & Personal Computing Abstracts and World History Collection.

While these are not primary resources for our Library, they may be of interest to some researchers.


uTip: Text Emergency Alert System

This week, LSU Health Sciences Center introduced an emergency reporting service that will allow faculty, staff, and students to send text messages to University Police in order to facilitate the reporting of crime, to help prevent crime, and to allow police faster and more accurate information.

Subscription and registration with campus emergency alerts is not necessary. Users can simply send a message to 50911 with a text beginning “LSUHSC” in order to notify University Police of emergencies, crimes, and suspicious activities or persons in the area. Normal text message rates assigned by cell phone providers will apply.

Users may also contact University Police with non-emergency information at 568-8270 or via online message at http://www.is.lsuhsc.edu/police/response.htm.

The graphic below provides more detailed information about this service from http://www.lsuhsc.edu/alerts/utip.aspx.


  1. TEXT 50911 and begin your message with LSUHSC

    • University Police will not be notified If your text does not begin with LSUHSC

  2. You will receive a text to notify you that the text has been received by uTip


Sample uTip Message

UTip Sample Image

New Faculty Publications! Congratulations to all our fantastic LSUHSC-NO authors!

The Library’s Faculty Publications display has been updated with eight new articles for the months of March and April.  The display highlights sixteen articles at a time, rotating eight new articles in each month.  The display is located near the Library’s internal elevator, which is on the first floor of the library.

These articles are part of the Library’s Faculty Publications Database, which is maintained by Reference Librarian, Kathy Kerdolff.  The database includes publications authored by LSUHSC-New Orleans faculty, researchers, and students since 1998.  It is updated weekly with new articles harvested from a variety of indexes, such as PubMed, Scopus, and CINAHL.

You can find more information about the database and listings for our current and past displays from Library’s Faculty Publications landing page: http://www.lsuhsc.edu/library/databases/facpubs.aspx.

To add your faculty publications to the database and display, or for questions about either, contact Kathy Kerdolff.

LSUHSC-NO authors are shown in bold print:

  1. Gee RE, Wood SF, Schubert KG. Women’s health, pregnancy, and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Obstet Gynecol. 2014;123(1):161-165.
  2. Hernandez BY, Goodman MT, Unger ER, Steinau M, Powers A, Lynch CF, Cozen W, Saber MS, Peters ES, Wilkinson EJ, Copeland G, Hopenhayn C, Huang Y, Watson M, Altekruse SF, Lyu C, Saraiya M, HPV Typing of Cancer Workgroup. Human papillomavirus genotype prevalence in invasive penile cancers from a registry-based United States population. Front Oncol. 2014; 4 (9).
  3. Moody-Thomas S, Sparks M, Hamasaka L, Ross-Viles S, Bullock A. The head start tobacco cessation initiative: Using systems change to support staff identification and intervention for tobacco use in low-income families. J Community Health. 2014;.
  4. Moreau NG, Holthaus K, Marlow N. Differential adaptations of muscle architecture to high-velocity versus traditional strength training in cerebral palsy. Neurorehabil Neural Repair. 2013;27(4):325-334.
  5. Peña S, Brickman T, StHilaire H, Jeyakumar A. Aggressive fibromatosis of the head and neck in the pediatric population. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2014;78(1):1-4.
  6. Rehman T, deBoisblanc BP. Persistent fever in the ICU. Chest. 2014;145(1):158-165.
  7. Roltsch EA, Baynes BB, Mayeux JP, Whitaker AM, Baiamonte BA, Gilpin NW. Predator odor stress alters corticotropin-releasing factor-1 receptor (CRF1R)-dependent behaviors in rats. Neuropharmacology. 2014;7983-89.
  8. Saketkoo LA, Magnus JH, Doyle MK. The primary care physician in the early diagnosis of systemic sclerosis: The cornerstone of recognition and hope. Am J Med Sci. 2014;347(1):54-63.

PubMed Beyond the Basics: Library Lunchtime Learning

The Dental Library staff hope you’ll join us on Thursday, March 13, at noon in the Copping Room (2309) as we discuss how to more effectively use PubMed through its more advanced search and citation management features, such as Clinical Queries, Medical Subject Headings, filters, citation matchers, and My NCBI.

If you plan to attend, please RSVP with an email to rpremo@lsuhsc.edu.

Annual Reviews maintenance beginning 3/1/14

Annual Reviews will be conducting website maintenance on Saturday, March 1st – Sunday, March 2nd. As a result, access will be interrupted for approximately 16 hours starting at 10:00 am CST, Saturday, March 1st, and lasting until approximately 2:00 am CST, Sunday, March 2nd.

Carnival Hours

Library Shoebox Float - 2010

Library Shoebox Float – 2010


Both the Isché and Dental Libraries will be closed on Mardi Gras day, Tuesday, March 4th.

Additionally, the Isché Library will be open the following hours this weekend:

  • Saturday, March 1st 9:30 am to 3 pm
  • Sunday, March 2nd 12 noon to 5:30 pm
  • Monday, March 3rd 8 am to 5 pm

And will return to normal hours (8 am to 10 pm) on Wednesday, March 5th.


The Dental Library will maintain normal hours (11:30 am to 8 pm) on Sunday, March 2nd and will be open 8 am to 5 pm Monday, March 3rd and Wednesday through Friday, March 5th to 7th.


PayPerPrint Downtime 6pm on 2/24

Tonight at 6pm, and ending no later than Tuesday February 25th at 4:00 AM, the PayPerPrint system will be unavailable for student printing.

*Edit* All services are back online.

ILLiad Down Overnight 2/24

The ILLiad server will be offline from 5:30 pm on Monday, February 24th until approximately 8 am on Tuesday, February 25th.

We apologize for this necessary inconvenience.

*Edit* All services are back online.

Blog Move

The LSUHSC Libraries News (this blog) has changed it’s address. The new URL is http://www.lsuhsc.edu/library/news/ which aligns with the newly redesigned website.

RCB Domestic Water Outage – Tuesday February 18th

There will be a temporary domestic water outage on Tuesday February 18th from 7am to 9am in the Resources Center Building. During this time, please do not attempt to use any water fountains, faucets, toilets or urinals.?áThis outage is necessary for the New Orleans Sewerage & Water Board to repair a fire hydrant leak in front of the building on Bolivar Street.

*EDIT* 3 pm 2/18/14 – the expected outage did not happen this morning; the outage will now begin at 4 pm.



Web of Knowledge/Science and EndNote Off-Campus Issues

If you have created a personal account to save references, searches, or to use EndNote through Web of Knowledge or Web of Science, we have discovered that you cannot successfully log in to your account when using a link for off-campus access. When on campus use?áthis link and be sure to not click the link labeled “Off Campus Access.”

If you are off campus, the only way to log in to your Web of Knowledge/Web of Science account is to go through Citrix. Once you’ve opened the web browser from the Desktop, use the on campus link and you will be able to sign in to the account you have set up for Web of Knowledge, Web of Science, and EndNote.

We will update when we have more information about this problem, but please do not hesitate to contact us if you need any assistance.